How old is Li Huan here u are?

Here U Are is a completed manhua written and illustrated by Djun. It has been published by Dongman Manhua.


Registering the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn't that bad of a person at all ...



How old is Li Huan here u are?

In the second year at college, he majors in design. YuYang is very helpful to new students. His initial reaction regarding him concerned his oppressive height before he showed him to his dorm, and then retrieved his keys. Assuming duties as a military training exercise assistant, YuYang is effective at leading the group, and overall is well liked by people. He does express anger at the way younger people can talk to him as an upperclassman. His birthday is February 14th.


How old is Li Huan here u are?

Attending college, he seldom speaks and maintains an indifferent attitude towards matters and has been noted as being taciturn since he was a child. LiHuan plays the piano, but by himself and has been considering leaving college feeling there is not much there. By his own initiative, LiHuan alters this cycle by asking YuYang if something is wrong after recognizing that something was not right. In another incident he intuits a student being pressured by others to buy them food and being uncomfortable with it, so LiHuan stated that the supervisor was calling the student to their office to remove him from the predicament and bypassing a potential ordeal. Throughout the story he is Eighteen and his birthday is May 20th. His height is also 196cm

Story Introduction[]

Yuyang helps new students to register and is handed some luggage which belongs to LiHuan. He considers this day was one where he bumped into someone that would become very special to him. Considering the moments further, YuYang thinks of all the things they would experience including climbing a mountain.

Presently, LiHuan is in his group at a military training exercise and YuYang comes across him again playing the piano when he is helping students. LiHuan returns to his father and states he will drop out of college. Hearing his background, YuYang is tasked with helping LiHuan fit in.

Here U Are Images[]

How old is Li Huan here u are?

An example of the art style

How old is Li Huan here u are?

How old is Li Huan here u are?

How old is Li Huan here u are?

How old is Li Huan here u are?

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How old is Li Huan here u are?

Hello Everyone~! It’s Koharu here~~

And I’m (briefly) back after a long long looooong hiatus!! I had my GCSEs down the lane, so I had to take a very extended break from AA to focus on my studies a bit more~~

But since I’m currently doing my A-levels, I have a bit more time to spare, and that’s why I started clearing up my to-read list! One of the major series I was dying to dive deep into was Here U Are, because of the stunning art style the author has!! It immediately caught my attention, hence I decided to begin fresh with it (and BOY OH BOY was it a great decision) Here U Are was also my very first Chinese manhua to read, and so it has a very special place in my heart hehe <3

So lets start off, shall we?


Basic Info

How old is Li Huan here u are?

Name — Here U Are

Author — DJun

Genres — Shounen Ai, Drama, School, Slice of Life

Status — Ongoing

Published — Nov 22, 2017 to ?


Orienting new students is YuYang's responsibility, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after getting to know each other, he discovers that the giant isn't that bad of a person after all <Source : MAL>


:bangbang: SPOILERS AHEAD :bangbang:

How old is Li Huan here u are?


The story revolves around YuYang, a role-model second year university student, and LiHuan, a scary athletic first year who’s newly admitted to the campus. YuYang is in charge of orienting and helping the newcomers to adjust more comfortably into the campus. Lihuan, with his quiet demeanour and terrifying looks, ended up giving YuYang an extremely wrong first impression, which ultimately made the latter pissed off at him. However, as time goes by, the two characters start warming up to each other as they face hardships, and get to understand each other bit by bit.


General Thoughts

”Ah, here goes another ‘giant softie and irritated chihuahua’ couple” is admittedly what first came to my mind whilst reading the manhua. And while this statement is somewhat true, it really doesn’t define the entirety of the plot (kinda like those ‘yes but no’ moments you get me???) The story actually goes far deeper into both of the characters’ stories and explores their fears, hopes and dreams, adding emphasis on YuYang’s fears. To be completely honest, I wasn’t expecting the story to actually indulge in the character’s backstories that much despite starting with zero expectations. It was a neat surprise!! From my (very) limited experience with asian BL comics, it’s usually either quite serious with lots of dark elements and sometimes, *cough* a concerning amount of smut, or too fluffy and lighthearted. Even though both of which can be really pleasant to read occasionally, it was kinda hard for me to find a long series with an interesting plot that I could submerge myself in for an extended period of time.

