How many grams is the average peach?

A medium-sized peach (150g) contains around 58 calories. Based on the information provided by the USDA, one small peach (2.5 inches in diameter (130g) contains approximately contain 51 calories.

Other nutritional information (medium-sized peach)

  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: less than 1 gram
  • Carbs: 14 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin A: 10% of the DV
  • Potassium: 8% of the DV
  • Niacin: 6% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 5% of the DV
  • Vitamin K: 5% of the DV
  • Copper: 5% of the DV
  • Manganese: 5% of the DV
  • Peaches also offer smaller amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and some B vitamins.

Peach Health Benefits

  • Peaches are packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C which can seek and destroy free radicals that may lead to lead to heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition, vitamin C can help boost the body’s immune system and cell regeneration.
  • Peaches are also a decent source of fiber. Fiber helps remove cholesterol from the body and can also help to control blood sugars. The Insoluble fiber content of the peach adds bulk to the stool and helps move through the gut, reducing the chances of constipation.

Fiber can also help promote weight loss as fibers take longer to suggest and can keep you full longer.

  • Peaches promote a healthy heart. Peaches contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat which are heart-friendly fats.
  • Carotenoids found in peaches can be synthesized by the body into vitamin A. Essential for immune health and vision.


Some people are known to develop allergies to peaches and other stone fruits, especially individuals who are allergic to birch pollen. This may be because the protein in peaches is similar to the protein found in birch pollen. Symptoms may include itchiness of the mouth and throat, swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and/or throat. If allergic symptoms occur, consult your doctor and seek medical advice.

Food Safety

Peaches are listed among the Environmental Working Groups “dirty dozen” which is a list of foods most likely to expose consumers to pesticides. So wash your peaches thoroughly before consumption or buy organic products.

Peach Season

  • Georgia Peach – Mid May to mid-August
  • South Carolina – Mid June to Late August
  • Florida Peach – April to May
  • California Peach – Late June to mid-September
  • Idaho Peach – Late June to late-August


Peaches will continue to ripen at room temperature. Once ripe you can refrigerate them if you wish to eat them at a later time, however, you should consume your peaches within two to three days.

Peaches pack a lot of health benefits and are widely available. It is a wondrous versatile food you can enjoy as is or mix and match with other dishes, smoothies, and desserts. They can also be grilled, sautéed, and stewed, and on top of that, they can be dried and preserved.

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How many grams is the average peach?

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Hale Groves of Vero Beach, Florida, offers the best citrus and fruit gifts money can buy. Order some for your friends, family or yourself.

Fruits and vegetables will have a wide variety of weights depending on their sizes but typically fall into predictable ranges based on their growth patterns. Getting an idea of the weights of different fruits and vegetables may be helpful when you are shopping, managing food intake, or can just be fun to know! 

What are the average weights for fruits and vegetables? We’ve broken down each fruit and vegetable by one unit, giving you the measurements for even a single blueberry or green bean. These values aren’t just fascinating to check out compared to a big watermelon or squash but can give you useful information when at the store or cooking with them. 

We’ve created easy to read tables, so you can find your favorite products and their corresponding weights. We also provided you with important information about how you can use these weights to make decisions for your grocery shopping, cooking, and eating. 

Average Weights of Fruits (A to Z) 

How many grams is the average peach?
How many grams is the average peach?

Below are the average weights of fruits for you to look at and compare to others. This measurement includes both imperial (oz and lb.) and metric (grams) values for your convenience. Because fruit size varies, we have taken an average of each, giving you a good idea of what to expect from each fruit.  

Fruit Type Quantity Imperial (oz or lb.) Metric (g or kg)  Apple 1 6.8 oz 195 gApricot 1 1.2 oz 35 gAvocado 1 6 oz170 gBanana 1 4.2 oz120 gBlackberry1 0.09 oz2.45 gBlueberry 1 0.02 oz0.5 gCherries 1 (with pit)0.18 oz5 gCoconut 1 1.5 lbs.680 gCranberry1 0.04 oz1.13 g Fig11.76 oz50 gGrapefruit18.7 oz246 gGrapes 1 0.18 oz5 gGuava 1 7 oz200 g Jackfruit (Durian)115 lbs. 6.8 kgKiwi1 2.65 oz 75 gLemon1 3.5 oz 100 g Lime 1 1.7 oz50 g Mango 1 7 oz 200 g Melon (cantaloupe) 1 3 lbs.1.36 kgMelon (honeydew) 1 4 lbs.1.8 kgNectarine 1 5.3 oz 150 gOlives 1 0.18 oz5 gOrange 1 4.6 oz130 gPapaya 1 1 lb.450 gPeach 15.3 oz150 gPear 1 6.3 oz180 gPineapple 13.5 lbs. 1.59 kgPlum1 2.3 oz65 gPomegranate 1 9 oz 255 gPumpkin1 10 lbs. 4.5 kgRaspberry1 0.18 oz5 gStrawberry1 0.4 oz12 gWatermelon 1 20 lbs. 9 kg

Looking at this list of fruits, some of them might stick out as your favorites. Looking at the relationship between weight and nutrition, there are specific fruits that are considered ‘better’ for you than others. This is the measurement of high nutrient values to low calories. The fruits that fell into this category include lemons, strawberries, oranges, limes, and grapefruit. 

