How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

I just bought it since the reviews were extremely mixed and I decided I can afford the loss of the 179$ even if it's as bad as the bad reviews say. Will update with my progress.. Comment on this post if I haven't and you want an update.

update 1: I ordered it with a coupon for free shipping in 1-3 business days. It has been four but it arrived today! So that's better than a lot of the negative reviews that never got theirs already. Just used it for the first time and I'm gonna just do the right side of my body first to be able to directly compare. It was pretty easy/quick to use. I did my whole right leg and armpit in under 10m. It didn't hurt for the most part, a small pinch here and there (possibly from my sloppy shave job). It did get quite hot so before I did a second pass I turned it off to let it cool back down. The light is *super* bright so I'm not convinced that the plastic around it is a sufficient safety feature. I'm gonna buy some protective shades just in case. Edit: These are the ones I got:

update 2: I have used it for 4 weeks in a row now, and I can see some slight differences between my legs. The hair growth overall on the leg I've used it on is sparser and grows a bit slower. However, it seems to be a inconsistent depending on where it's used as I noticed a difference after only 2 weeks below the knee, am only just now starting to see a difference on the thigh, and have yet to see a difference in the underarm region.

The product says 12 weeks before you're done so it is still early days. Given that I've seen some difference already, I think I would recommend it.

Also, the heat issue has gotten a bit worse over time so I worry about it overheating and breaking or burning me, but that has yet to happen. It just causes it to stop working for a bit and I have to wait for it to cool down before continuing.

Update 3: i've used it for 7 weeks now. Not much has changed from update 2. I think there has possibly continued to be a decrease in density of hairs on my legs. I switched to doing both legs as I did see a difference, and didn't want to have to do this for twice as long by waiting until the end of the 12 weeks. Based off of the density of the original leg, I suspect that I may need to go for longer than 12 weeks, but we shall see once we get there. I still haven't really noticed a difference between armpits, so that area seems to be less responsive to this removal. I think there might be a really small patch of hair missing in the middle of the armpit though.

The heat issue continues, but I've noticed that it doesn't seem to be stopping on its own anymore, so that's good. It does cause some mild discomfort though.

Update 4: Right leg has undergone 9 treatments, whilst left leg has undergone 5. It appears that improvement is definitely non-linear, as my left leg has overtaken my right leg in hair sparseness. Perhaps the right leg has plateaued. I expected to be further along at this point, as the left leg only has 3 weeks left before it reaches the 12 week mark, when the instructions say it's supposed to be finished. If I were to continue not seeing improvement, I'd say that this helps randomly/inconsistently and not fully. Up to you if you think that's worth it.

I've also heard that IPL can help with acne scarring, so I have started using it on some acne scars on my face. (Fyi the instructions state that you should not use it on your face). I'm using a 3/5 power setting instead of the 5/5 I use on my legs. Will let you know if it helps.

Update 5: The last update is all you're gonna get for a long time because I've stopped using it. Too busy trying to find a new job, working full time, finishing up my phd, and planning a move to have the energy for hair loss. Plus its winter now and I can cover up my hairy legs with pants lol.

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

The Kenzzi IPL Hair Removal Handset has become a popular way to remove unwanted hair. With this laser, you can get rid of the pain and time-consuming commitment that comes with waxing or shaving. In this review, I will cover everything from pricing to how long it takes for results. I hope that after reading this post, you will have a better idea if Kenzzi is the right solution for your needs!

This is a sponsored post and I did receive free product to try but all opinions and views are my own.

What is the Kenzzi IPL Handset?

The Kenzzi IPL handset is a laser hair removal device, which stands for intense pulse light. It’s a medical-grade device that uses lasers to permanently remove the unwanted hairs on your body and face by targeting the dark pigment in the hair follicles with high-intensity pulses of light. The result? No more painful waxing, shaving, or plucking.

The home laser hair remover is FDA approved and dermatologist recommended for hair removal in both men and women. The Kenzzi IPL handset has been designed to deliver results in 3-4 weeks and can be tailored to the skin tone or sensitivity of your skin with its 5 different power settings.

For best results, you want to use it weekly for 12 consecutive weeks to achieve optimal results and additional touch-ups every couple of months.

How Does it Work?