How old is Li Huan here u are?

The series managed to balance both of these categories; not too dark, not too fluffy and soft either, but with a hint of spice from time to time :eyes: Moreover, the whole plot of the series was something I was able to understand and relate to. The school life and campus, responsibilities, the occasional recklessness, all of these elements added to my enjoyment of the series. ALSO!!! THE SIDE CHARACTERS.

THEY ARE A M A Z I NG!!!!!! Each of them has their own unique backstory and GOD do they not disappoint. The recent chapters start focusing more on the side characters’ tales and futures, which can indicate the fact that the main plot has ended? idk? but nevertheless, all of the side character’s stories are very interesting, and I would LOVE to know more about their futures. The author, DJun, occasionally posts random sketches and artworks of the characters on their twitter account (if you’re interested, @DDjuner) which are cOUgH quite entertaining to say the least

tl;dr i’m being well fed

One last point I would like to mention before going deep into the MCs, is the author’s sense of humour. Now I’m not talking about the in-the-story kind of humour, but this :

How old is Li Huan here u are?

Whenever the author isn’t able to release a new chapter, they usually put out a horribly drawn panel featuring the characters threatening them in some way or the other and honestly? TOP TIER COMEDY i always cackle and laugh like a fucking idiot whenever they post any of these!! YES it’s a bit disappointing but at least we can get some laughs out of it!

How old is Li Huan here u are?

Another example

How old is Li Huan here u are?

How old is Li Huan here u are?


Next up, more on our main characters!

How old is Li Huan here u are?

tbh this pic alone perfectly sums them up


“WiLd iNsiDe”

”sHarP eYeS bUt cAnT sEe wHo LiKeS hiM”






How old is Li Huan here u are?

THERE HE IS our very very handsome and adorable YangYang!! Despite being openly gay and displaying extreme levels of confidence, it is later shown that YuYang is actually afraid of the world around him, mainly due to the homophobia and mistreatment he has gotten throughout the years. I wasn’t really shocked once I realised that, after all this time, YuYang was merely a “coward”, preferring to run around in circles rather than face his issues. In all honesty, I kinda even expected it?? I mean yes he proved to be really brave and a bit cocky, but everyone has their own weak points that they’re trying to overcome in a way or the other. He almost reminds me of myself—preferring to suffer, whine and run away, rather than getting up and confronting the situation. His case resembled a pretty similar event that happened to me, albeit the problems being completely different

As an early teen after coming out, YuYang faced hardships and heart breaks. Every time he attempted dating someone, they’d always come up with the same lame excuse, “I’m sorry but girls are still better”, and ultimately end up with cutting off their relationship. While this has lead to YuYang becoming stronger, he became a lot more suspicious of his surroundings, always questioning the true feelings of others. So when LiHuan came in with actual SINCERE feelings for YuYang, he kept doubting him and preferred to reject his confessions over and over again, in fear of ending up in another heartbreak.

How old is Li Huan here u are?

