How far apart is Kissimmee and Orlando?

The distance from Kissimmee to Orlando is 29 kilometers by road including 4 kilometers on motorways. Road takes approximately 22 minutes.

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PointDistanceFuelKissimmee0 km0.0 LOrlando29 km1.9 L

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Kissimmee to Orlando?

Fuel cost: 3.8 AUD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 29 km / 100 km) * (Fuel consumption 8 L/100 km) * (Fuel price 1.66 AUD / L)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How far is Kissimmee to Orlando by land?

The distance between Kissimmee and Orlando is 29 km by road including 4 km on motorways.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Kissimmee and Orlando respectively.

 driving distance = 20 miles

The distance by car is 35 km.  Follow the Kissimmee to Orlando driving route along S John Young Pkwy.  Get driving directions from Kissimmee to Orlando.

 flight distance = 17 miles

The straight line distance between Kissimmee and Orlando is 27 kilometers.

 Travel time from Kissimmee, FL to Orlando, FL

 How long does it take to drive?

 How long does it take to fly?

This is estimated based on the Kissimmee to Orlando distance by plane of 17 miles.

 Kissimmee, Florida

What's the distance to Kissimmee, FL from where I am now?

 Orlando, Florida

How far is Orlando, FL from me?

If you're looking for a meeting place or a good stop around ½ or halfway between Kissimmee and Orlando, you can try Oak Ridge, FL, which is about half an hour north of Kissimmee, or about 17 minutes southwest of Orlando.

About ¼ or a fourth of the way, you can stop at Meadow Woods, FL. This is about 10 minutes north of Kissimmee.

About ⅓ or a third of the way, you can stop at Southchase, FL. This is about 13 minutes north of Kissimmee.

Nonstop driving from Kissimmee to Orlando

If you drive straight through without stopping at all, the total distance is 22 miles. The distances shown above don't include local roads to get into each town, so if you're planning a long road trip, make sure you factor in traffic and road conditions, rest stop breaks, and interesting detours along the way. If you're in a rush, you can do the trip with zero stops, and your total travel time would be around 37 minutes.

The state of Florida is widely known for its two poignant cities- Kissimmee and Orlando. Both these cities, located in close proximity to each other, are centers of major tourist sites. While Kissimmee embraces Discovery Cove and Gatorland, Orlando leaves its mark with sites like Walt Disney Land and Universal Orlando. These cities have also expanded their business sector featuring world-class enterprises.

For visiting these places and benefiting from enterprises, visiting Kissimmee or Orlando can be excellent. Travelers from Kissimmee, FL, to Orlando, FL can have a variety of convenient travel modes at their disposal. Choices like road trips or buses are the most popular among tourists whereas jets and driving are preferred by working professionals. However, the other influencing factors can include travel time and distance between the said cities.

Non-stop Drive from Kissimmee to Orlando

Driving Distance

22 miles or 35 km

Driving Time

35 minutes

Non-stop driving is where you can make limited or zero stops while completing the distance from Kissimmee to Orlando by car. You can drive your own car/van or employ a rental service. The numerous vehicle options available under non-stop driving make this travel mode unique and preferable.

Estimated Driving Time from Kissimmee, Florida to Orlando, Florida

Average SpeedTravel Time30 mph (48 km/h)02 hours, 44 minutes40 mph (64 km/h)02 hours, 3 minutes50 mph (80 km/h)01 hours, 38 minutes60 mph (97 km/h)01 hours, 22 minutes70 mph (112 km/h)01 hours, 10 minutes75 mph (120 km/h)01 hours, 5 minutes

The route which you can take to cover travel the miles from Kissimmee to Orlando is described here:

  • Florida’s Turnpike: The most popular toll road in Florida, Florida’s Turnpike stretches over 265 miles or 426 km. Passing through Miami and Wildwood, this road spans from south to north respectively. Kissimmee, FL, to Orlando, FL can be traveled via this route by following the given directions.
    • Merge with Florida’s Turnpike.
    • You can take Exit 259 towards I-4 road.
    • Then you are required to keep right at the Y-Junction.
    • Take exit 83 afterward.
    • From here, continue onto S Garland Ave. and take the right at W Church St.
    • Take the next right at S Orange Ave. to get to Orlando in Florida.

Note: At times, Florida’s Turnpike might be characterized by heavy traffic. In such times, you can travel directly via the I-4 E route.

Road Trips from Kissimmee to Orlando

Many travelers may head to Orlando/Kissimmee for vacations or for a quick holiday. To such travelers, we suggest a leisure road trip from Kissimme, Florida, to Orlando. Road trips to such cities in Florida can give you the most joyous and wildest experiences, especially when taken with friends.