IPL is a form of light therapy that emits a series of wavelengths into the skin. This therapy can be used for various purposes, such as reducing marks and wrinkles or eliminating hair.

IPL lasers work by targeting the melanin in the hair. The light emitted by IPL damage the hair follicle. With regular use, intense pulsed light machines can stunt hair growth and cause it to stop growing altogether.

Key Features of Kenzzi IPL Laser Hair Remover

  • 300,000 flashes which equate to TEN+ years of use

  • 5 Power Settings

  • Works on the entire body including your face

  • 12-month repair window

  • Worldwide Shipping

My Experience Using the Kenzzi IPL Handset

Now that you know a little about the Kenzzi and its methodology let's get down to the real reason you are here, you want to know if actually works and is worth the investment. While I am an affiliate of Kenzzi, I wanted to provide an honest review so you understand what it is you are getting and so you can determine if it is right for you.

Before I started using the Kenzzi laser hair removal to remove my unwanted hair, I want to give you a little background. I have thick dark hair that is prone to ingrowns and Keratosis pilaris followed by sensitive skin with the look of post-shave “strawberry legs”.

I have tried waxing, shaving, and epilating. I’m frustrated with constantly doing all of these treatments. I am interested in a more long-term solution that I may still have to do periodically. Enter the Kenzzi!

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

I have been using Kenzzi laser hair removal for about 6 weeks so here is my review and thoughts so far. Make sure to scroll down for my 12-week update and results!

I am definitely getting less hair growth- so it is working! I can still see the hair follicles under the skin (strawberry legs) and I’m hopeful that they are completely gone after 12 weeks. Before this, I had to shave my legs every 2-3 days. At 6 weeks of use, I don't need to shave as often and a week's worth of growth looks like a next day shave, though it still looks like stubble. I'm hoping at 12 weeks it won't have the stubble look.

As far as pain goes, I tried it on a 5 (highest setting) on my legs. There was no pain at all. I also used the laser on my lips. When I used it in the lip area I lowered the heat setting to a 3. I didn't experience any pain. What worried me more was burning myself in this sensitive area because it does get hot and I had experienced a burn on my leg with its first initial use. The longer the session goes, the hotter the machine gets. This slows it down because the rebound time between pulses takes longer. There is a bit of a learning curve with this product.

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

One thing I do not like about the Kenzzi is that for the best results, they recommend three passes over each section every week. However, the results have been good doing it this way.

It can initially be tricky to use around the ankles and knees. As I gain more experience and time using the Kenzzi laser hair removal, it has taken about 30 minutes per leg with three passes. Underarms were much quicker, just a few minutes each.

Kenzzi IPL Before and After Photos:

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?

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My 12-Week Results

The Kenzzi is life-changing, it's a complete game-changer. Works as promised! It took me a while to get the hang of it, but I’m glad now that my hair is so much thinner and lighter. The few hairs that have grown in are way finer than before, I hardly ever have to shave now. This is such a victory and what really made this worth it for me!

It won’t completely eliminate all hair, which it doesn’t claim to do, but it does meet the promise of 80%. I’d say it got rid of at least that, probably more.

I’m overjoyed at the prospect of not having to shave all the time, finally!

Following the 12-weeks of use will give you shocking results that even the most skeptical people can't help but be amazed by.

PROS and CONS of the Kenzzi ILP

Like anything, the Kenzzi has positives and negatives. Here are my pros and cons that you might be interested in.


  • The Kenzzi plugs in so no need to worry about it running out of power. You can do it when you have time since you don't need to plan in advance to charge the battery.

  • You don't have to let the hair grow out like waxing and epilating. It is also less painful and messy than both of those.

  • Lighter, finer hair.

  • Say goodbye to shaving regularly!

  • Affordable and cost-effective considering it has enough zaps for 10 years worth of use.


  • You have to go over each section 3 times.

  • The machine heats quickly, you have to be careful and don't press too hard, it can burn.

Want a discount on the Kenzzi? Use my link and enter the CODE: H50 to get free shipping and $50 off (Usually USD$229, Now USD$179)

Tips for Getting Started with the Kenzzi IPL Handset

Prior to using the Kenzzi, make sure you shave the area first. Wait a couple of days after shaving before using the Kenzzi IPL for hair removal. This will minimize sensitivity and give the Kenzii enough hair to work on.

