How long does juice last in the fridge

One of the best things to do after a hard day at work is sit down with a glass of fresh homemade juice, but do you know just how long fresh juice lasts? You might think that making fresh juice does not require much knowledge, but I am here to show you the opposite!

From the type of fruit to what kind of juicer you use, there are a lot of things that should be taken into consideration when you are thinking of making fresh juice.

Knowing how to keep the juice fresh for longer is also very important, so I am going to share with you some great storage methods that you can try.

If you want to learn more about fresh juice, make sure to keep reading as I will try to answer all possible questions on how long fresh juice lasts and how to properly store it to make it last longer!

How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Fridge?

I have already mentioned some information about keeping fresh juice in a fridge, but I will tell you more about how to make it last longer when stored in a fridge, regardless of what refrigerator type.

For example, you can choose between side-by-side and French door fridges to store your juice as they all have big storage space. But you have to drink your fresh juice within 72 hours of the time when you put it in the fridge.

This is because fresh juice contains a lot of nutritional compounds, vitamins, minerals, and so much more. All of these compounds are found in fresh juice only, not in the juice that has been stored for days at a time.

The same goes for juices that you can buy at the store. They might taste nice, but they are not nearly as good for you and your health as fresh juice. From better digestion to having more energy, getting more antioxidants, and even losing weight – these are only some of the things that fresh juice can help you with.

How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Freezer?

If you want to keep your fresh juice stored for more than just a couple of days, then it is best not to put it in the refrigerator but in the freezer instead. What this will help you do is keep the juice from going bad for as long as six months.

One thing that you should know before freezing your fresh juice is that juice is much like water and when frozen, it can expand. This means that when storing it, you will need to fill only 2/3 of the container or maybe even fill only half of it. No matter what material the container is made of, always do this to keep the juice from bursting out of the container.

Another thing that you have to know about frozen juice is that after three months, it loses most of its nutrients. This means that when you unfreeze it, it will be more like water than like the fresh juice you created months ago.

An interesting idea that you should consider if you want to freeze fresh juice is to do it in ice cube trays. This will make them taste amazing when they are taken out of the tray, while you will also be able to use them with some fresh water on those hot summer days.

How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Mason Jar?

A mason jar is a great way to store fresh juice because of the fact the jar is made of glass and it does not contain any toxins. When you store juice in such a jar, you should only keep it for a couple of days and not any longer. This is, of course, if you keep the jar in the fridge for the duration of those days.

How Long Does It Take For Fresh Juice To Lose Its Nutrients?

Fresh juice will start to lose some of its nutrients within thirty minutes of the time when you squeeze it. This is why from the very beginning I have advised you to drink the juice immediately after you make it.

In the case of lime juice, you might be unsure about whether your lime juice can go rancid. Though it contains citric acid, it might not be spoiled quickly but after time, it will have a bad smell or taste, and of course, lose all its nutrients.

For better understanding, try to imagine – when you cut your fruit, like pineapple, and leave it like that for some time, it will start to go brown. This is the case with almost all fruits and vegetables. Therefore, leaving them exposed is not the best idea.

Watch this video to know more:

Watch this video: How To Avoid Losing Nutrition From Your Fresh Juice?

Is Juicing A Day In Advance OK?

If you do not have the time to make fresh juice every day, you can make it a day in advance. As I have mentioned so far, it is okay to leave the juice for up to 72 hours in the fridge before you drink it.

The only problem with juicing a day in advance is the fact that the juice will start losing some of its nutrients before you drink it. With that being said, you can always store it away properly to make sure that you make the most of it before you get to drink it.

If you make fresh juice in advance, you should drink it in the morning and on an empty stomach instead of drinking it at night. This will help you get a lot of carbs that will be good for your stomach and your body in general.

Does The Type Of Fruit Play A Role In The Longevity Of The Fresh Juice?

The general rule is that all fresh juices spoil at the same rate. You will not notice any big differences between juices from different types of fruit. Probably the biggest difference will be between fresh and juice bought from the store.

The difference between these two is in the content – juice from the store tends to have a lot of preservatives in the content. These things make it last for as long as a couple of months, but you should still check the expiration date to make sure it is good before you drink it.

With the fresh juice you make at home, you get a completely natural drink without any preservatives or other elements. There is a great health benefit to drinking this type of juices over store-bought juices, you should put aside the longevity and always go for something natural.

My favorite one is pineapple juice from high-quality brands. If you are looking for something more unusual, you can also try out some choicest aloe vera juices. Both taste amazing and will make you love juice even more!

Fresh Juice

Table of Contents

  • Do You Have To Drink Fresh Juice Immediately?
  • How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice After Juicing?
  • How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Fridge?
  • How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Freezer?
  • How Long Can I Keep Fresh Juice In A Mason Jar?
  • How Long Does It Take For Fresh Juice To Lose Its Nutrients?
  • Is Juicing A Day In Advance OK?
  • Does The Type Of Fruit Play A Role In The Longevity Of The Fresh Juice?
  • How To Make Fresh Juice Last Longer?
  • What Type Of Juicer Should You Use To Make Fresh Juice?
  • Can Fresh Juice Go Bad?
  • How Do You Know When Juice Goes Bad?
  • Can You Get Sick From Drinking Old Juice?
  • Frequently Asked Question
  • Make Your Own Fresh Juice Today!

How long does it take for juice to spoil in the fridge?

If you are using a Centrifugal Juicer your juice will last up to 24 hours (1 Day). If you are using a Masticating Juicer your juice will last up to 48 hours (2 Days).

Does juice in the fridge go bad?

Juice can last from weeks to months beyond the date printed on the label since the shelf life of fruit juice depends on a variety of factors such as the type of juice, the best by date, how the juice was stored, the packaging and the actual content of the juice package.

How long does opened bottled juice last in the fridge?

Once you open the bottle, the juice should remain fresh for 10 days up to even 3 weeks. As usual, it depends on both the quality of the juice and how you store it. When it comes to the apple juice sold refrigerated, it usually has a use-by date on the label.

How long does it take for juice to spoil?

A cup of fresh juice will only be stable for about four hours at room temperature before it begins to spoil. Fresh juice lasts about 24 hours in the fridge, though. As stated above, this also depends on your juicer. A centrifugal juicer will give you a shorter lifespan than a cold press juicer.