How long will i be off work after laparoscopy for endometriosis

What is a laparoscopy?

A laparoscopy is the most common way to diagnose endometriosis. During a laparoscopy, a small telescope (laparoscope) is inserted into the abdomen to look directly at the internal tissue. Laparoscopies are always carried out under general anaesthetic. During a laparoscopy various procedures can be performed in order to destroy or remove the endometriosis, endometriotic cysts and release scar tissue (adhesions).

You will have a pre-op assessment with your doctor some time before you have a laparoscopy. This is the ideal time to discuss any questions or concerns you have and to agree whether you would like your endometriosis to be treated if it is found. The hospital will write to you with basic instructions for the laparoscopy – but you may also find the following information helpful:

What to take with you to the hospital

Although a laparoscopy is commonly a day-case procedure, you may need to stay overnight or longer if they treat the endometriosis or if there are complications. It is worth taking a small overnight bag with you. Your own slippers and dressing gown will help provide some comfort on the ward. For 24 hours following an anaesthetic you are not allowed to drive.

You should be looked after following your laparoscopy, so arrange for a partner, friend or family member to come and pick you up from the hospital and stay with you afterwards. Ask them to bring a pillow or rug for the car journey home as the seatbelt can cause discomfort against your stomach and you may feel cold. It is possible you may vomit in the car so a bag or bowl would be useful.

It's worth noting that you may not be able to shower for 48 hours after a laparoscopy, so you may want to make sure you shower before going to hospital.

How you may feel after your laparoscopy

You have just had an anaesthetic so you will probably feel groggy and nauseous and perhaps need to vomit. During a laparoscopy, the abdomen is carefully filled with carbon dioxide, this helps lift the abdomen wall from the bowel to help insert the laparoscope. Following a laparoscopy, this excess gas can cause some discomfort. You may find that peppermint oil or peppermint tea help to ease these symptoms. A tube is inserted into your throat to help you breathe during your laparoscopy so your throat may feel sore. You will experience some vaginal bleeding. Most  feel some discomfort following the laparoscopy but if you are in pain or are bleeding heavily, do tell a doctor or nurse. If you are worried about nausea and vomiting afterwards, discuss it with the doctor or nurse beforehand as there is medication that can help with this.

For the first couple of days after your laparoscopy you need to rest and let your body recover from the procedure. Gently moving around will help any excess gas to leave your body – but don’t overdo it. It is normal to feel weak and tired for about ten days following a laparoscopy – longer if you have had any surgical treatment. You will have a few stitches in your abdomen so be careful when bending, stretching and washing. Normally these are stitches that dissolve by themselves but if you experience any irritation or problems, contact your hospital.

Most experience a period of emotional ups and downs following surgery. All of this will pass in time and you will begin to feel in control again. Be gentle and patient with yourself during your physical and emotional recovery. Remember that we do have a free Helpline, run by trained volunteers that all have a direct experience of endometriosis. 

Experiences with the first period after a laparoscopy can vary dramatically. If your period is more painful, longer, or heavier than usual, don't panic. Internal healing takes much longer than external healing. Therefore, your first few periods may be more painful. However, if you are concerned about the degree of pain, or if your pain is severe, contact your doctor.

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We only intend for this information to help you make any decisions you may face, but not to replace the medical advice from healthcare professionals. Please do continue to talk to your doctor if you are worried about any medical issues.

Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

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Laparoscopy is performed under general anaesthetic, so you'll be unconscious during the procedure and have no memory of it. You can often go home on the same day.


Depending on the type of laparoscopic procedure being performed, you'll usually be asked not to eat or drink anything for 6 to 12 hours beforehand.

If you're taking blood-thinning medication (anticoagulants), such as aspirin or warfarin, you may be asked to stop taking it a few days beforehand. This is to prevent excessive bleeding during the operation.

If you smoke, you may be advised to stop during the lead-up to the operation. This is because smoking can delay healing after surgery and increase the risk of complications such as infection.

Most people can leave hospital either on the day of the procedure or the following day. Before the procedure, you'll need to arrange for someone to drive you home because you'll be advised not to drive for at least 24 hours afterwards.

The procedure

During laparoscopy, the surgeon makes a small cut (incision) of around 1 to 1.5cm (0.4 to 0.6 inches), usually near your belly button.

A tube is inserted through the incision, and carbon dioxide gas is pumped through the tube to inflate your tummy (abdomen). Inflating your abdomen allows the surgeon to see your organs more clearly and gives them more room to work. A laparoscope is then inserted through this tube. The laparoscope relays images to a television monitor in the operating theatre, giving the surgeon a clear view of the whole area.

