Does hair grow back after thinning out

Does hair grow back after thinning out

Does hair grow back after you use thinning scissors? A simple Google search indicates tens of thousands of people asking the very same question. Using thinning scissors is not that different from styling your hair. It doesn’t affect the number of hairs you have on your head or how thick they will be. It doesn’t depend on it. Your hair grows back anew in less time.

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Facts you need to know about your hair:

The answer to the question in the article is not as simple as you would think it to be. Here are a few facts that you need to know:

Thinning scissors does allow hair growth.

Although throwing scissors can help grow the hair, it will not be in the former state they were initially in. They won’t grow back to the thickness they had before, usually. It all depends on the technique the barber has used, how they have styled your hair, and how thin they are keeping the strands. 

It really depends on how you use hair thinning scissors. If you know what you are doing, then you will not cause permanent damage or hair loss when using hair thinning shears or texturizing scissors.

Most barbers use razors.

Most barbers use a razor to thin out the hair and then style it. This is indeed an effective method, especially if you want your hair to be thin and proper.

  • Do note that the razor you are using should be adequately maintained and sharpened.
  • If it’s not, it might mess up your hair; the hairs might have split ends, which means an extreme irreversible condition where it might just fall off your head.

Using external products

If nothing else is working, you can use products to grow your hair back to the state they were initially in. 

  • Some pills are designed with hair growth in mind.
  • If you find them suspicious, you can consume basic vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth.  
  • Good conditioner and good shampoo products also help bring nourishment back to the hair. 
  • Use with extreme care, especially when the hairs are wet, though. 

Wet hairs are prone to wither out sooner. Remember that once you have thinned your hairs, you have made them vulnerable to sunlight and other elements, the wind, the cold, the rain. 

If there are no hairs to protect the scalp, it might dry off, or the roots might get damaged, leading to baldness or slow hair growth. Also, remember to use proper heat protection if you’re using any heat to flat, curl or dry your hairs.

How long until my hair grows back after using thinning shears?

Thinning out hairs too often will be disastrous to your hair. It can cause problems with your hair growth. The hairs might start falling off, or they might grow unhealthily. It’s not healthy at all for your hair to get cut at regular intervals. 

They start dying off, and you will soon get thin hairs. Human hair grows at a rate of half-inch a month on average, but if you thin them too much, the process may inevitably slow down considerably or even stop. 

Final Thoughts:

We hope this article has helped you figure out whether hair will grow back after using thinning scissors. If you have any further questions, do let us know in the comment section. Read more about hair thinning scissors here!

Does hair grow back after thinning out

Hairdressers, hairstylists and barbers all know how to use thinning scissors, but not everyone is an expert.

This may be why you are here searching for “how long does it take until my hair grows by after being ‘thinned out’”.

Thinning scissors and texturizing shears may only take a few inches of hair off in limited sections, but this depends on the hairdresser and the hairstyle.

Read more about how to use hair thinning scissors here! Or find the Top 5 Best Thinning Shears Guide Here!

The majority of the time, your hair will not have any permanent damage and will grow back relatively fast.

If your hairstylist hasn’t gone overboard, your hair should have only had sections thinned out, so you should still be safe.

Hair grows back at a rate of 1 inch (one inch) per month. Depending on how much hair has been removed, it will take anywhere between one to six months to regrow your hair after being thinned out.

The thing to watch out for is whether or not your hair is damaged due to the hair thinning scissors or texturizing shears. Read more about thinning scissor hair damage here!

If you have damaged your hair, then the growth rates may be much slower. If you have breakages or split-ends, it will take a lot longer to grow back healthier hair.

Focus on keeping your hair healthy and protected from the elements, such as heat, wind, cold, etc., and your hair should grow back at a faster rate.

3 Responses

Jessica K.

August 11, 2021

I recently had my hair thinned out thinking I would like it but I am having such a hard time styling it now. I was worried that I would never be able to have a straight cut again so I have been researching it. My hair seems to be growing very slow on the sides. I am not sure if it is growing in length at all on my right sight now. I do not know why. I use heat protection and wash my hair only 2 times a week. Will I ever be able to get my length back on my sides if it isn’t growing in as it should?

Terry Perkins

July 26, 2021

Now that the pandemic is over, I can go to my stylist on a regular basis. I was reading another article here on your site about hair-thinning scissors. In fact, I just learned that hair-thinning scissors can do a lot to help your hair. With that in mind and knowing how fast hair grows, what is the optimal time for someone with shoulder-length hair to get a haircut. How often should I get my hair done?

Henry Brookstone

July 26, 2021

Cool! I always wondered how long it takes hair to grow. Obviously, hair thinning scissors in the wrong hands can do some damage, so be careful who you entrust your hair to.

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