How much bigger is a 43 TV than a 32?

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In comparison to a 43 inch 16x9 TV a 32 inch 16x9 is...

26% smaller diagonally and 45% smaller by area as a 16x9 display.

26% smaller diagonally and 45% smaller by area as a 4x3 display.

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Screen Size Comparison

32 inch 16x9 display vs 43 inch 16x9 display

How much bigger is a 43 TV than a 32?
StatsUse cm 32 inch 16x9 43 inch 16x9
Width 27.89 inches 37.48 inches
Height 15.69 inches 21.08 inches
Area 437.55 inches² 790.08 inches²
As a 4:3 Display 26.15 inches 35.14 inches
As a 16:9 Display 32.00 inches 43.00 inches
As a 2.35:1 Display 30.31 inches 40.73 inches
In Comparison 32 inch 16x9 43 inch 16x9
Actual Aspect Ratios 25.58% smaller diagonal
44.62% smaller area
34.38% larger diagonal
80.57% larger area
As a 4:3 Display 25.58% smaller diagonal
44.62% smaller area
34.38% larger diagonal
80.57% larger area
As a 16:9 Display 25.58% smaller diagonal
44.62% smaller area
34.38% larger diagonal
80.57% larger area
As a 2.35:1 Display 25.58% smaller diagonal
44.62% smaller area
34.38% larger diagonal
80.57% larger area

Should I get a 32 or 43

If the viewing distance is between 4-6 ft, buy a 32-inch unit. If the distance is more, say between 5-8 ft, opt for a 40/42-inch TV. Go for a 46/49-inch panel if you will be viewing from 6-9 feet distance. For sets larger than 50 inches, it is best to have a viewing distance of more than 8 ft.

Is a 43

As a general guide, 43-inch devices are a good option for when you are going to be sitting between 3.6 to 5.4 feet away from the screen. When it comes to choosing the best 43-inch TV for your money, it's worth considering what factors are most important to you.

How big is a TV that is 43 inches wide?

TV Size to Distance Calculator and Science.

Is a 32 inch TV big enough?

Splashing your cash on a TV smaller than 32 inches could simply be a waste of money. Instead, you could purchase something a little bigger that offers a more comfortable viewing experience. Which? revealed that the optimum viewing distance for a 32 inch TV is 7 feet.