The bright light it emits can cause discomfort for people sensitive to light. I wear sunglasses when I use it to try and protect my eyes. I would recommend that you wear them as well if you are going to use this product. People with epilepsy should not use this product, according to the company. 

Start with sensitive areas like the face and bikini line, as the machine will be less hot in those areas. For anyone doing multiple areas, it may be best to break the process into more than one session (legs Monday, underarms/bikini Tuesday).

Make sure to moisturize your legs after and wear SPF in the sun.

Top Benefit for PCOS

Women with PCOS often experience hair growth in unwanted places and this can be one of the most frustrating symptoms. The Kenzzi can also help with facial hair which often is a major concern for women with PCOS.

The Kenzzi laser hair removal is a godsend for women with PCOS because it will soften and lighten the dark hairs.

Important Things to Consider Before Purchasing

The Kenzzi doesn't work on all skin tones so make sure to check before purchasing. It also is not effective on very light blonde, red, or grey-colored hair. If you are prone to scaring, on blood thinners, or antibiotics- make sure you check with your doctor first. You want to make sure it is safe for you and your situation. 

Is Kenzzi Worth It?

You're tired of shaving and waxing your legs every week. It takes too much time, money, and effort to keep up with it all.

Imagine having smooth hair-free skin that lasts for months at a time. With this device, you can get rid of unwanted body hair without any pain or mess – no more razors or waxing!

This revolutionary device is easy to use and works on all areas of the body including the face, underarms, legs, and bikini area.

The Kenzzi IPL hair removal handset costs $229. It should last about 10 years, so the investment is worth it considering that it does work.

Want a discount on the Kenzzi? Use my link and enter the CODE: H50 to get free shipping and $50 off (Usually USD$229, Now USD$179)

Frequently Asked Questions About Kenzzi IPL

What is an IPL handset?

IPL or intense pulsed light is a safe, effective way to reduce hair growth by damaging the follicle. It can be used at home and will gradually decrease body hair in thickness and frequency.

Does IPL work for all hair colors?

IPL lasers work by targeting the melanin in the hair and are not effective on very light blonde, red, or grey-colored hair.

Does Kenzzi remove hair permanently?

Kenzzi is a long-lasting hair removal product that minimizes regrowth. The more you use it, the better it will be at permanently reducing hair growth and improvement in the feel of hair when they grow back.

Does Kenzzi hair removal hurt?

Kenzzi laser hair removal doesn’t hurt, but the laser does get hot and if you are not cautious, you could end up getting burned.

Is Kenzzi safe?

The Kenzzi device is both safe and effective, but it's not suitable for dark skin types or those who have recently tanned. It shouldn't be used by people with epilepsy either.

The Takeaway:

If you are looking for hair removal treatments to help with PCOS, laser hair removal may be the answer. But it's important to know that everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another. 

Personally, I am so happy with my results and I would recommend the Kenzzi IPL Hair Removal handset to anyone who wants smooth, silky skin that lasts for months.

Want a discount on the Kenzzi? Use my link and enter the CODE: H50 to get free shipping and $50 off (Usually USD$229, Now USD$179)

The items listed above are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This has no impact on the cost to the consumer. I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend.

How long does it take for Kenzzi to work?


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How long does it take to see results with Kenzzi?

You'll see results after your first session, but it will take several sessions to see permanent results. In 4 to 6 sessions, spaced about four weeks apart, most people will see 70 to 80 percent reduction in hair growth.

How often should I use the Kenzzi?

The Kenzzi IPL handset has been designed to deliver results in 3-4 weeks and can be tailored to the skin tone or sensitivity of your skin with its 5 different power settings. For best results, you want to use it weekly for 12 consecutive weeks to achieve optimal results and additional touch-ups every couple of months.

Does Kenzzi IPL actually work?

Kenzzi won't remove hair permanently, but it offers long-lasting results. It will reduce the hair by minimising regrowth speed. The hairs that do grow back will also be finer. The more you use the Kenzzi IPL Handset, the more effective the device will be.

Do I have to shave before using Kenzzi?

Do I need to shave before using the Kenzzi? Yes, you should shave the desired areas before using your Kenzzi handset.