If the laparoscopy is used to carry out a surgical treatment, such as removing your appendix, further incisions will be made in your abdomen. Small, surgical instruments can be inserted through these incisions, and the surgeon can guide them to the right place using the view from the laparoscope. Once in place, the instruments can be used to carry out the required treatment.

After the procedure, the carbon dioxide is let out of your abdomen, the incisions are closed using stitches or clips and a dressing is applied.

When laparoscopy is used to diagnose a condition, the procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes. It will take longer if the surgeon is treating a condition, depending on the type of surgery being carried out.


After laparoscopy, you may feel groggy and disorientated as you recover from the effects of the anaesthetic. Some people feel sick or vomit. These are common side effects of the anaesthetic and should pass quickly.

You'll be monitored by a nurse for a few hours until you're fully awake and able to eat, drink and pass urine.

Before you leave hospital, you'll be told how to keep your wounds clean and when to return for a follow-up appointment or have your stitches removed (although dissolvable stitches are often used).

For a few days after the procedure, you're likely to feel some pain and discomfort where the incisions were made, and you may also have a sore throat if a breathing tube was used. You'll be given painkilling medication to help ease the pain.

Some of the gas used to inflate your abdomen can remain inside your abdomen after the procedure, which can cause:

  • bloating
  • cramps
  • shoulder pain, as the gas can irritate your diaphragm (the muscle you use to breathe), which in turn can irritate nerve endings in your shoulder

These symptoms are nothing to worry about and should pass after a day or so, once your body has absorbed the remaining gas.

In the days or weeks after the procedure, you'll probably feel more tired than usual, as your body is using a lot of energy to heal itself. Taking regular naps may help.

Recovery times

The time it takes to recover from laparoscopy is different for everybody. It depends on factors such as the reason the procedure was carried out (whether it was used to diagnose or treat a condition), your general health and if any complications develop.

If you've had laparoscopy to diagnose a condition, you'll probably be able to resume your normal activities within 5 days.

The recovery period after laparoscopy to treat a condition depends on the type of treatment. After minor surgery, such as appendix removal, you may be able to resume normal activities within 3 weeks. Following major surgery, such as removal of your ovaries or kidney because of cancer, the recovery time may be as long as 12 weeks.

Your surgical team can give you more information about when you'll be able to resume normal activities.

When to seek medical advice

It's usually recommended that someone stays with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. This is in case you experience any symptoms that suggest a problem, such as:

  • a high temperature of 38C or above
  • chills
  • severe or continuous vomiting
  • increasing abdominal pain
  • redness, pain, swelling, bleeding or discharge around your wounds
  • abnormal vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding
  • pain and swelling in one of your legs
  • a burning or stinging sensation when urinating

If you experience any of these symptoms during your recovery, you should contact either the hospital where the procedure was carried out, your GP or NHS 111 for advice.

Robotic-assisted laparoscopy

A relatively recent development in laparoscopy is the use of robots to assist with procedures. This is known as "robotic-assisted laparoscopy".

During robotic-assisted laparoscopy, your surgeon uses a console located in the operating theatre to carry out the procedure by controlling robotic arms. The robotic arms hold a special camera and surgical equipment.

The robotic system provides magnified 3D vision and an increased range of movement for instruments working inside the body.

Robotic-assisted laparoscopy allows surgeons to carry out complex procedures with increased precision and smaller incisions. The amount of robotic-assisted laparoscopy used in the UK has increased rapidly in recent years. In particular, robotic-assisted surgery for prostate cancer.

There's evidence to suggest robotic-assisted laparoscopy may have a lower risk of complications than regular laparoscopy or open surgery, as well as a shorter recovery time.

Page last reviewed: 01 August 2018
Next review due: 01 August 2021

How long did you take off work after laparoscopy?

You may return to school or work when you feel ready (usually about 2 days after your surgery).

Can I go back to work after laparoscopic surgery?

Most women feel able to return to work one to three weeks after a laparoscopy. If you have had a diagnostic laparoscopy or a simple procedure such as a sterilisation, you can expect to feel able to go back to work within one week.

How long does endometriosis surgery take to recover?

Recover times and what to expect after endometriosis surgery 3-4 days of quick recovery. Ability to exercise and have intercourse within 7-10 days, usually off work one week. Well recovered by 4-8 weeks. Normal fertility within 4-8 weeks of surgery.

What can I expect after laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis?

You might be tired for a few days after a laparoscopy. Your doctor may tell you not to drive for 2 weeks. They might also tell you not to have sex or do activities like swimming or bathing in a tub for about 2 weeks. Recovery from a laparotomy is slower and can be more painful.