How can we bring smile on others face?

How can we bring smile on others face?

As Happsters, we’re always looking for new ways to spread happiness and bring a smile to someone’s face. Here are 13 ways to do just that:

1. Cook someone a nice meal.

2. Run a local fundraiser for someone struggling in your neighborhood.

3. Pick up the tab at dinner with a friend.

4. Give someone a note of appreciation! (If you don’t have one, get some free happy notes here)

5. Tell someone close to you how much they mean to you.

6. Add money to an expired meter.

7. Lend an ear to a friend who needs someone to talk to.

8. Remember someone’s name the first time you hear it.

9. Give a friend a hug.

10. Surprise someone!

11. Say I love you.

12. Leave flowers on someone’s front porch.

13. SMILE…It’s contagious!

How do you spread happiness? Let me know in the comments!

How can we bring smile on others face?

There’s nothing like making someone’s day better. When you do something special and give joy to others, you get more joy out of it. If you want to put a smile on someone’s face this World Smile Day, make it happen in the following ways. 

Simply Smile

How can we bring smile on others face?

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It takes nothing to smile at a loved one or a stranger. But the amount of joy it brings is incomparable.

Give a compliment

How can we bring smile on others face?

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Give a sincere compliment. It can mean a lot to someone, especially if it’s for something close to that person’s heart.

Express Gratitude

How can we bring smile on others face?

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We often take what others do to help or support us for granted. Express your gratitude even for the smallest things, like the food your mother cooks, your father’s unconditional support or how your sibling is always there to listen when you need it. 

Surprise Gifting

How can we bring smile on others face?

Be it a single-stemmed rose or a box of chocolates; the gifts and treats are always appreciated when they’re given spontaneously. Bring a smile on your loved ones’ faces with surprise gifting.

Give a Hug

How can we bring smile on others face?

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When you see someone had a bad day or week, give them a tight hug and make all the stress go away. It will change their mood surprisingly quickly.

Share your Food

How can we bring smile on others face?

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Having food together helps you know each other & discover things about them. Cook your friend’s favourite food if they had a bad day. It can really cheer them up. They’ll appreciate such a thoughtful gesture.

Just Listen

How can we bring smile on others face?

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Sometimes all people want from you is – to listen. Be fully attentive when they’re talking. It will show how much you care and will brighten their day instantly.

A handwritten letter

How can we bring smile on others face?

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Whether you have to express love, say sorry or thank you, convey your heartfelt feelings in a handwritten letter. The compliments crafted in a letter wrapped in an envelope and stamped with love will surely make the recipient smile.

Turn that frown into a smile in these thoughtful ways.

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About the author

How can I make people smile?

Tips for Making People Smile.
Do a Random Act of Kindness. Do something kind for someone. ... .
Give a Compliment. Complimenting a friend, family member, partner, coworker, or stranger can make someone smile and improve their day. ... .
Say Hello and Smile. Smiles are contagious!.

What brings smile on face?

How to Put a Smile on Your Face in Less Than 10 Minutes.
Listen to one of your favorite songs. ... .
Think about someone who has had a major positive influence in your life. ... .
Feel gratitude! ... .
Cherish the sun! ... .
Call someone you love and tell them you love them. ... .
Drop any expectations you have in the world. ... .
Chocolate time..

How do you make strangers smile?

Don't wait for people to smile. Show them how. Let your guard down..
Smile often..
Hold a door open for someone..
Pay for the person in line behind you..
Send a hand-written thank you card to someone who assisted you with something..
Clean out all your old clothes and donate them to someone in need..

How do you make someone smile in words?

How to Make Someone Smile with Words.
1 Compliment them genuinely..
2 Crack a few jokes to make them laugh..
3 Give some words of encouragement..
4 Express your gratitude..
5 Offer to help them..
6 Share that you thought about them recently..
7 Ask them if they need anything..
8 Say that you miss them if they live far away..