How much does an ma make a year

The average salary for a medical assistant in Florida is around $36,700 per year.

Medical assistants earn an average yearly salary of $36,700.
Wages typically start from $28,910 and go up to $46,240.

44% below national average Updated in 2021

Medical assistant earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

State NameAverage Salary
District of Columbia $47,550
Washington $47,460
Alaska $47,400
Minnesota $46,920
Massachusetts $45,880
Oregon $45,710
Hawaii $38,860
California $38,780
New Hampshire $38,220
Wisconsin $38,050
Colorado $38,040
Connecticut $38,000
Maine $37,860
New York $37,860
Rhode Island $37,860
Iowa $37,660
Montana $37,660
New Jersey $37,640
Maryland $37,530
Illinois $37,500
Wyoming $37,410
Arizona $37,390
North Dakota $37,310
Vermont $37,190
Idaho $37,120
Michigan $37,120
Utah $37,120
Virginia $37,070
Virgin Islands, U.S. $37,020
Nebraska $36,990
Indiana $36,960
Nevada $36,960
Ohio $36,800
North Carolina $36,790
Florida $36,700
Pennsylvania $36,680
Delaware $36,470
Tennessee $36,280
Georgia $36,190
Texas $35,520
Kansas $35,340
Missouri $35,280
South Carolina $34,710
Kentucky $33,410
New Mexico $30,750
South Dakota $30,540
Oklahoma $30,030
Arkansas $29,970
Alabama $29,920
Mississippi $29,760
West Virginia $29,740
Louisiana $29,470
Guam $24,130
Puerto Rico $21,980

How do medical assistant salaries compare to similar careers?

Medical assistants earn about the same as related careers in Florida. On average, they make less than psychiatric technicians but more than veterinary assistants.

CareerMedian Salary
Psychiatric technician salary $35K
Pharmacy technician salary $37K
Veterinary technologist salary $37K
Medical administrative assistant salary $36K
Phlebotomist salary $36K
Medical assistant salary $37K
Medical transcriptionist salary $29K
Veterinary assistant salary $29K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)


Avg. Base Hourly Rate (USD)

The average hourly pay for a Medical Assistant is $16.25


What is the Pay by Experience Level for Medical Assistants?

An entry-level Medical Assistant with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $14.43 based on 1,586 salaries. An early career Medical Assistant with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $15.29 based on 9,579 salaries. A …Read more

What Do Medical Assistants Do?

Most of the time, medical assistants work in doctors’ offices, hospitals, or medical clinics. They prepare treatment rooms to make sure that they are clean. They walk patients from waiting rooms to examination or treatment rooms. They interview patients. They take patients’ vital signs, such as temperature, weight, and blood pressure. They write down other information, such as why the patients come to their facility, their symptoms, and medication that patients are currently taking. They …Read more

How do Medical Assistants Rate Their Jobs?

Based on 3,340 responses, the job of Medical Assistant has received a job satisfaction rating of 3.79 out of 5. On average, Medical Assistants are highly satisfied with their job.

What is the highest pay for Medical Assistants?

Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Medical Assistant is $21.03 / hour

What is the lowest pay for Medical Assistants?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Medical Assistant is $12.81 / hour

How can Medical Assistants increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as a Medical Assistant is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are a Medical Assistant that oversees more junior Medical Assistants, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

What is a good salary for MA?

How Much Does an MA Make? Average Medical Assistant Salary.

Is it worth being a MA?

Becoming a medical assistant is a good career choice because it is an in-demand career with many opportunities. The demand for medical assistants is expected to increase by 18.9 percent between 2020 and 2030, which is faster than average compared to other occupations.

What is the highest pay for a Medical Assistant?

Alaska has the highest medical assistant salary of $46,918. West Virginia has the lowest medical assistant salary of $26,886. The national average salary for medical assistants is $34,900. The national hourly pay for medical assistants is $16.78.

Whats better CNA or MA?

The BLS adds that MAs may benefit from being detail-oriented and having analytical skills that will assist them in maintaining patient charts and other administrative duties. CNAs, on the other hand, do well with strong communication skills and the physical stamina required to adequately care for their patients.