How do you say history in spanish

Afrocentric - Afrocentrism - anamnesis - ancient history - annals - background information - baggage - case history - chronicle - chronicler - cliometrician - common ancestry - Credit Report - curriculum vitae - Directory - electronic records - etymologically - ever - from age to age - golden age - golden past - historian - historic - historically - historicism - historiography - history teacher - in all the ages - in prehistoric times - insurance score - life story - log - log file - medical record - of all time - on record - page - past - past history - past time - police record - prehistoric - prehistoric animals - prehistoric times - prehistory - primitive - professional record - record - revisionism - revisionist


antecedente - historia - historial - a lo largo de la historia - antecedente familiar - antecedentes financieros - antecedentes laborales - antecedentes médicos - cambiar el rumbo de la historia - cuadro clínico - curso de la historia - datos clínicos - el resto es cuento - hacer época - historia clínica - Historia del Arte - historia natural - historia personal - historia sacra - historial médico - historial profesional - historificar - intrahistoria - ir dejando huellas - la historia se repite - los avatares de la historia - marcar un hito - no tener antecedentes - pasar a la historia - predisposición familiar - prehistoria - ya es historia

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How do you say history in spanish


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How do you say history in spanish
How do you say history in spanish

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to go down in history pasar a la historia;as como; to make history hacer época; marcar un hito; to know the inner history of an affair conocer el secreto de un asunto; he has a history of psychiatric disorder tiene antecedentes de problemas psiquiátricos; the highest salary in television history el sueldo más alto de la historia de la televisión; a piece of history un trozo or fragmento de la historia

A unique piece of history is going under the auctioneer's hammer later today in London — a handwritten report on the sinking of the passenger ship, the Lusitania It would be something to show their children and their grandchildren, a piece of history for the family scrapbook

that's ancient history esa es cosa vieja

the rest is history el resto ya lo sabéis; el resto ya es historia

A job with the company was advertised in the Daily Telegraph. I applied and the rest is history After Saint Laurent left hospital, he was persuaded to start his own fahion house, which he did in 1961. The rest is history

A language more appropriate for immediacy than for history, for immanence rather than for myth or tradition.

Un lenguaje m�s propicio para la inmediatez que para la historia, para la inmanencia que para el mito o la tradici�n.

Experienced translators, editors, proofreaders, desktop publishing clerks or typists working in one of the six official languages and wishing to be considered for employment on


a temporary basis with LSP should e-mail a current curriculum

[...] vitae or WMO Personal History Form to the LSP Department.

Los traductores, editores, correctores de pruebas, oficiales de edici�n electr�nica o mecan�grafos experimentados que trabajan en uno de los seis idiomas oficiales y deseen conseguir un contrato de temporero en el Departamento pueden mandar por correo


electr�nico su curr�culum vitae actualizado o

[...] el formulario de antecedentes personales de la [...]

OMM al Departamento de Servicios Ling��sticos y Publicaciones.

It is the outcome of a history of efforts and a [...]

reflection of delicate balances.

Es fruto de una historia de esfuerzos y reflejo [...]

de dedicados equilibrios.

When you enter the data, it's

[...] displayed in the history area and the [...]

number of values you have entered is displayed in the calculation area.

Cuando especifique los datos, aparecer�n

[...] en el �rea de historial y los n�meros [...]

de los valores especificados aparecer�n en el �rea de c�lculo.

[...] background in contemporary art history and holds a position of Media [...]

Claire tiene estudios en Historia del Arte Contempor�neo y es productora [...]

Diagnosis of a lumbar strain is usually confirmed with

[...] a complete medical history and physical examination.

El diagn�stico de la distensi�n lumbar se suele confirmar mediante

[...] un examen f�sico y la historia m�dica completos.

Deep in this reciprocity is an


underlying area of negotiations between the subject of the

[...] aesthetic experience and the history of artistic representations.

En el fondo de esta reciprocidad


subyace un �rea de negociaciones entre el sujeto de la

[...] experiencia est�tica y la historia de las representaciones [...]

The history of the present Chinese [...]

regime begins with the tragic defeat of the proletarian movement in Canton and Shanghai in 1927.

La historia del actual r�gimen chino [...]

comienza con la tr�gica derrota del movimiento proletario en los hechos de Cant�n y Shanghai en 1927.

This is an era in which we are starting to

[...] [...] on cultures that do not form a part of the history of art, and where difference and marginality [...]

Es la �poca en que empiezan a celebrarse exposiciones

[...] [...] integradas en la historia del arte y donde toma relieve el elogio de la diferencia y la marginalidad.

World history is full of accounts [...]

of repression for religious motives.

La historia mundial est� repleta [...]

de historias de represi�n por motivos religiosos.

This outlook may seem unreal, but it shows how we are entering into a

[...] completely new phase in economic history.

Aunque pueda parecer incre�ble, es una perspectiva que demuestra c�mo estamos entrando en una fase absolutamente

What is the Spanish word of history?

Historia is a noun that means history or story and you can find out how to pronounce it here: In English the meanings of history and story often overlap.

How do you say throughout history in Spanish?

See Google Translate's machine translation of 'throughout history'. ... throughout history..

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Translations. fecha Noun. fecha, la ~ (f) date, the ~ Noun.

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Phrase. ¿cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?