Can you use Turtle Wax on interior?

As the name implies, auto detailing is a very involved process. Detailing the interior alone can take a few hours, depending on driving conditions and how you use your car. To get a true showroom sparkle, detailing is a necessary activity, but it’s a big enough job that you probably want to do it only 2 or 3 times a year. Here in our How-To section, we have a number of handy articles to walk you through every, single step of interior detailing, but here’s a quick overview to prepare you for what’s ahead and introduce you to the tools and products that will help you do the job like a pro.


Start by removing all your loose personal items. You just want to keep them out of the way as you work. Place them in a bag or basket and move them to your trunk.

Remove all your floormats and vacuum them. Then, vacuum the seats, reclining each and making sure to get into the seams of the upholstery. Next, move on to your carpet. Move your car seats forward and backward as you vacuum so you can reach the entire floor of the car. Shampoo the floormats and carpet and clean all the upholstery. Cleaning all of these surfaces first will give your carpet, mats and seats more time to dry.

Now, it’s time to clean and condition all the interior vinyl, plastic and leather throughout your cabin. You can use an all-purpose auto interior cleaner and follow it up with a conditioning product or use an all-in-one product like our Hybrid Solutions Streak Free Mist interior detailer to save time and effort. This detailer cleans and protects against extreme temperatures and damaging UV rays. Whichever you choose, a few high-quality microfiber cloths will help do the job right. We also recommend using detailing brushes or even an air compressor to get into the cracks and crevices you can’t reach with your fingers or a cloth.

As you near the end of your detailing job, re-vacuum your seats, carpet and floormats. As you’ve worked in the car, odds are some debris settled onto those surfaces.

Lastly, clean your windshield and windows with an automotive glass cleaner and a glass-specific microfiber cloth. As a finishing touch, don’t forget to roll down each window a couple of inches and clean the window edges.

If your seats, carpet and mats aren’t dry by the time you’ve finished cleaning, we recommend the leaving the windows open if your car is in a garage or cracked if it’s outside, allowing air to circulate throughout the car interior. This will speed the drying time and help you avoid any mildew odors inside the car you worked so hard on.

Whether it’s fresh from a routine cleaning or a full-on detailing, your car will be ready to make a great impression!

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Glass Interior Cleaner does it all! The one step cleaner provides a superior clean on a variety of interior car surfaces including glass, dash, tech screens and more. It is easy to use and safe and effective on all interior hard surfaces. The interior cleaner leaves your dashboard dust-free, non-greasy while providing a layer of UV protection, but it doesn't stop there! It can also clean your glass windows and mirrors, leaving a sparkling clean and streak-free finish. Grab this 1 step product and see the results for yourself!</p><p> </p></div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="product-features" class="tab-content active"> <h3 class="tab-product-features">Features</h3> <div class="content-asset"> <ul> <li> One product for superior cleaning of glass, dash, tech screens and more </li> <li> Easy to use – safe and effective cleaning and protection for all interior hard surfaces </li> <li> Makes windows sparkling clean and streak-free for improved vision </li> <li> Leaves your dashboard dust-free, non-greasy and UV protected </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="product-reviews" class="tab-content"> <div id="BVStickyHeader" class="bv-masthead-fixed tab-container tab-content-rating hidden-sm-down"> <div class="tab-head clearfix"> <h3 class="tab-head-item is-active" data-tab-content="tab-review">Reviews</h3> </div> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-content-item tab-review reviews is-active"> <div data-bv-show="reviews" data-bv-productid="367350"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="product-recommendations" class="tab-content active"> <h3 class="tab-label hide">Recommended Products <i class="srg srg-dropdown-arrow-black"></i></h3> <div class="product-recommendation-content"> <script> (function(){ // window.CQuotient is provided on the page by the Analytics code: var cq = window.CQuotient; 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What is Turtle Wax used for?

However, this use is just one of many ways that turtle wax can handle your cleaning needs. Turtle wax can be used not only for automobile care, but for small cleaning jobs around the home. With turtle wax, a clean rag, and a bit of elbow grease, you can easily rejuvenate all sorts of home fixtures and appliances!

How to clean a car with Turtle Wax?

Use all the basic cleaners, such as soap and water for the body and window cleaner for your windows. By the time you finish, the body of your vehicle should be shiny and free of dirt. The turtle wax will work best when your car is spotless. Start washing your car at the wheels.

Can you use Turtle Wax on an outdoor grill?

The exterior of your outdoor grill can be polished and cleaned with the help of turtle wax. Spray on the turtle wax, then let it dry and wipe it clean. The grill will become less resistant to staining and rust thanks to the turtle wax. [9]

How long does it take for Turtle Wax to dry?

After letting the turtle wax fully dry, wipe it off with a clean, soft cloth. Turtle wax usually takes about 10 minutes to dry once applied. The wax should leave the mirror free of fog during your next few showers. [5] Rejuvenate metal fixtures and appliances with a thin layer of turtle wax.