How many best men can you have in a wedding?

How many best men can you have in a wedding?

Is it dumb to have multiple best men?“I have 3 best friends that I’m trying to decide on a best man.  All 3 of us go back to elementary school together and have grown up through the years.  I don’t know how to choose one and not sure if I can, any one of them one be a great best man…would it be dumb to have 3 best men?”-The Plunge Reader

Is it dumb to have three best men?

A little.

Then again, there are lots of things that are dumb at weddings. Just a very small sampling, in no particular order:

  • -The fact that the bride wears a “veil” even though you, and everyone in attendance, has seen her face at least 17,287 times.
  • -The fact that wedding communications, such as invitations, thank you notes, and RSVP cards, are on the cutting edge of 17th century technology.
  • -The fact that the typical wedding costs more than the typical car and typical flatscreen TV, combined.
  • No one blinks at spending $500 on wedding cake…for what amounts to a big-ass mixture of sugar, flour, and butter.
  • Having multiple best men is no dumber than all of that.

Do it.

However, there are some very real-world issues you’ll have to consider. For one, there are some specific, singular duties of the best man. A biggie is walking the maid of honor down the aisle. While it’s an entertaining visual, we don’t recommend three best men escorting a single maid of honor, Greek-phalanx-style, one on each arm and one dragging her dress.  And you probably don’t want three best men giving a toast. Or three best men clutching the ring. (Sounds like an awful Freddie Prince Jr. movie coming to a theater new year–“The Three Best Men”)

See also: How Every Groomsman Must Behave at the Bachelor Party

You can see where this is headed: just divide and conquer. Tell your three friends that they’re all best men, then carve up the responsibilities and dole them out. One can walk the maid down the aisle, one can hold the ring, one can give the speech.  And so on.

A bonus?  If anyone from the bridal family asks you about your “best men” situation, and you tell them that you all go back to frickin’ elementary school, you’re guaranteed to get a big fat Ahhhhhhwwwwww!!!!, isn’t that adorable!”   Unless they’re real pricks, they’ll appreciate your solidarity and find it charming.

So the hell with tradition–go for it.

Click here for the full duties of the best man and here for what to do if he’s dropping the ball.

A tough choice

Choosing can be a difficult task so, at first glance, the easiest solution seems to be not choosing at all. This way, no one's feelings get hurt. But then again, this arrangement can make for a confusing day and cause potential problems. Simply put, I would advise against having two Best Men at the wedding. However, it is the bride and groom's day, so what they decide is law. However, the groom should think over the situation carefully before going ahead with the split responsibility.

Of course the Best Men may be grateful that duties are being split because it lessens their load, however, there are certain duties that both men may want to perform and you will be right back where you started - not wanting to hurt a friend's feelings. This situation will most likely be associated with tasks related to the actual wedding ceremony.

Escorting the bridesmaids

First, if the groomsmen are escorting the bridesmaids all the way up the aisle, which best man will precede the bride? This situation can be alleviated by having the groomsmen stand at the alter with the groom.

The ring

Then comes the ring. It is up to the Best Man to hold the ring for the groom. At the time of the ring exchange the groomsman will hand over the ring. Integrating a ring-bearer into the ceremony may not necessarily alleviate this situation depending on how young the child is. Often it is best not entrust wedding bands to be transported by a young child.

Signing the wedding certificate

The groom must also choose which man will sign the wedding certificate. Only two witnesses are allowed to sign the certificate and those are the Maid of Honor and the Best Man.


Here are some guidelines to help the Best Man to be. Please remember, these are just some of the standard duties. You may be asked to help in other ways, you may be asked to simply offer moral support...

  • Arrange for a bachelor party; whether it is a dinner, a weekend, or a wild night out, you are responsible for arranging the plans as well as the guests
  • Help the groom with the formalwear arrangements. What size does everyone need, where can you pick it all up, etc.
  • Keep the bride's ring until the ceremony
  • Ensure the groom's timely arrival at the ceremony
  • Offer to arrange payment for the officiant
  • Offer to arrange payment for the transportation company
  • Offer the first toast to the couple. Make it flattering to the bride, romantic, and witty!
  • Offer to help in any other way. Calm anyone who seems stressed
  • Arrange the bride and groom's departure. Make sure it goes smoothly
  • Offer to return the groom's formalwear if necessary
  • Deliver a message to the bride’s parents from the newlyweds thanking them for the fantastic celebration

How much best men can you have at wedding?

How many best men are there at a wedding? Traditionally there is only one best man at a wedding. Other individuals in the groom's crew are groomsmen or groom's people.

Can you have 3 best men at a wedding?

Tell your three friends that they're all best men, then carve up the responsibilities and dole them out. One can walk the maid down the aisle, one can hold the ring, one can give the speech. And so on.

How many best groomsmen can you have?

This, ideally, should be the absolute minimum. An average of 3-5 groomsmen can be seen in a typical wedding with numbers going to as high as 8-10 groomsmen for very large weddings.

Can you have 4 best man?

While it is “traditional” to have one best man, there is no reason why you can't have multiple best men in this day and age.