How many miles is 50000 feet

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Using this converter you can get answers to questions like:

  • How many miles are in 50000 kilometers.?
  • 50000 kilometers is equal to how many miles?
  • How to convert kilometers to miles?
  • What is the km to in conversion factor?
  • What is the formula to convert from km to in? among others.

Definition of kilometer

A kilometer (abbreviation km), a unit of length, is a common measure of distance equal to 1000 meters and is equivalent to 0.621371192 mile or 3280.8398950131 feet.

Definition of mile

A mile is a unit of length in a number of systems of measurement, including in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. The international mile is precisely equal to 1.609344 km (which is 25146⁄15625 km or 1 9521⁄15625 km in fraction).

Kilometer to miles formula and conversion factor

To calculate a kilometer value to the corresponding value in miles, just multiply the quantity in kilometers by 0.621371192 (the conversion factor).

Kilometer to mile formula

Miles = Kilometers * 0.621371192

Miles to Kilometers formula and conversion factor

To calculate a mile value to the corresponding value in kilometers, just multiply the quantity in miles by 1.609344 (the conversion factor).

A U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bomber lands at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam,Jan. 16, 2018. The Stratofortress is one of six U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bombers and approximately 300 Airmen from Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB), Louisiana, deploying to Andersen AFB, Guam, in support of U.S. Pacific Command’s (PACOM) Continuous Bomber Presence (CBP) mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Richard P. Ebensberger)

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How many miles is 50000 feet

A B-52H Stratofortress is parked on the flightline at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., May 1, 2020. The 2nd Bomb Wing flew the aircraft over different medical facilities throughout the cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge, La., to show appreciation for the hard work local community medical practitioners have done during the COVID-19 pandemic. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Stuart Bright)

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How many miles is 50000 feet

A U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bomber assigned to the 307th Bomb Wing goes through an engine check June 24, 2021, at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. Eight Pratt & Whitney TF33 engines power the B-52H to give it the capability of flying at high subsonic speeds. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kate Bragg)

Our inch fraction calculator can add feet and miles together, and it also automatically converts the results to US customary, imperial, and SI metric values.

Feet and miles are both units used to measure length. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.


The foot is a unit of linear length measure equal to 12 inches or 1/3 of a yard. Because the international yard is legally defined to be equal to exactly 0.9144 meters, one foot is equal to 0.3048 meters.[1]

The foot is a US customary and imperial unit of length. Feet can be abbreviated as ft; for example, 1 foot can be written as 1 ft.

Feet can also be denoted using the ′ symbol, otherwise known as a prime, though a single-quote (') is often used instead of the prime symbol for convenience. Using the prime symbol, 1 ft can be written as 1′.

The foot is most commonly measured using either a standard 12" ruler or a tape measure, though there are many other measuring devices available. Feet are sometimes referred to as linear feet, which are simply the measurement of length in feet.

You might be interested in our feet and inches calculator, which can add feet with inches, centimeters, or meters.


The mile is a linear measurement of length equal to exactly 1,609.344 meters. One mile is also equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.

The mile is a US customary and imperial unit of length. Miles can be abbreviated as mi, and are also sometimes abbreviated as m. For example, 1 mile can be written as 1 mi or 1 m.

We recommend using a ruler or tape measure for measuring length, which can be found at a local retailer or home center. Rulers are available in imperial, metric, or combination with both values, so make sure you get the correct type for your needs.

Need a ruler? Try our free downloadable and printable rulers, which include both imperial and metric measurements.

How many feet are in a mile exactly?

mile, any of various units of distance, such as the statute mile of 5,280 feet (1.609 km). It originated from the Roman mille passus, or “thousand paces,” which measured 5,000 Roman feet. About the year 1500 the “old London” mile was defined as eight furlongs.

How many feet are in a mile 1 mile?

It can be tricky to remember how many feet in a mile, since it's a seemingly random number: 5,280.

How many feet is a mile 5000?

To add an extra layer of confusion, the modern mile is 5280 feet long, not 5000 or 4860.

How many feet is 3 miles?

3 miles have 15840 feet.