How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?

how many mollies are ok to fit in a 5 gallon tank, how many mollies are ok for a 10 gallon tank?

can you keep guppies and mollies together in the same tank?

what other fish are ok to keep with mollies?

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


8 years ago

Guest wrote:[/b]

how many mollies are ok to fit in a 5 gallon tank, how many mollies are ok for a 10 gallon tank?

The answer is, none. Mollies need at least 20 gallons to have enough room to swim and grow.

can you keep guppies and mollies together in the same tank?

what other fish are ok to keep with mollies?

Mollies and guppies are great tankmates! As well as other livebearers, tetras, danios, rasboras, and cories. But again, you must have at least a 20 gallon tank to keep these fish.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


7 years ago

You can fit about 2 mollies and believe me I should know because I'm a fish breeder and I sell then (well some I love mollies🐟🐠🐡)

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


7 years ago

I absolutely disagree with KK! Mollies, about two or three, would do weel in a 5 gallon. If you want live bearers, get, mollies, guppies, endlers, platies, tetras, etc. You could put in a single betta if you wanted. I would personally put in a couple of dwarf puffers in a 5 gallon. If you want to put in puffers, ONLY PUT IN DWARF PUFFERS! Most puffers are agressive! The most peaceful dwarf freshwater puffer from my knowledge is the amazon puffer. Whatever fish you get, do research beforehand so that you can have the safest, happiest tank possible! 👍


7 years ago

No way do mollies fit in a 5 gallon. Get a male betta 😊 . In a ten gallon.. well MAYBE two or three but honestly 15+ is the best.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


7 years ago

Fishgirl18 wrote:

I absolutely disagree with KK! Mollies, about two or three, would do weel in a 5 gallon. If you want live bearers, get, mollies, guppies, endlers, platies, tetras, etc. You could put in a single betta if you wanted. I would personally put in a couple of dwarf puffers in a 5 gallon. If you want to put in puffers, ONLY PUT IN DWARF PUFFERS! Most puffers are agressive! The most peaceful dwarf freshwater puffer from my knowledge is the amazon puffer. Whatever fish you get, do research beforehand so that you can have the safest, happiest tank possible! :thumb-up:

Just to point out that Tetras are not live bearers. I personally would not have any livebearers in a 5 gallon tank due to fry being born every month would quickly over run the tank. I have 3 female and one Male Molly in a 4 foot, 240 litre tank and they swim all over it, in a 5 gallon, they would have no where to go to. is a stocking advisory site and for 3 Mollies at adult size it says

Your aquarium stocking level is 166%.
Your tank is overstocked. Unless you are an experienced aquarist who can meet the maintenance/biological needs of this aquarium, lower stocking levels are recommended.


6 years ago

I have 2 mollies in a 5 gallon tank and they are just fine

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

Hi there Brj5555,
2 Mollies in a 5 gallon means that your tank is also overstocked.

As per

Your aquarium stocking level is 186%.
Your tank is overstocked. Unless you are an experienced aquarist who can meet the maintenance/biological needs of this aquarium, lower stocking levels are recommended.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?



6 years ago

2 are complety fine if I were to have 3 mollies in my tank that would be pushing it

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago


Apparently you don't understand proper fish care.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?



6 years ago

Well since my fish are perfectly fine I must understand something

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

When it comes to fish-keeping, one must do their preliminary research. We also most consider the ethics and moral values of the fish themselves. Question yourself, "Are 2-3 potential 10cm long fish able to thrive in a 20gal?"

Try not to flip out CC, stay calm. I know how passionate you can be at times. 😊


6 years ago

You must be doing water changes everyday then. Putting even a guppy in a 5 gallon is bad. The only thing you could put in there is a single male betta, or maybe some snails.

Mollies can grow up to 3 inches. A gallon per inch would put you at 6 gallons. That's just for size. It doesn't count toward the fish itself. It's habits, reproduction, swimming, nothing. It's like putting two humans inside of a car. Leaving all the goodies inside of it like the seats and steering wheel. That's how your mollies feel. I'm planning on putting 7 inside of a 23 gallon tank, and I feel a bit iffy on that just because of how much waste they produce, right along with the fact I have one male and 6 females.

You're fish are surviving. Not thriving.

