How old is Sophie in Keeper of the Lost Cities book 8

July 2, 2022

One of the best books in the series has a little less action, a little more boy drama.

Well, it’s FINALLY time to bid Fitzphie goodbye. Thanks goodness! He’s not half good enough for her, and, by the way, I will be dropping some spoilers in this review, plus some theories and the actual review. So. Let’s begin. Great book, once again Shannon has outdone herself, and this is probably my favorite book in this series for several reasons. All right. For the review. Sexy stuff: Crush stuff; i.e hugging, fluttery hearts, declarations of affection (always appropriate) an almost kiss that was (THANK YOU RO) broken up at the last second, mild boy drama that is very interesting ( Sokeefe 4ever), and talk about the love triangle that encircles Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz. Also, I’m getting some feelings that Wylie and Linh might be boyfriend/girlfriend by the end of this series. It’s either that or Litz (Linh + Fitz), NOT my top ship preference. Also, Diana is totally becoming a thing! I sense ANOTHER love triangle developing between Biana, Dex, and Tam. Also, *spoiler* Sophie and Fitz break up, and Fitz thinks that Sophie is cheating on him with Keefe. Violence: Keefe undergoes a transformation by his mom that includes affects from magsidian and shadowflux, which leaves him in a coma for a week and he doesn’t wake up until a chapter into Unlocked. Drugs and alcohol: Nothing Negative messages: One character treats his girlfriend borderline abusively, yelling and verbally wounding her whenever things don’t go his way. Positive messages: Keefe nurtures and comforts Sophie in her darkest moments, and Fitz tries (and fails) to be the kind of boyfriend she needs. Meanwhile, Sophie, Dex, Biana, Wylie, and Stina have to set aside their differences to become the kind of world-changing team the Lost Cities needs. Sophie shows good discernment as a leader, and in the end sets aside her personal problems for the good of her world and friends. Language: None. “Screw it” is the worst it gets in this series. Theories: Okay, so there have been SO many hints to Sophie’s feelings for Keefe coming from her heart, and her feelings for Fitz coming from her head. So therefore; there might be something to the “heart emotions are so much purer and truer” thing. Just saying. Also, has anybody else noticed the hints to Fitz either making or breaking the Vacker legacy? And so far, I’m thinking he might break it. I would love the idea of a evil Fitz! It would add so much depth to his character, though I hate the thought of Sophie having to go through ANOTHER betrayal. Also; if things with Keefe fall thorough, (I don’t think they will), I’m betting on Wylie + Sophie. Soooo… Wyphie? Sowylie? One more thing. GO BUY THIS BOOK, YOU WON’T REGRET IT!

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

How old is Sophie in Keeper of the Lost Cities book 8

May 27, 2022

Very Good Highly Recommend For Age 12+

I Loved this book was sooo well written and great plotline but I don't recommend this for age 9 plus because of the romance Sophie has a boyfriend and she's very confused about him and how she feels and its a love triangle with Fitz and Keefe she doesn't know who she loves and I just thought this is so well written but I do not think 9 yr olds should have their heads filled with this stuff I mean it's just not needed but this is great for a mature 10 or 11 yr old and up I think as Sophie gets older she makes the series more for older people all though Sophie is not young when she starts dating shes around 15

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much sex

April 26, 2022

Book was great

It was just good overall. My child loved this.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

March 30, 2022

Spare your Children…

I beg you do not waste your time with this series because it is quite literally a waste of time. The first book was really great and overall the whole series keeps readers on the edge of their seat. But it is severely lacking in answers to the questions it presents and also deals with topics best left to parents. I put this down at book 4 because I could not take the poorly constructed sentences, ideas, or jokes any further. I also advise parents be warned there are some very inappropriate jokes in this series for young readers. This series went from an amazing story to more of a hastily written book to fulfill a contract. From what I have read and other fans have confirmed it also does not provide much satisfaction in regards to answers. Many readers have finished left wondering what the book was supposed to have meant. This book is overall a poor contribution to the world of Children’s Literature. Perhaps one day Messenger will return and rewrite her story until then I will have no more to do with Keeper of the Lost Cities.

This title has:

Educational value

Too much sex

How old is Fitz in Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 8?

Fitzroy Avery Vacker (pronounced Fits-roy Ay-ver-ee Vack-er), also referred to as "Wonderboy" by Dex and "Fitzy/Fitzter/Lord Of The Snuggles" by Keefe, is a seventeen-year-old elf (as of Legacy). He is a member of the prestigious Vacker Family, a fact he takes pride in.

How old is Sophie in Keeper of the Lost Cities Everblaze?

Thirteen-year-old Sophie Foster is an elf who spent most of her childhood living with a human family.

What book does Sophie marry Keefe?

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy.

What book did Keefe kiss Sophie?

The Neverseen are defeated and Sophie is still with Fitz. Soon, Keefe confesses and Sophie realizes about her love for him.