How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

Distance from Wisconsin to Davenport is 291 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 181 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Wisconsin and Davenport is 291 km= 181 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Wisconsin to Davenport, It takes 0.32 hours to arrive.

How to get from Wisconsin to Davenport

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There are 6 ways to get from Wisconsin to Davenport by bus, train, car, plane or shuttle

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.


  1. Take the bus from Milwaukee, WI to Chicago
  2. Take the bus from Chicago, Il to Davenport, Ia

Train, bus

  1. Take the train from Milwaukee to Chicago Union Station
  2. Take the bus from Chicago, Il to Davenport, Ia

Train, bus via Galesburg

  1. Take the train from Milwaukee to Chicago Union Station
  2. Take the train from Chicago Union Station to Galesburg Amtrak Station
  3. Take the bus from Galesburg, Il to Davenport, Ia


  1. Drive from Milwaukee to Davenport

Train, fly

  1. Take the train from Kenosha to Clybourn
  2. Fly from Chicago O'Hare (ORD) to Moline (MLI)

Bus, shuttle

  1. Take the bus from Milwaukee, WI - Amtrak to O'Hare Term 1,2,3
  2. Take a shuttle bus from O'Hare International Airport to Moline, IL

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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I allowed to travel from Wisconsin to Davenport?

Yes, travel within United States is currently allowed.

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What are the travel restrictions in Davenport?

Domestic travel is not restricted, but some conditions may apply

  • Face masks are recommended
  • There is a social distancing requirement of 2 metres
  • Observe COVID-19 safety rules

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What is the national COVID-19 helpline number in Davenport?

The national COVID-19 helpline number in Davenport is 800-232-4636.

Do I have to wear a face mask on public transport in Davenport?

Wearing a face mask on public transport in Davenport is recommended.

What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Davenport?

Make yourself known to an official member of staff and/or call the national coronavirus helpline number on 800-232-4636.

Last updated: 21 Dec 2022
Exceptions may apply, for full details: Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC).

We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.
This information is compiled from official sources. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.
Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help.

Questions & Answers

What is the most cost-effective way to get from Wisconsin to Davenport?

The cost-effective way to get from Wisconsin to Davenport is to drive, which costs $55 - $85 and takes 3h 34m.

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What is the fastest way to get from Wisconsin to Davenport?

The quickest way to get from Wisconsin to Davenport is to drive which costs $55 - $85 and takes 3h 34m.

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Is there a direct bus between Wisconsin and Davenport?

No, there is no direct bus from Wisconsin to Davenport. However, there are services departing from Milwaukee, WI and arriving at Davenport, Ia via Chicago, Il. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 5h 50m.

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How far is it from Wisconsin to Davenport?

The distance between Wisconsin and Davenport is 331 km. The road distance is 338.1 km.

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How do I travel from Wisconsin to Davenport without a car?

The best way to get from Wisconsin to Davenport without a car is to bus which takes 5h 50m and costs $65 - $130.

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How long does it take to get from Wisconsin to Davenport?

It takes approximately 5h 50m to get from Wisconsin to Davenport, including transfers.

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Where do I catch the Wisconsin to Davenport bus from?

Wisconsin to Davenport bus services, operated by Megabus, depart from Milwaukee, WI station.

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How long is the flight from Wisconsin to Davenport?

The quickest flight from Chicago O'Hare Airport to Moline Airport is the direct flight which takes 54 min.

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Where does the Wisconsin to Davenport bus arrive?

Wisconsin to Davenport bus services, operated by Burlington Trailways, arrive at Davenport, Ia station.

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Can I drive from Wisconsin to Davenport?

Yes, the driving distance between Wisconsin to Davenport is 338 km. It takes approximately 3h 34m to drive from Wisconsin to Davenport.

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What companies run services between Wisconsin, USA and Davenport, IA, USA?

You can take a bus from Milwaukee to Davenport via Chicago and Chicago, Il in around 5h 50m.

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

United Airlines

Websiteunited.comAve. Duration1h 7mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$180 - $750

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

American Airlines

Websiteaa.comAve. Duration58 minWhenEvery dayEstimated price$220 - $750

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?


Amtrak is a rail service that connects the US and three Canadian provinces. Covering 21,000 route miles (34,000km) Amtrak operates more than 300 trains daily. These medium and long distance intercity services operate at speeds of up to 240km/h, to more than 500 destinations. Founded in 1971, it is based in Washington, D.C. and offers four classes of travel: First Class, Sleeper, Business and Coach. Ticket fares are divided into five subclasses: Saver, Value, Flexible, Business and Premium. Amtrak trains are known for their wide seats, plug-in power, big windows and storage capabilities.

Phone+1 800-872-7245Websiteamtrak.comAve. Duration1h 29mFrequencyEvery 4 hoursEstimated price$40 - $60WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$40 - $60Premium$280 - $390Flexi Coach Seat$60 - $90Business Seat$55 - $85Ave. Duration2h 38mFrequency4 times a day Estimated price$50 - $70WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$50 - $70Premium$290 - $410Flexi Coach Seat$80 - $120Business Seat$80 - $120

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?


How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?


How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

Burlington Trailways

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

Greyhound USA

Greyhound is a leading bus company based in Dallas, Texas, serving over 3800 destinations across North America, Mexico and Canada. Greyhound carries around 18 million passengers a year who travel 5.4 billion miles (8.6 billion km) a year on their fleet of around 1700 vehicles. For travel flexibility, you can board or get off a Greyhound bus at official Greyhound stations, partner stations and curbside stops. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the US where you can both catch your bus and buy tickets, that are also available on the official website and via the mobile app.

Phone+1 214-849-8100/1-800-231-2222EmailWebsitegreyhound.comAve. Duration4h 5mFrequencyTwice dailyEstimated price$35 - $50Websitegreyhound.comEconomy$35 - $50Flexible$65 - $95

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

Wisconsin Coach Lines

How far is Davenport Iowa from the Wisconsin border?

Act II Transport

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More Questions & Answers

Which airlines fly from Chicago O'Hare Airport to Moline Airport?

American Airlines and United Airlines offer flights from Chicago O'Hare Airport to Moline Airport.

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Where can I stay near Davenport?

There are 62+ hotels available in Davenport. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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Trips from Wisconsin

Trips to Davenport

What is Davenport Iowa known for?

Home to a variety of craft breweries, fun local shops, and nationally recognized chains, Davenport is the largest city in the QC metro. Experience the many restaurants, museums, nightlife, live music venues, farmers market, historic and unique hotel properties, and a casino resort that are all QC originals.

What is Davenport Iowa close to?

Davenport is located approximately 170 miles (270 km) west of Chicago and 170 miles (270 km) east of the Iowa state capital of Des Moines. The city is located about 200 miles (320 km) north of St. Louis, Missouri, and 265 miles (426 km) southeast of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

How far is Davenport to Milwaukee?

How far is it from Davenport to Milwaukee? The distance between Davenport and Milwaukee is 173 miles. The road distance is 213.2 miles.

Is Davenport Iowa a good place to live?

Overall, Davenport is a great city to live and grow a family! The city is very diverse and expanding each day. There is always something to do, even if it's just going outside and enjoying nature. I like that Davenport is diverse, has a lot of arts programming, and a thriving downtown area.