How many granny smith apples in a pound

Have you noticed that apples are usually sold by the pound at the grocery store? They really don’t sell bags of apples anymore. It makes you wonder how many apples are in a pound.

How many granny smith apples in a pound

And how about when you go to make a recipe that calls for X cups of apples. How many pounds do you need to buy?

It’s time to demystify all of this and learn some fun stuff about apples along the way.

Related: Common types of apples at the grocery store

How many granny smith apples in a pound

The answer depends on the variety of the apple. It takes less big Red Delicious apples to make a pound than it does small Macintoshes.

The general rule is that it takes four small, three medium or two large apples to make a pound.

Do you ever wonder how wide apples are? Large apples are 3-¼” in diameter. Medium and small ones have respective diameters of 3″ and 2-¾”.

Here’s a nice chart that shows the size and weight of regular apples versus the denser Golden Delicious variety.

Fun fact: The Japanese Black Diamond apple is the rarest apple in the world. This dark purple fruit is related to the Red Delicious.

If you need three pounds of apples, that equals 12 small, nine medium or six big ones.

For five pounds, get 20 small, 15 medium or 10 big apples.

How Many Apples In A Peck

How many granny smith apples in a pound

If you ever have to buy a lot of apples, you can usually save money by buying them by the peck. You might have to go to a farmer’s market or an orchard. Some grocery stores don’t sell bulk fruit.

Don’t be confused by measurements like the peck. It’s a measure of volume, not weight. There are about 9-1/2 US quarts in a peck.

So how many apples is that? Well, a peck of apples weighs around 13 pounds. This doesn’t change much due to the size of the apples because peck is a measure of volume.

The math is pretty simple. There are 52 small, 39 medium or 26 big apples in a peck.

Apple science: The Honeycrisp apple was created by crossing the honey gold and Macoun varieties.

How Many Apples In A Cup?

Recipes almost always call for a specific volume of apples. They never tell you the weight you need. That can be frustrating.

One pound of peeled and sliced or chopped apples equals four cups. That same pound of finely chopped apples yields three cups.

Tip: If you’re not good at peeling and slicing apples, watch this video to learn an easy way.

So for each cup of sliced or chopped apple you need, you’ve got to have a half of a large apple or one small one.

Some recipes call for grated apples. In that case, one pound of apples will give you two and a half cups.

If you’re making applesauce, one pound of apples will make one and a half cups of sauce. One and a half pounds of apples will make a full pint of sauce. A pint is a size normally sold in grocery stores.

From our kitchen: If you love applesauce, try mixing in honey, ginger or cinnamon for an extra kick of flavor.

You are probably wondering how many apples are in a pound. Look no further. We have researched all about how to determine this.

A pound of apples is equivalent to sixteen ounces. Apples typically weigh 6.4 ounces or about one-third of a pound. By this definition, a pound of apples is, on average, three apples.

Continue reading to learn more about different ways to measure a pound of apples, how much a quart of apples weigh, how big or heavy a medium apple is, and more.

How many granny smith apples in a pound

What Is One Pound of Apples?

One pound of apples can essentially be considered the same as any other one pound, sixteen ounces. To have one pound of apples, you need three medium-sized apples. If each apple weighs one-third of one pound, you will need three apples.

If the apple you are using is larger than average, it may only take two apples to make one pound of apples. The same concept goes for if the apples you choose are smaller than average, you may need four total to equal one pound. An average apple that has had the core removed and is sliced weighs one-third of a pound.

How many granny smith apples in a pound

One large apple typically weighs two hundred and fifteen grams or seven and a half ounces. A medium-sized apple weighs about six ounces or one hundred and sixty-nine grams. One small apple is usually about one hundred and twenty-nine grams or four and a half ounces.

After you have cooked with apples a few times, you will develop a better understanding of what a pound of apples looks like. Your eyes will become better trained the more you cook with apples and get a feel for it.

Gaining this insight through life experience will help you figure out how to choose the correct number of apples based on the weight in apples that your recipe calls for.

Keep in mind that denser apples contain more water which causes them to be heavier. Honeycrisp, Gala, and Granny Smith are good examples of apples that tend to be on the heavier, bigger end of the spectrum. This is not always the case based on the apple variety, though.

It is best to measure apples by weight instead of diameter. This results in the most accurate measurement.

When a recipe calls for one pound of apples, it refers to whole apples. If your recipe lists cups instead of pounds, it most likely refers to prepared apples. By prepared apples, we mean apples that have had the core removed and are sliced up.

How do you measure a pound of apples?

