How do I measure 250 grams in cups?

›› Convert gram [sugar] to cup [US]

›› More information from the unit converter

How many grams in 1 cups? The answer is 201.6.
We assume you are converting between gram [sugar] and cup [US].
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
grams or cups
The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter.
1 cubic meter is equal to 852113.36848478 grams, or 4226.7528198649 cups.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Use this page to learn how to convert between grams and cups.
Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!

›› Quick conversion chart of grams to cups

1 grams to cups = 0.00496 cups

10 grams to cups = 0.0496 cups

50 grams to cups = 0.24802 cups

100 grams to cups = 0.49603 cups

200 grams to cups = 0.99206 cups

500 grams to cups = 2.48016 cups

1000 grams to cups = 4.96032 cups

›› Want other units?

You can do the reverse unit conversion from cups to grams, or enter any two units below:

›› Common volume conversions

grams to cubic foot
grams to shot
grams to cubic kilometer
grams to litro
grams to microlitro
grams to hectare meter
grams to dessertspoon
grams to UK gallon
grams to centilitre
grams to attolitre

›› Definition: Gram

This is the amount of sugar, often measured as 4.2 grams per teaspoon on a nutrition facts label.

›› Metric conversions and more provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data. Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!

Calculate the quantity of US cups in any quantity of grams

To use this converter, please choose the unit of mass (weight), the unit of volume to convert to, the mass value, the desired ingredient ten click on the button 'CONVERT IT!'.

'Weight' to Volume Converter

I need to convert ...

weight ?Enter the amount of the mass measurement (weight). The calculator accepts fractional values such as: 1/2 (half), 1/3 (1 third), etc.
unit ? Choose the unit of mass (Kilogram, milligram, ounce, etc.)
of to ingredient?Choose an ingredient, or the substance, by typing its name in the box on the left.
unit ? Choose the volume unit (cup, liter, ml, etc.) and then click on the 'Calculate!'


250 grams of water equals 1.06 ( ~ 1) US cups.

(*) or more precisely 1.0566882094326 US cups. All figures are approximate.


Grams of water to US cups Chart

Grams of water to US cups
160 grams of water = 0.676 US cup
170 grams of water = 0.719 US cup
180 grams of water = 0.761 US cup
190 grams of water = 0.803 US cup
200 grams of water = 0.845 US cup
210 grams of water = 0.888 US cup
220 grams of water = 0.93 US cup
230 grams of water = 0.972 US cup
240 grams of water = 1.01 US cups
250 grams of water = 1.06 US cups

Grams of water to US cups
250 grams of water = 1.06 US cups
260 grams of water = 1.1 US cups
270 grams of water = 1.14 US cups
280 grams of water = 1.18 US cups
290 grams of water = 1.23 US cups
300 grams of water = 1.27 US cups
310 grams of water = 1.31 US cups
320 grams of water = 1.35 US cups
330 grams of water = 1.39 US cups
340 grams of water = 1.44 US cups

Note: some values may be rounded.

FAQs on water volume to weight conversion

250 grams of water equals how many US cups?

250 grams of water is equivalent 1.06 ( ~ 1) US cups.

How much is 1.06 US cups of water in grams?

1.06 US cups of water equals 250 grams.

Notes on ingredient measurements

It is a bit tricky to get an accurate food conversion since its characteristics change according to humidity, temperature, or how well packed the ingredient is. Ingredients that contain the terms sliced, minced, diced, crushed, chopped add uncertainties to the measurements. A good practice is to measure ingredients by weight, not by volume so that the error is decreased.


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, neither this website nor its authors are responsible for any errors or omissions. Therefore, the contents of this site are not suitable for any use involving risk to health, finances or property.

What is 250 grams to cups?

250 grams are equal to 1 cup according to the metric system.

Is 250g the same as 1 cup?

Here is your one-stop shop on the different metrics used in cooking but most importantly how many grams are in a cup. ... Metric Cups and Spoons..

How much is 250g in cooking?