Here are some places where you find great things to do in Kissimmee/ Orlando:

  • Gatorland
  • Orlando Premium Outlets-International DR
  • Lake Eola Park

The time taken to travel the distance from Kissimmee, Florida, to Orlando, Florida via a road trip journey is given below:

Road Trip Time

1 Day

Travel Time

44 Minutes

The following itinerary covers all the above-given locations and also mentions the places to stay in Kissimmee/Orlando:

  • You can commence your journey in Kissimmee.
  • Drive for about 10 minutes to reach Gatorland. Gatorland offers adventurous experiences and fun activities. Here, you can stay at Marriott’s Grande Vista or have fun golfing at the Hunter’s Creek Golf Club.
  • After leaving Gatorland, driving for roughly 15 minutes will help you to reach Orlando Premium Outlets-International DR. All your shopping needs can be met at this major shopping center. Some nearby hotels can include Hyatt Place Orlando, Comfort Suites, and Extended Stay America Orlando.
  • To get to Lake Eola Park, you will have to drive for approximately 14 to 15 minutes. Here, you can rent paddle boats, enjoy bird-watching, attend a live concert, and relax at the beautiful flower beds. You may stay at this location for about an hour.
  • At last, you can drive for about 5 minutes to arrive in Orlando, Florida.

Tip: When you are traveling with children from Kissimmee, FL, to Orlando, FL, including more places in your road trip might make it more exciting and entertaining.

To further enjoy your road trip, you can travel to Daytona Beach. Click here to find out how to conveniently travel from Orlando to Daytona Beach.

Flying Non-stop between Kissimmee and Orlando

Some of the best enterprises across the globe can be found in Orlando. This can be a significant reason for people to visit this city from Kissimmee. They can choose to travel the distance from Orlando to Kissimmee by flying non-stop. This mode of travel can be stress-free, secure, and promise luxurious comfort.

The available non-stop flying options can comprise:

  • Private jets, that are expensive, or,
  • Helicopters, that are fairly expensive, or,
  • Public planes, that are budget-friendly

How far is it from Orlando to Kissimmee via these direct flights is explained below:

Flying Distance

17 miles or 27 km

Flying Time

30 minutes

Note: Any option of non-stop flying can be completely safe when accompanied by good flying conditions. Therefore, before flying from Orlando, FL, to Kissimmee, FL, it is suggested that you make sure to determine the suitability of the weather conditions.

Flying can be the most comfortable mode of choice for some travelers. Hence, you can utilize this option to visit other fun locations in Florida like Miami. To understand the various travel modes and the distance from Orlando to Miami, you can click here.

Bus Transportation between Kissimmee to Orlando

With the mode of bus transport being available for visiting Kissimmee or Orlando, several travelers can comfortably start their trips. Whether or not the travelers’ budgets are low, this mode can provide both affordable and expensive tickets. When traveling by bus from Kissimmee to Orlando, you can enjoy the top-quality services as well.

Here, the distance from Kissimmee to Orlando via public bus transportation is given:

Driving Distance

28 km or 17 miles

Driving Time

14 to 15 minutes

Route: Buses between Kissimmee and Orlando usually travel by the Bill Beck BLVD route and the McCoy road. The McLeod Rd. can be another preferred bus route.

The main bus stop locations during the bus journey from Kissimmee, Florida, to Orlando, Florida are:

  • Gateway Plaza
  • Irlo Bronson
  • Universal Studios

Buses can extend their services to many other important cities like Jacksonville. You can find here the details about the bus journey and the other transport modes between the cities of Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.

Summing Up

This guide not only described the different travel choices from Kissimmee, FL, to Orlando, FL but also mentioned the time taken by them. The most important factor, the distance between the cities, was discussed. The driving directions mentioned should help you to reach Kissimmee/Orlando without any confusion.

To avail yourself of more such explanatory travel guides, you can visit our page. Here, you can find how far is Eugene to Portland by different options. You might also want to read how far is Charlotte to Atlanta on our page.

Which is better Kissimmee or Orlando?

As per reports, Orlando is slightly above the national average, while Kissimmee is slightly below. Tourists can enjoy the voyage to the Magic World and its neighborhood and explore the state's finest scenery without breaking the bank by staying at Kissimmee.

Is Kissimmee considered Orlando?

It is a Principal City of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, Florida, Metropolitan Statistical Area, which had a 2020 population of 2,673,376. The Census Bureau defines an urban area with Kissimmee as the principal city, which is separated from the Orlando urban area.

Is Kissimmee or Orlando closer to Disney World?

According to Google Maps, Kissimmee, Florida is only 12 miles away from the Walt Disney World Resort. That actually makes it a little bit closer than Orlando (15 miles) and the Orlando International Airport (17 miles).

How far is Kissimmee from Disney?

If you're traveling by car, there's a direct route from Kissimmee to Walt Disney World® Resort. Magic Kingdom sits at the end of World Drive, which is accessible via W192, I-4, and Osceola Parkway, from any major road. Distance from Kissimmee: 10.7 miles, 25 minutes by car.