Based on that study, citrus proves to be rich in vitamins compared to their weight and calories within. It is important to note that weight does not have a direct correlation with the number of calories you take in, as some fruits have much higher caloric values than others. Larger weights typically mean greater overall consumption, which may result in more overall calories. 

Average Weights of Vegetables (A to Z)

How many grams is the average peach?
How many grams is the average peach?

All of the tables display the average weights of vegetables for one unit. This measurement includes both imperial (oz and lb.) and metric (grams) values so you can navigate any store and any packaging. We’ve included additional info about different categories of vegetables as they relate to weight. 

Fruit Type Quantity Imperial (oz or lb.) Metric (grams) Artichoke 1 13 oz 368 gAsparagus 10.8 oz22 gGarlic 1 clove 0.18 oz5 gGreen Beans 1 0.18 oz5 gBeets 1 4 oz 113 g Bell Pepper1 6 oz 170 g Broccoli 1 8 oz 225 g Brussel Sprouts 1 0.5 oz14 gCabbage 1 head2 lb. 9.07 kg.Carrots 1 2.1 oz 60 gCauliflower1 head1.1 lb. 500 gCelery1 stalk 1 lb. 450 gCorn1 cob6.3 oz180 g Cucumber 1 8.8 oz 250 g Kale1 bunch7 oz198 g Lettuce 1 head1.8 lb.800 g Mushrooms (white)1 0.53 oz15 gOnion (yellow)1 5.6 oz 160 gParsnip1 4 oz115 gPea1 0.01 oz0.2 g Potato1 6.5 oz 184 gSnow Pea 1 0.1 oz2.5 g Spinach 1 cup1 oz 30 gSquash (yellow)1 7 oz200 gSquash (butternut) 1 2.5 lb. 1.1 kgSweet Potato1 4 oz 113 g Tomato1 6 oz 170 g Zucchini 1 7 oz 200 g

Looking for the most nutrient-dense vegetables compared to calories and weight, there are a couple you should keep in mind: spinach, carrots, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and kale. Garlic is also an important nutrient, being a rich antibiotic. 

When looking at the weight of a vegetable, it is important to note that this is often much heavier than it will be when you cook it. Water makes up a significant amount of weight and composition in vegetables. Your leafy greens will be the highest in water content, and starchy vegetables like potatoes will contain more dry material. 

Weight is not always a good indicator of the amount you will consume because of the richness in water. When you cook many vegetables, the water evaporates, and you are left with less mass (a great example of this is spinach)! After water, carbohydrates account for the most value (still low) and then proteins (very low), nutrients, and minerals. 

Why Should We Consider the Weight of Fruits and Vegetables?

How many grams is the average peach?
How many grams is the average peach?

Beyond curiosity about the weight of particular fruits and vegetables, there are some very practical reasons you may want to know this information. These measurements can be very helpful in preparing meals and make it much easier to do calculations if you already have a base for what one unit of each weighs. 

There are three steps at which understanding weights of fruits and vegetables is important: 

  • Shopping: When you are grocery shopping, produce is often priced by the pound (or kilogram) because they vary in size and appearance. If you have a general idea of how much a typical fruit or vegetable weights, it may be easier to determine how much you will want to grab or spend on each item.  
  • Cooking: Recipes may call for a specific measurement of a fruit or vegetable in weight. Knowing how much a fruit weighs can help you to determine how many you will need for that recipe. Keep in mind that if you are using something that cannot be entirely used (skins, rinds, etc.), you will need to buy a little extra to account for this. 
  • Eating: You may be on a diet or eating plan that calls for certain serving sizes. 

Many people take advantage of food scales and will weigh their food before eating. If you fall into this category, knowing how much an average piece of fruit or vegetable weighs can be beneficial to stick to your food plan. 

Knowing the weights of fruits and vegetables can help you manage all steps in the buying and eating process. Fruits and vegetables make for healthy alternatives to other processed foods, but weighing them can still help you maintain a well-balanced diet. Anything in excess can be unhealthy and using the weights to help you find that balance is a great tool.

What does an average peach weigh?

Peaches are pretty uniform in size and shape. They generally weigh about 1/4 to ⅓ of a pound (110 to 150 grams), so there are about 3 to 4 peaches per pound (450 grams).

How many grams is one large peach?

One large peach (about 147 grams) has about: 68 calories. 2 grams fiber. 1.3 grams protein.

How many grams is a small peach?

Based on the information provided by the USDA, one small peach (2.5 inches in diameter (130g) contains approximately contain 51 calories. Peaches also offer smaller amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and some B vitamins.

How many grams is a serving of Peaches?

The recommended portion for peach is about one medium-sized peach, approximately 150 grams. One such peach contains 59 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of sugar.