How many granny smith apples in a pound

Whether you are making apple muffins, apple butter, or apple pie, there are a few ways you can measure a pound of apples. The first and perhaps easiest way to measure one pound of apples is by using a spring-loaded scale. You see these at grocery stores hanging from the ceiling in the produce section.

If you are shopping at a grocery store when using a spring-loaded scale, you are measuring the weight of the whole apple. The main difference at home is that you can peel (if you want) and slice the apples before weighing them.

This will provide more accuracy when incorporating as many apples as you will need to make the amount you want to make.

If you are at home, a digital scale is more practical to measure a pound of apples. Digital scales are most often used for portion control, but they will work for measuring the weight of apples. There are several units of measurement available on a digital scale.

In this instance, you will probably need to set the unit of measurement on your digital scale to either ounces or grams. The average apple is equal to somewhere between seventy and one hundred grams.

Something cool about digital scales is the tare feature that allows you to measure your food in whatever container you choose just as long as you push the tare button to zero out the scale before adding the food you are measuring.

Click here to see this digital scale on Amazon.

A mechanical scale, also known as an analog kitchen scale, works similarly to a digital scale, except it does not provide a digital readout. Analog kitchen scales are reliable, which is one reason they are favored. They have a rotating dial, are dish-washer safe, and also include a tare function.

Click here to see this analog scale on Amazon.

Other Ways to Measure One Pound of Apples

Another way to measure for a pound of apples other than a digital or mechanical kitchen scale is by slicing your apples then placing the apple slices into a measuring cup. One pound of apples is equivalent to three cups of sliced apples.

When you buy bagged apples, the weight is listed on the bag, usually somewhere toward the bottom.  If you are making fried apples, you will only need to use one or two large apples, depending on how many people will be eating them. It is better to have too many apples than not enough.

An alternative way that you can use to weigh out one pound of apples is by placing apples on the scale at checkout. You can either ask the cashier or if you are in a self-checkout booth at a grocery store, you can do it yourself.

If you are at a self-checkout station, you can look up the type of apples you chose and find out the price of the apple by the pound. Finding out this information will help you choose the right amount of apples to equal one pound.

What does a quart of apples weigh?

A quart of apples weighs around three pounds. This measurement is found by finding out how many sliced apples fit in a quart-sized jar.

Consider when you would need a quart of apples. A quart of apples is perfect for baking apple pie but is a little more than someone needs to eat as a snack. For snacking, you will most likely want one pint of apples.

What is the weight of a medium apple?

How many granny smith apples in a pound

A medium apple weighs 6.4 ounces, the same as one hundred and eighty-two grams. Of course, you may not always have a kitchen scale close by.  To be considered a medium apple, it should easily fit in the palm of your hand, similar to a tennis ball, and weigh no more than one-third of a pound.

If you want to bake an apple pie, you need about nine medium-sized apples. This is the same as three pounds of apples. For one quart of applesauce, you need a little less than three pounds of apples.

An apple corer is a handy device. If you prefer to slice your apple yourself, you can use an apple corer first and then slice it.

Click here to see this product on Amazon.

How much does a peck of apples weigh in pounds?

How many granny smith apples in a pound

To help you understand what a peck of apples amounts to is equal to two gallons of dry volume. A peck of apples weighs approximately twelve pounds. One peck of apples is the same as one-quarter of a bushel.


A pound of apples is equal to sixteen ounces. On average, apples weigh one-third of one pound. This means one pound of apples is, on average, three medium-sized apples. Apples with a higher water content are heavier.

To measure one pound of apples, you can either use a spring-loaded scale, a digital scale, a mechanical scale, or the scale used at checkout inside the grocery store. You can also lookup the price per pound depending on the computer system available at your local grocery store.

Before you go, check out the following links related to apples:

How To Freeze Apple Butter—4 Steps To Follow!

Can You Use Frozen Apples For Pies?

Can You Bake Apple Pie In A Cake Pan?

How many green apples make a pound?

The answer: The average apple weighs 0.33 pounds, so there are on average 3 apples in a pound.

How many Granny Smith apples is 2lbs?

How Many Apples in a Pound? From there, you'll just need a little basic math to make your calculations. If the recipe calls for 6 cups of sliced apples, you'll likely need about 8 medium-sized apples, or about 2 pounds of medium-sized apples.

How much does 1 Granny Smith apple weigh?

About the ingredient Granny Smith apples. Including 301 recipes with Granny Smith apples, nutrition data, photos, and where to find it. ... How much do Granny Smith apples weigh?.

How many cups is 2 lbs of apples?

A pound of apples will yield 3 cups; so for 8 cups prepared apples, you'll need about 2 2/3 pounds whole apples (make it 2 3/4 pounds, if you're at the supermarket weighing).