Cracked grout in shower

Is Your Bathroom’s Grout Cracking? Here’s What to Do

If you’re the type of homeowner who pays attention to little details, you might find that there are sections of your bathroom grout that don’t look as good as they used to. Specifically, you might find a crack or two—especially in joints where the wall meets the tub, shower, or floor. Grout cracks may develop as a direct result of age, but they can also be products of problems during tile installation or when mixing the grout.

Read on to learn why grout cracks, how it can be repaired, and when it should be replaced.

Common Causes of Cracked Grout

When you see grout cracking only or primarily in joints, the root cause is usually movement between two surfaces. Houses are constantly moving in tiny increments as a result of foundation settling, humidity, temperature, and other factors. If the grout in a bathroom is an inflexible material, as most grout is, cracks can develop when a bathtub moves one way while a tile wall moves another way.

There are also ways in which installation can doom grout to failure, underscoring the importance of putting bathroom tile projects in the hands of a trained, qualified installer. For example, if the grout is improperly mixed with too much water or additives, it could leave air pockets after the grout has fully dried. These make the grout weak and brittle, leading to cracks.

Grout can also crack if too little adhesive is used to install the tiles. If a tile pulls away from the wall after the adhesive dries, it’s up to the grout to hold it in place—and that stress is liable to cause cracks.

Patch it Up

If you just have a few isolated areas of cracked grout, you may be able to repair them yourself. The first step is to completely remove the old grout from the affected area. If the grout is truly crumbling, this might not take much effort. But if the grout isn’t coming out easily, use a grout saw or grout removal tool to finish the job. Vacuum the crack thoroughly to capture any dust left behind.

Next, choose a replacement that is less likely to crack: silicone caulk. The primary benefit of using caulk is that it’s flexible. If your cracks are caused by shifting surfaces, a line of caulk may survive where grout failed. You’ll want to choose a color that matches your existing grout, which will probably necessitate a trip to a tile shop or large hardware store. Make sure it’s a mildew-proof caulk designed for use in wet environments, such as the bathroom.

During the application process, it’s essential to follow the caulk’s directions to the smallest detail. While this job isn’t beyond the reach of DIY amateurs, experience counts. Silicone caulk sets quickly and can be difficult to work with. Practice on scrap materials first if you’re unfamiliar with the process, and if in doubt, call in a pro.

Get a Fresh Start from Cracked Grout

Not all grout problems are quick fixes. If cracking is widespread, too severe, or caused by major underlying installation problems, you should have the situation assessed by a professional. You may be able to get by with regrouting only, a days-long process that involves removing all existing grout, reinstalling new grout, allowing it to cure, and finishing up with sealant. If there are problems beneath the tile though, the job will never be done right until you rip the tile out and start over.

When things look that dire, you may as well think big—what else isn’t working out in your old bathroom? What begins as cracked grout could lead to inspiration for the dream remodel you’ve always wanted. And a quick call to your local Benjamin Franklin is an important step toward making those dreams a reality. Contact us online or call us today at (800) 259-7705!

Cracked grout in shower

Wondering how to repair cracked shower grout? It’s a relatively simple process that any DIYer can do. Plus, instead of hiring a professional to fix cracks in shower tile grout, you’ll save money.

Let’s start with the basics. First, why does bathroom grout crack? There are a couple reasons for this. If the grout has been around awhile, then age could be the problem. It might simply be old enough that it has started to crumble. 

More commonly, however, it’s movement that causes the cracks. The walls behind your shower or the floor beneath it may shift a little with time and repeated use, and that bit of flex can cause grout to crack.

Whichever the case may be, it’s an easy fix. Here are step-by-step instructions to show you how to repair cracked shower grout.

Tools and Supplies

First, you’ll need some basic supplies:

  • Grout to match the existing shade and style — choose sanded or un-sanded grout, based on what exists in your shower
  • A grout saw, which is a small hand tool for removing grout
  • A vacuum to clean up fallen grout and debris
  • Grout trowels to apply new grout
  • A mixing trowel and a plastic container if your grout isn’t pre-mixed
  • Rags to remove excess grout once the grout lines are filled

Once you’ve gathered all the tools, the process is fairly simple: 

  1. Start with the grout saw and go over all areas of the shower where the grout has cracked, using the saw to remove the old grout from the lines between tiles. When you’ve finished this, vacuum the old fallen grout, taking care not to knock any of it down the shower drain. Then, you’ll be ready to install new grout.
  2. To fix cracks in shower tile grout, it’s best to start at the top and work in small sections. If your grout comes premixed, then you’re ready to start. Otherwise, mix a small batch of grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions on the packaging. Next, apply some of the grout to the grout trowel and press it into the lines between tiles. Use firm pressure to make sure that plenty of grout gets pressed into the lines.
  3. When you’ve re-grouted a small section of the tile, use rags and water to remove the grout film on the tile. If you’re using an epoxy grout, follow instructions on the packaging for cleaning. Epoxy grouts may require vinegar or some other compound to clean.
  4. Take care to do a thorough job washing the grout film. If you allow some of that film to cure on the tiles, “grout haze” could form. This is a cloudy layer of dried grout on the tiles. Change your wash water a few times during the process to make sure that you’re lifting as much excess grout as possible.
  5. This is also why it’s important to work in small sections. If the grout is allowed to cure, then it becomes much harder to clean afterward.
  6. Keep up with the process until you’ve finished the walls. Then, you’ll be ready to fix cracked grout in shower floor The process on the floor is the same as with the walls. However, you may want to place a rag over the shower drain to prevent pressing grout into the drain.
  7. Once all of the grout is in place and the excess is removed, then let it cure. Different grouts have different cure times, so refer to the manufacturer’s packaging to see how long you should wait. When it is cured, apply any sealants recommended by the manufacturer, and you’ll be finished!

Re-grouting a shower is also the perfect opportunity to make any upgrades. For instance, if you’re planning to install a new shower base, or if you want to upgrade the showerhead and faucet, then now is the time to do it.

View Modern Bathroom’s selection of tub and shower fixtures to find the perfect products for your upgrade.

Is cracked grout in the shower a problem?

Cracked grout is most assuredly a problem. This could also lead to a totally broken tile that will need repair or replacement. If you have cracked shower grout, two potential problems come into play. Water will make its way behind the surface of your tile.

How do you fix cracked grout in shower?

Grout Repair.
Step 1: Clean the Broken Grout. Use a 1-to-1 vinegar and water mixture for both tile and grout cleaning..
Step 2: Remove the Damaged Grout. ... .
Step 3: Dampen the Tile. ... .
Step 4: Apply the Grout. ... .
Step 5: Remove the Excess Grout. ... .
Step 6: Let the Grout Set. ... .
Step 7: Clean Up Excess Residue. ... .
Step 8: Seal the Grout..

Why is my shower tile grout cracking?

If grout is too watery, air pockets can make the grout porous and liable to break. If tiles aren't applied and adhered properly, the grout is the last line of defense against your entire tile installation falling down. The stress of holding up the weight of tile can cause grout to crack.

Can cracks in shower grout cause leaks?

Replace grout If your grout is visibly cracked or crumbling, it's likely going to be letting water behind your tiles. Even if your grout doesn't appear to be damaged, if it's not water-resistant it could potentially be the source of the leak.