How do you reheat frozen steak?

  • Trim beef to ensure safe and even defrosting.
  • Separate cuts into meal-size portions.
  • Flatten butcher's mince before packing, so it defrosts evenly.
  • Place beef in good-quality plastic bags and wrap in foil for extra protection.
  • Remove excess air and seal securely.
  • Label the bags with the cut name, weight, amount and date of packaging.
  • Freeze up to the recommended storage time for your particular cut.

Freezer storage times for fresh beef


Ideal temperature -18°C to -15°C

Fresh beef cuts

Beef sausages 1-2 months
Beef mince 2-3 months
Beef strips 2-3 months
Diced beef 2-3 months
Thin steaks (minute) 2-3 months
Steaks 3-4 months
Roasts (boned and rolled) 4-6 months
Roasts (bone in) 4-6 months
Corned beef (fresh) 4-6 months
Vacuum-packed meat (unopened)   4-6 months  

Cooked beef dishes

All cooked beef dishes 1 month

Safety Matters!

Freezing beef prolongs storage time because it prevents microbial growth. Follow the recommended storage times to enjoy beef at its best and safest.

Kitchen Science

Why freezer storage times for cooked beef dishes are shorter than fresh beef 

Certain flavours in cooked dishes, such as onion and garlic, oxidise in the freezer over time – it's known as flavour tainting. Because many cooked beef dishes contain one or both of these ingredients, we recommend storing for no more than one month to keep the flavours tasting fresh.

How to defrost raw beef in the fridge

The best way to defrost beef is to leave it in the fridge until completely thawed. You'll need to plan ahead, but the tender, juicy results are worth the wait!

  • Remove beef from freezer and separate portions.
  • Keep beef in freezer wrapping and place it on a dish.
  • Store on bottom shelf of fridge until thawed and consume within the recommended fridge storage time.

Frozen fresh beef average thawing times 

Beef cut
 Thawing time
Large roast 4–7 hours per 500g
Small roast 3–5 hours per 500g
Steaks (about 3cm thick) About 12 hours or overnight.

How to defrost raw beef in the microwave

Pressed for time? Defrosting beef in the microwave is a saviour when you need to speed things up.

  • Remove freezer bag or wrap. This prevents your beef from sitting in 'drip' and stewing while defrosting.
  • If freezer wrap doesn't come off easily, wait a few minutes and try again.
  • Discard any Styrofoam trays – they're not microwave safe.
  • Use the pre-programmed ‘defrost’ setting on your microwave.
  • When defrosting mince, remove outer portions from the dish as they thaw, and set aside.
  • If the edges of cuts feel warm, stop microwaving and allow beef to stand for a few minutes until the edges are cold again.
  • Cook beef immediately after defrosting. Make sure it doesn't stand for any length of time at room temperature or in the fridge.

Safety Matters!

Refreezing defrosted raw beef

Always cook defrosted beef before refreezing to ensure the greatest beef experience and avoid any microbial risk.

Kitchen Science 

Beef cuts contain a high percentage of water. When frozen, tiny ice crystals form within the meat's structure. These crystals rupture the fibre of the meat, causing it to leach water when defrosted. That's why, apart from being potentially unsafe, repeated freezing causes beef to dry out.

How to reheat cooked beef in the microwave

Pre-prepared meals are a lifesaver when you need to get that hot meal on the table in minutes. For a fast, safe and tasty result, follow our expert tips: 

  • Reheat your beef dish in individual portions.
  • Place veggies in the centre of the plate and the beef around the outside.
  • Sprinkle beef with a little water or stock to prevent it drying out.
  • Cover with a microwave lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap to trap steam and keep the meal moist.
  • Place plate towards the outside of the microwave turntable.
  • Reheat meal for 2 minutes on high, and then stand for 1 minute. 
  • Feel the centre bottom of the plate to ensure meal is thoroughly heated.
  • To assist with even heating, turn plate halfway through the cooking time.
  • Take care when removing the lid or plastic wrap – the steam released can burn!

How to reheat casseroles in the microwave

  • Place casserole in a deep-sided dish. Cover dish to speed reheating and trap moisture. 
  • Position casserole dish on the outside of the turntable.
  • Reheat on a high setting. Timing will vary on the casserole quantity.
  • Stir occasionally during reheating to distribute the heat.
  • Wait until the casserole is piping hot and has bubbled for at least 2 minutes. 
  • Look out for the hot steam when removing the lid! 

Safety Matters!

Microwave reheating 

Have you noticed how you get cold spots in food when you're cooking in the microwave? Pesky microorganisms can survive in these cold spots. Make sure you: 

  • Follow microwave or ready-meal cooking instructions.
  • Trap steam by covering food with a lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap.
  • Stir food and turn large items over during cooking. Rotate the dish once or twice – even if you have a rotating turntable.
  • Cut food into similarly sized pieces or arrange thicker pieces on the outside of the dish.

Don't forget – food continues to cook after microwaving. Always wait 3–5 minutes, or for the recommended standing time, before tucking in.

How do you reheat a frozen cooked steak?

How to Reheat Steak.
PREHEAT. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. ... .
REHEAT. Transfer baking sheet to oven and warm until the steaks register 110 degrees (roughly 30 minutes for 1½-inch-thick steaks, but timing will vary according to thickness and size)..
SEAR. ... .

Can you freeze and reheat steak?

How long does cooked steak last in the freezer? Properly stored, it will maintain best quality for about 2 to 3 months, but will remain safe beyond that time. The freezer time shown is for best quality only - cooked steak that has been kept constantly frozen at 0°F will keep safe indefinitely.

What's the best way to reheat steak?

The best way to reheat steak is in a low-temperature oven for around 30 minutes. You can also reheat steak properly in a microwave, skillet, or air fryer. For juicy results, let the steak come to room temperature before reheating and sear it at the end.

Can I reheat cooked beef from frozen?

To reheat frozen meat, do so in a 350F degree oven, covered so it doesn't dry out. Insert a knife into the thickest part of the meat and if it's hot to the touch you'll know the inside is too. Freeze meat right in its marinade and let it soak up the flavour as it defrosts.