How far is Ocala from here

The distance from Clermont to Ocala is 94 kilometers by road including 66 kilometers on motorways. Road takes approximately 59 minutes and goes through Leesburg and Minneola.

There are tolls on the route.

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How far is Ocala from here
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PointDistanceFuelClermont0 km0.0 LMinneola5 km0.3 LLeesburg39 km2.4 LOcala94 km5.8 L

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Clermont to Ocala?

Fuel cost: 12.3 AUD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 94 km / 100 km) * (Fuel consumption 8 L/100 km) * (Fuel price 1.63 AUD / L)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How far is Clermont to Ocala by land?

The distance between Clermont and Ocala is 94 km by road including 66 km on motorways.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Clermont and Ocala respectively.

How far is Clermont to Ocala by plane?

The shortest distance (air line, as the crow flies) between Clermont and Ocala is 79 km.

This distance is calculated using the Haversine formula as a great-circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. The start and finish points are the centers of Clermont and Ocala respectively. Actual distance between airports may be different.

How many hours is Clermont from Ocala by plane?

Boeing 737 airliner needs 5 min to cover the distance of 79 km at a cruising speed of 800 km/h.

Small plane "Cessna 172" needs 21 min to flight this distance at average speed of 220 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, airport location and other real world factors.

How long is a helicopter ride from Clermont to Ocala?

Fast helicopter "Eurocopter AS350" or "Hughes OH-6 Cayuse" need 19 min to cover the distance of 79 km at a cruising speed of 240 km/h.

Popular "Robinson R44" needs 22 min to flight this distance at average speed of 210 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, aerodrome location and other real world factors.

What city is halfway between Clermont and Ocala?

The halfway point between Clermont and Ocala is Leesburg. It is located about 8 km from the exact midpoint by road.

The distance from Leesburg to Clermont is 39 km and driving will take about 26 min. The road between Leesburg and Ocala has length 55 km and will take approximately 32 min.

The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to get from Ocala, FL to Orlando, FL. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance ("as the crow flies") and the driving distance if the route is drivable. It uses all this data to compute the total travel mileage.

Distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find distances based on actual road trip directions, or the straight line flight distance. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. The database uses the latitude and longitude of each location to calculate distance using the great circle distance formula. The calculation is done using the Vincenty algorithm and the WGS84 ellipsoid model of the Earth, which is the same one used by most GPS receivers. This gives you the flying distance "as the crow flies." Find your flight distances quickly to estimate the number of frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate. Or ask how far is it between cities to solve your homework problems. You can lookup U.S. cities, or expand your search to get the world distance for international trips. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

Is Ocala Florida a good place to live?

We might be biased, but Ocala, Florida is one of the best places to live! Nestled in north-central Florida, Ocala has so much to offer residents and visitors alike, including outdoor recreation, gorgeous scenery, sports events, and plenty of other entertainment.

What's so great about Ocala Florida?

This central Florida town located between Gainesville and Orlando is blessed with gorgeous vistas at every turn. Dubbed the Horse Capital of the World because of its many active horse farms and significant participation in the horse industry, Ocala is a place of rolling green pastureland and scenic views.

Is Ocala Florida close to Orlando?

The distance between Orlando and Ocala is 74 miles, which takes a minimum of 1 hour 15 minutes.

How far is Ocala Florida from the beach?

The closest great beach to Ocala is around 80 miles. Does Ocala Florida have a beach? No, there is no local beach.