Even though his actions are very understandable imo, heck it might even be something I would do, but after all of LiHuan’s confirmations, sacrifices and attempts, eeeggghhh I’d start doubting myself more. At some point, YuYang’s rejections became a bit too much which with no doubt made me JUUUUUST A TEENY TINY BIT ANGRY *flashbacks to me screaming at my phone*

I loved how throughout the end, he managed to get over his ex crush AND also managed to get himself a boyfriend (YEY for YangYang and HuanHuan) After LiHuan’s perseverance on confessing his feelings, and after all the times he rejected him, YuYang was FINALLY able to stop his selfishness from ruling him over, WHICH MADE ME REALLY HAPPY god this manhua really tests your patience smh. I was overjoyed that he actually started working on his flaws, instead of just brushing all his fears and problems under the rug like he always did. So yay for character development!! Another point I’d like to mention is his parents. His parents (and family) weren’t accepting the fact that he’s gay, but towards newer chapters it has been shown that they’re actually getting pretty used to it, even congratulating the couple for their “marriage” AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! YuYang’s dad especially seemed to have warmed up to LiHuan after meeting him, so *CLAPS* parent approval



How old is Li Huan here u are?

Moving on to LiHuan, he also suffered from pretty similar causes. Due to him being always misunderstood as a bully, he was mistreated quite often as well. One of the scenes showed High School LiHuan trying to return a wallet to a girl who lost it, but people immediately assumed he was actually trying to steal it (ITS VERY UNFAIR MY BLOOD WAS BOILING HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO THE SWEETEST BOY IN THE UNIVER—) so people’s behaviour towards him was almost always negative. Because of this, LiHuan grew up being socially isolated and distant from others, only ever becoming close to his (MAY I ADD, ADORABLE) mother and (MAY I ADD #2, AMAZING) father. Unfortunately, his mother passed away before he was enrolled to university, causing him to initially refuse to leave his dear dad alone. All in all HE IS AN EXTREMELY CUTE AND SWEET BOY the perfect son + perfect boyfriend y’all THERE i said it

LiHuan is also an extremely patient person, refusing to condone to YuYang’s constant rejection. He kept displaying his concern and expressing his feelings towards YuYang, always trying to get closer and doesn’t want to be pushed away by no matter what.

How old is Li Huan here u are?

YangYang also had a big role in LiHuan’s development. After LiHuan realised his feelings towards YuYang, he slowly started opening up to the world, making new friends and having a new positive outlook on the future, instead of being indifferent about everything. He tried asking other people for help and tried new things, all for the sake of getting closer to YuYang anD HOLY he’s such a sweetheart!! As for LiHuan’s dad, he seemed pretty cool with the fact that he’s dating YuYang, even going as far as to invite him to stay over in his house. An amazing PAPA I love him lots

BUT to be honest, I felt like his kindness was a bit too much. Even though YangYang treated him badly several times in order to push him away, he didn’t waver despite being hurt. If that was me, imma be first person to sHWOOP and leave the hell out of that space. I’m glad that LiHuan did forgive all of YuYang’s past mistakes, he’s such a pure boy that went through too much ;-; But nevertheless, they’re now an amazing couple and I would die for them and their height difference bye

How old is Li Huan here u are?

Overall, if you didn’t notice after reading all of these paragraphs, I absolutely love this series!! It perfectly matches my standards and I always smile like a goof while reading!! The story is engaging and hooked me up right away once I began. I remember staying up for 5 hours straight, binge reading every single chapter ahaha,,, time well spent indeed,,,


How old is Li Huan here u are?

PHEW that was a lot! I really missed writing blogs here on AA, it’s been almost a year now since my last blog ahaha,,, (^-^; I hope it doesn’t turn out half-assed,,,

I cant confirm whether I’ll be very active again though, because our next exam session is only few months away,,, but writing this review was refreshing to say the least!

Anyway, if you made it till the end, thanks a lot for reading the whole thing! If I made any mistakes, feel free to point it out in the comments! ALSO if you have any good BL recommendations pLEAsE go ahead and tell me about it!!

And as always, thank you so much for reading~~!

How old is Li Huan here u are?

How old is Shu pan in here u are?

Atlas › | 🦋 | on Twitter: "•Uncle Pan Shu [Here u are] age: 36" / Twitter.

Who is Li Huan?

Li Huan is Deputy Director at the Institute of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations, and a distinguished research fellow at the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University.