How much is white hennessy in jamaica

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How much is white hennessy in jamaica

What is the price for white Hennessy in Jamaica?

Jamaica charges the most for white hennessy. At the airport it is $67.50. In town you may get it for $60.00 to $65.00 which is still too much.

Does Jamaica sell Hennessy white?

Its taste is extremely delicious over ice. And although this drink is referred to as a subtle, feminine liquor, trust us — it's not just for the ladies. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get a hold of the elusive cognac, as it is only sold in Cognac, France, and the Caribbean, like Jamaica and Barbados.

How much is a bottle of Hennessy pure white worth?

Price. The RRP for a bottle of Hennessy Pure White in the Caribbean ranges between $40 - $50 a bottle. But in the US, it's super hard to get. If you find a store that sells it, prepare to pay around $200 per bottle.

Where is Hennessy Pure White sold?

Hennessy Pure White is a Cognac that's generally sold only in the Caribbean, and, of course, in Cognac, France. Many people get to taste it when on vacation–perhaps in Barbados or the Bahamas–and then try to buy it from their local liquor store on their return home.