How many gallons is 100 liters

Table of Contents


  • Calculator
  • How many Gallons in 100 Liters?
  • Convert 100 Liters to Gallons
    • Convert 100 Liters to US Gallons
    • Convert 100 Liters to Dry Gallons
    • Convert 100 Liters to Imperial Gallons
  • FAQs
    • What is 100 liters of water in gallons?
    • Is a gallon more than 100 liters?
    • How to convert 100 liters to gallons?
    • 100 liters to U.S gallons?
    • 100 liters to gallons UK?
  • 100 L to Gal Conversion
  • Summary
  • Quick Conversion Table

Welcome to 100 liters to gallons.

Here we tell you how many gallons are in 100 liters, both, for US gallons as well as for Imperial gallons.

For the conversion of units it is recommended using our converter: 🙂




US Liquid Gallon
Imperial Gallon
US Dry Gallon

This Liters to Gallons Converter is Really Cool! Click To Tweet

The answer to the question how many gallons are in 100 liters? depends on the type measure you have, as detailed on Liters to Gallons.

  • 100 liters = 26.4172052358 U.S. Gallons
  • 100 liters = 21.9969248299 Imperial gallons
  • 100 liters = 22.7020746067 US dry gallons

It follows that the conversion factor depends on the type of gallon.

Learn how to change the capacity in the next section.

Convert 100 Liters to Gallons

The gallon is a unit of volume in the Imperial systems and U.S. systems of measurement, in contrast to the metric liter.

If you have any doubts regarding the measure for your 100 liter to gallons conversion, read our articles located in the header menu.

To obtain the quantity of gallons you can either proceed by applying the 100 liters to gallons formula a bit further down.

Or use our volume converter located at the top of this post.

It changes any amount in liters, not only 100, to all sorts of gallons.

Enter the volume in liters, e.g. 100, then change or confirm the measure to your unit under consideration by means of drop-down menu.

The result is then calculated automatically.

Convert 100 Liters to US Gallons

To convert 100 liters to US liquid gallons divide the volume in liters, 100, by 3.785411784:

100 / 3.785411784 = 26.4172052358 gal

Convert 100 Liters to Dry Gallons

To convert 100 liters to US dry gallons multiply the volume in liters, 100, by 0.22702:

100 × 0.22702 = 21.9969248299 gal

Chances are high that for the conversion you should assume US liquid gallons.

The dry measure has rather been put here for the sake of completeness.

Convert 100 Liters to Imperial Gallons

To convert 100 liters to UK gallons divide the amount of liters by 4.54609:

100 / 4.54609 = 22.7020746067 gal

The fluid gallon is commonly used to measure retail petroleum products such as fuel volumes for example.


What is 100 liters of water in gallons?

100 L water = 26.4172052358 US gal = 21.9969248299 UK gal.

Is a gallon more than 100 liters?

Because a US gallon is 3.785411784 liters, 100 liters is more than one US gallon. Because an Imperial gallon is 4.54609 liters, 100 liters is more than one UK gallon.

How to convert 100 liters to gallons?

Divide 100 by 3.785411784 for US gallons or divide 100 by 4.54609 to obtain the result in the unit imperial gallon.

100 liters to U.S gallons?

100 liters = 26.4172052358 U.S. liquid gallons.

100 liters to gallons UK?

100 liters = 21.9969248299 UK gallons.

100 L to Gal Conversion

Taking all of the above into account, you know everything about the unit conversion.

If you have been searching for 100 liters equal how many gallons? then you also have all the answers already.

The same is true if you are a visitor who has been looking for 100 liters to gal, or 100 liters to a gallon, just to name a few examples.

Yet, make sure to check out our quick conversion table in the appendix.

If you like you can also locate frequent liters to gallons conversions, including 100 liters gallons, by using our search form.

Other conversions on our site include:

  • 100.5 liters to gallons
  • 100.6 liters to gallons
  • 100.7 liters to gallons


This ends our article about 100 liters in gallons.

More information related to gallons, liters and liquid capacity can be found in our article “gallon to liter”.

If our post about 100 liters in a gallon has been helpful to you, please press the share buttons on this page so that everyone knows about it.

Comments and questions related to 100 liters in gallon or the gallon measurement are really welcomed and can be left using the form below.

