How far is New York from New Hampshire by plane?

53 minutes

Flight map from New York to New Hampshire

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Flying time from New York to New Hampshire

The total flight duration from New York to New Hampshire is 53 minutes.

This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.

If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at the destination, you may want to see if there's a time difference between New York and New Hampshire.

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from New York to New Hampshire ("as the crow flies"), which is about 192 miles or 310 kilometers.

Your trip begins in the state of New York.
It ends in the state of New Hampshire.

Your flight direction from New York to New Hampshire is Northeast (62 degrees from North).

The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

Flight time calculator

Travelmath provides an online flight time calculator for all types of travel routes. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the great circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to figure out how long a typical flight would take. Find your travel time to estimate the length of a flight between airports, or ask how long it takes to fly from one city to another.

53 minutes

Flight map from New Hampshire to New York

Open this map directly on Google Maps.

More trip calculations

Flying time from New Hampshire to New York

The total flight duration from New Hampshire to New York is 53 minutes.

This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.

If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at the destination, you may want to see if there's a time difference between New Hampshire and New York.

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from New Hampshire to New York ("as the crow flies"), which is about 192 miles or 310 kilometers.

Your trip begins in the state of New Hampshire.
It ends in the state of New York.

Your flight direction from New Hampshire to New York is Southwest (-116 degrees from North).

The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

Flight time calculator

Travelmath provides an online flight time calculator for all types of travel routes. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the great circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to figure out how long a typical flight would take. Find your travel time to estimate the length of a flight between airports, or ask how long it takes to fly from one city to another.

Distance from New Hampshire to New York is 342 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 213 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between New Hampshire and New York is 342 km= 213 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from New Hampshire to New York, It takes 0.38 hours to arrive.

Given below is the flight time from New York, United States to Manchester, NH, United States. Flight time calculator to calculate time taken to reach Manchester, NH from New York by air. The nearest airport to New York is John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and the nearest airport to Manchester, NH is Manchester-boston Regional Airport (MHT)

New York
Manchester, NH

Flight time from New York to Manchester, NH is 1 hour 9 minutes

Non-Stop flight duration from LGA to MHT is 1 hour 9 minutes (Operated by Delta Air Lines)

Non-stop flight time is around 1 hour 15 minutes.

Quickest one-stop flight takes close to 4 hours. However, some airlines could take as long as 26 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

Non-stop flight time from United States (JFK) to United States (MHT) by different airlines

Most of the flights by major airlines departing from New York arrive at Manchester-boston Regional Airport, the major airport in Manchester, NH

1 hour 9 minutes
How far is New York from New Hampshire by plane?
  Delta Air Lines

Number of Airports in Manchester, NH : 1 International Airport  
Number of Airports in New York : 2 International Airport

Distance Between New York, United States & Manchester, NH, United States is 320 Kilo Meters

Flight time from New York to Manchester, NH via Charlotte • JFK to MHT via CLT

Flight duration from John F Kennedy International Airport to Manchester-boston Regional Airport via Charlotte Douglas Airport, United States on American Airlines flight is 7 hours 35 minutes

How far is New York from New Hampshire by plane?
2 hrs 7 mins
 Waiting Time
3 hrs 18 mins
2 hrs 10 mins
Total Duration:
7 hrs 35 mins

Flight time from New York to Manchester, NH via Charlotte • LGA to MHT via CLT

Flight duration from La Guardia Airport to Manchester-boston Regional Airport via Charlotte Douglas Airport, United States on American Airlines flight is 9 hours 6 minutes

How far is New York from New Hampshire by plane?
2 hrs 12 mins
 Waiting Time
4 hrs 48 mins
2 hrs 6 mins
Total Duration:
9 hrs 6 mins

Flight time from New York, United States to airports near Manchester, NH, United States

Direct flight and one stop flight time from John F Kennedy International Airport, New York to airports nearest to Manchester, NH is given in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
JFK - BOS Boston, Logan International Airport 1 hr 4 mins Non-Stop
JFK - BDL Windsor Locks, CT, Bradley International Airport 5 hrs 41 mins 1 Stop
JFK - BTV Burlington, Burlington International Airport 1 hr 10 mins Non-Stop
JFK - BGR Bangor, Bangor International Airport 6 hrs 55 mins 1 Stop
JFK - ACK Nantucket, Nantucket Memorial Airport 1 hr 3 mins Non-Stop

Airlines operating flights between New York and Manchester, NH

New York and Manchester, NH are in the same timezone America/New_York

Current time in New York / Manchester, NH, United States : Tue, 27 Sep, 2022,
New York Timezone: EDT (-04:00)

01:11 AM

Flight Time between New York & Manchester, NH • JFK - MHT Flight Duration

How long is the flight from New York to Manchester, NH? What is the New York - Manchester, NH flight duration? What is the flying time from New York to Manchester, NH? Find answer to these questions...

JFK to MHT Flight - New York Airport to Manchester, NH Airport Flight Route Map

The airports map below shows the location of New York Airport & Manchester, NH Airport. Know the flight direction and New York to Manchester, NH flight path

New York - Lat: 40.6444, Long: -73.7827
Manchester, NH - Lat: 42.9279, Long: -71.4385

Find flight time from John F Kennedy International Airport or New York or any other airport or city in United States to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

A list of major Cities/Airports around the world is given below. Click on any of the airport names given below to find the flight distance from New York to those airports.

  • Manila, Ninoy Aquino International Airport
  • Amsterdam, Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport
  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Airport
  • Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur International Airport
  • Shanghai, Pu Dong Airport
  • Cancun, Cancun International Airport
  • Jeddah, King Abdulaziz International Airport
  • Philadelphia, Philadelphia International Airport
  • Addis Ababa, Bole International Airport
  • Belfast, Aldergrove International Airport

How long is a flight from New Hampshire to New York?

Flying time from New Hampshire to New York The total flight duration from New Hampshire to New York is 53 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots.

How long does it take to get to New York to New Hampshire?

Yes, the driving distance between New York to New Hampshire is 242 miles. It takes approximately 4h 32m to drive from New York to New Hampshire.

How long is a flight from England to New York?

Whether your destination airport is Newark, JFK, or Stewart, a direct flight from the UK to New York will generally take between 7 hours and around 8 hours 30 minutes. This is the case no matter which airport you're departing from.

How long is California to New Hampshire?

How far is it from California to New Hampshire? The distance between California and New Hampshire is 2514 miles. The road distance is 3038 miles.