Those may interest you:


6 years ago

I don't need anyone criticizing me on having two mollies in a 5 gallon tank they are well taken care of and are not "surviving" they are healthy fish and have no problems

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

Your fish won't last long in those conditions. But I guess time will tell.

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Water Conditions: 68-82° F, KH 10-25, pH 7.0-7.8
Max. Size: 4¾"
Color Form: Assorted, Black
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: east coast of Florida, Gulf of Mexico, North Carolina
Family: Poeciliidae


How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


Love those mollys

6 years ago

Guys! 😧
This question is 1 year old! Please post on new threads!

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

You realize you just posted on it? This was two months ago and then you just brought it back.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

Hi, you do realize you are posting on old posts too? Not necessary to remind people unless it's just recent, as in a day or so; not a year ago. Edited: or months ago.

admin team

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?



6 years ago


You had a good answer in #2 and #15. Next time you need an answer, please ask a question in the Ask a new question box.Thanks.

Admin team

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


6 years ago

A good answer?

Mollies are too active to be happy in a 5 gallon. They can survive in one as we can survive in a 6 foot prison cell, but their healthy natural behavior is choked in a tiny tank.

Put them in a big tank, and they are like happy puppies.

So no mollies in a 5 - from someone who has kept and bred mollies for close to 50 years.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?



4 years ago

I disagree because I've been keeping about 3_4 of a couple types of live bearers for a few years now and they are doing just fine in a 5 gallon

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


4 years ago

Hi Joe.

This post is over a year old so doesn't need to be discussed further.

Feel free to start a new thread, or ask any questions, but please refrain from answering very old questions that have long since been addressed.

This also causes new questions to be pushed down the list meaning they may be missed, leaving the op waiting for a potentially important answer 😊

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


4 years ago

cobracommander wrote:

Any old or new post are fine,without them people cant learn,so just stuff it,and let people ask questions even if its 1000 years from know ,even if its the same question,it will be fine just relax dude.:evil:

Do you set the rules on here? No. Mods and Admins follow the rules the site owner sets up. Your rudeness will not be tolerated here. Consider this your only warning.

Admin team

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


4 years ago

cobracommander wrote:

Really just because u know everything doesnt mean everyone else does,other peoples IQ may not be as high as yours:evil:

This has nothing to do with IQ. It's about following the instructions of a Moderator who explains why not to post on old threads. We don't need or tolerate rude remarks. This is your only warning.

Admin team

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?


4 years ago

Hi cobracommander.

Whilst I appreciate you noticing my extremely high IQ we only suggest not posting on old threads as it can clog up the latest questions list and this is where potentially important questions can be missed.

If the comment is constructive and relivent then it's not so much an issue, if its a bit of blah blah let's justify commenting (like from yourself), or a coment justifying fish in less than ideal situations (such as keeping several guppies in a 5g like the one I previously commented on) then it's best left.

In a lot of circumstances the OP will have had the answer and moved on, lots of guests only pop for advice as they need It, and aren't active members, so in effect you're digging up an old bag of bones for no reason.

How many mollies Can I put in a 5 gallon tank?



4 years ago

I'm sorry for trolling last time and won't comment on old threads again unless I have something really useful to say, I also apologise for my previous hurtful remarks...

How many mollies can you keep in a 5 gallon?

Molly fish are easy to produce, you'd better keep just male fish or female fish because a 5-gallon tank is too small. You can keep a group of about 5 male mollies in your 5-gallon tank.

How many fish can a 5 gallon tank hold?

You can keep about 2-4 fish in a tank this size as long as each fish is not larger than 1 inch. The one-inch fish per gallon rule would apply to most smaller fish breeds like Tetras, Betta, Rasbora, Shrimps, and more. Fish that can grow larger than 1 inch are not recommended for a 5-gallon tank.

How many gallons do mollies need?

Depending on the type of molly fish, we recommend getting an aquarium that holds at least 20 gallons of water, but a 29- to 55-gallon tank is more suitable for larger species.

What fish do well in 5 gallons?

I have always labeled killifish, Bettas and gouramis as “Southeast Asian Puddle Fish.” Their natural territories are quite small, making them perfectly adapted to life in a 5 gallon tank. Males are particularly colorful and will flash their colors in a territorial display.