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Or get in touch by email using the subject “Convert Liter to Gallon”.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for your visit.

Quick Conversion Table

LitersU.S. GallonsImperial Gallons
99.95 26.404 21.98593
99.951 26.40426 21.98615
99.952 26.40452 21.98637
99.953 26.40479 21.98659
99.954 26.40505 21.98681
99.955 26.40532 21.98703
99.956 26.40558 21.98725
99.957 26.40585 21.98747
99.958 26.40611 21.98769
99.959 26.40637 21.98791
99.96 26.40664 21.98813
99.961 26.4069 21.98835
99.962 26.40717 21.98857
99.963 26.40743 21.98879
99.964 26.4077 21.98901
99.965 26.40796 21.98923
99.966 26.40822 21.98945
99.967 26.40849 21.98967
99.968 26.40875 21.98989
99.969 26.40902 21.99011
99.97 26.40928 21.99033
99.971 26.40954 21.99055
99.972 26.40981 21.99077
99.973 26.41007 21.99099
99.974 26.41034 21.99121
99.975 26.4106 21.99143
99.976 26.41087 21.99165
99.977 26.41113 21.99187
99.978 26.41139 21.99209
99.979 26.41166 21.99231
99.98 26.41192 21.99253
99.981 26.41219 21.99275
99.982 26.41245 21.99297
99.983 26.41271 21.99319
99.984 26.41298 21.99341
99.985 26.41324 21.99363
99.986 26.41351 21.99385
99.987 26.41377 21.99407
99.988 26.41404 21.99429
99.989 26.4143 21.99451
99.99 26.41456 21.99473
99.991 26.41483 21.99495
99.992 26.41509 21.99517
99.993 26.41536 21.99539
99.994 26.41562 21.99561
99.995 26.41588 21.99582
99.996 26.41615 21.99604
99.997 26.41641 21.99626
99.998 26.41668 21.99648
99.999 26.41694 21.9967
100 26.41721 21.99692
100.001 26.41747 21.99714
100.002 26.41773 21.99736
100.003 26.418 21.99758
100.004 26.41826 21.9978
100.005 26.41853 21.99802
100.006 26.41879 21.99824
100.007 26.41905 21.99846
100.008 26.41932 21.99868
100.009 26.41958 21.9989
100.01 26.41985 21.99912
100.011 26.42011 21.99934
100.012 26.42038 21.99956
100.013 26.42064 21.99978
100.014 26.4209 22
100.015 26.42117 22.00022
100.016 26.42143 22.00044
100.017 26.4217 22.00066
100.018 26.42196 22.00088
100.019 26.42222 22.0011
100.02 26.42249 22.00132
100.021 26.42275 22.00154
100.022 26.42302 22.00176
100.023 26.42328 22.00198
100.024 26.42355 22.0022
100.025 26.42381 22.00242
100.026 26.42407 22.00264
100.027 26.42434 22.00286
100.028 26.4246 22.00308
100.029 26.42487 22.0033
100.03 26.42513 22.00352
100.031 26.42539 22.00374
100.032 26.42566 22.00396
100.033 26.42592 22.00418
100.034 26.42619 22.0044
100.035 26.42645 22.00462
100.036 26.42672 22.00484
100.037 26.42698 22.00506
100.038 26.42724 22.00528
100.039 26.42751 22.0055
100.04 26.42777 22.00572
100.041 26.42804 22.00594
100.042 26.4283 22.00616
100.043 26.42856 22.00638
100.044 26.42883 22.0066
100.045 26.42909 22.00682
100.046 26.42936 22.00704
100.047 26.42962 22.00726
100.048 26.42989 22.00748
100.049 26.43015 22.0077
100.05 26.43041 22.00792

How many Litres is a 100 gallon tank?

A 100-gallon (378.5 L) tank might be in your future.

How many liters are in a big gallon?

In U.S. measurements, a gallon is 3.785 liters, 128 fluid ounces, 4 quarts, 8 pints, or 16 cups. A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds.

Which is longer 1 gallon or 1 liter?

One US customary gallon is approximately equal to 3.7854118 liters.

Is 3 liters the same as 1 gallon?

A gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.78541 liters. Therefore, a gallon is bigger than 3 liters.