How much does mcdonalds pay 16 year olds

How much does mcdonalds pay 16 year olds

Avg. Base Hourly Rate (AUD)

McDonalds Australia Jobs by Hourly Rate

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How much does McDonalds Australia pay?

McDonalds Australia pays its employees an average of AU$16.38 an hour. Hourly pay at McDonalds Australia ranges from an average of AU$11.31 to AU$23.86 an hour. McDonalds Australia employees with the job title Retail Shift Supervisor make the most with an average hourly rate of AU$22.46, while employees with the title Food Service Worker make the least with an average hourly rate of AU$12.07.

Are McDonalds Australia employees satisfied with their compensation?

Our Fair Pay score for McDonalds Australia is 2.92. Read reviews from current employees that include compensation and culture insights.

What is the highest salary at McDonalds Australia?

The highest reported salary for an employee at McDonalds Australia is currently A$23.86 / hour

McDonalds Australia Reviews

Overall Satisfaction


Learning and Development


Depends on the Store.

Fast Food Worker in Sydney:

Pros: You become really close with your co-workers, especially in a smaller store like where I started out. The training is excellent and theres plenty of room for skill development. You get a 50% discount on your meals at your store, and 20% at all other McDonalds stores across the country. As a 17 year old casual I got paid $15.12 an hour which is quite good compared to other jobs I've had.

Cons: It's often a stressful environment, and customers can often be cruel to the staff without realising the harm they do.

Fast Food Worker in Melbourne:

Cons: Rudeness of customers and too much stress.

Read More Reviews

Address: Melbourne, Victoria

Industries: Fast Food Restaurant(s)

Years of Experience

This data is based on 176 survey responses.

Gender Breakdown for McDonalds Australia



Avg. Hourly Rate: AU$12 - AU$24



Avg. Hourly Rate: AU$12 - AU$24

This data is based on 132 survey responses. Learn more about the gender pay gap.

McDonalds Australia Job Listings

Companies in the same industry as McDonalds Australia, ranked by hourly rate.

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How much does mcdonalds pay 16 year olds

McDonalds Australia

How much does McDonald's pay 16 year olds in the UK?

The average pay for 16 year olds at McDonald's is between £7.50 and £8.75 per hour. The current minimum wage for people age 16 is £4.81 per hour. The Real Living Wage is £9.90 (£11.05 in London).

What does McDonalds pay per hour Australia?

McDonalds Australia pays its employees an average of AU$16.38 an hour. Hourly pay at McDonalds Australia ranges from an average of AU$11.31 to AU$23.86 an hour.