How to concealed carry with a tucked in shirt

- ComfortTac Brand Team

How to concealed carry with a tucked in shirt

While many states are considering — or have already moved to — open carry gun laws, there's a lot of value in knowing how to conceal carry without losing access to your gun or quickly revealing that you are carrying. Concealing your weapon in a bag, behind a jacket, or while wearing an untucked t-shirt are easy options. But when you wear tucked-in shirts and business casual attire, things get tricky. Keep reading to learn our top tips for the best way to conceal carry with a tucked-in shirt and learn.

What's the Best Position for a Tucked-In IWB?

Most wearers with an "inside the waistband" (IWB) holster position their holster at a 4 o'clock position if they're right-handed and an 8 o'clock position if they're left-handed. This positions the weapon slightly behind the front of your hip. Some wearers modify this position to a 4:30 or 7:30 position, respectively, which positions the gun slightly more behind the wearer's back while still allowing for a comfortable, fast, and easy drawing motion. These positions work for a wide range of body types and most pants and shirts.

If you're not sure what position will work best for you, begin by placing your holster directly at the 3 o'clock position, directly at the side of your dominant hand. From there, you can shift the gun and holster further back along the clock position until it's in a comfortable, accessible point. Alternatively, you may prefer to move it forward, such as to the 2 o'clock position in front of your hip. As you're deciding the best fit, also look at yourself in the mirror so you can make sure the holster isn't jutting out visibly or changing your profile or silhouette. The primary goal is to keep the gun concealed, and you may have to train yourself into drawing your gun from a position that wasn't originally the most comfortable.

Advantages of a 4 o'clock or 4:30 drawing position include:

  • Comfort: Most IWB holsters are designed with (or have options for) back padding so there's little risk of you hurting your back if you fall backwards.
  • Easy Concealment: IWBs can be clipped at multiple points so they won't visibly pinch or bunch up your shirt if you're sitting and standing multiple times. Your back also has flatter planes than your hip and stomach, allowing for easier positioning.
  • Versatility: More guns of different sizes and styles can be concealed in this position than in others.

A Kydex appendix holster is a popular alternative to a side IWB holster, though people can use a tucked-in IWB holster for the appendix carry. The appendix carry position sets the firearm along the waistband of the wearer's pants, approximately halfway between the pants pocket and waistband. 

Advantages of the appendix carry position include:

  • Ease of access
  • Comfort
  • Fast draw times
  • Ease of concealment
  • Versatility and ability to work with virtually any handgun

Ultimately, the right-fit carrying position will be what works best for you.

Drawing From a Concealed Carry Behind a Tucked Shirt

Where you position your concealed carry holster decides how hidden it is. But once you decide it's time to draw your weapon, speed is the priority. The general technique follows these steps:

  1. Use the wrist and arm of your dominant hand to push aside your jacket if you're wearing one.
  2. Use your support hand to pull up and untuck your tucked-in shirt. It's best to grab the shirt as close to the waistband as possible and then jerk it up high over the holster and gun handle to ensure adequate clearance.
  3. Release any Velcro strap or other fastener securing the gun in place, and then fully draw it with your dominant hand.

Different factors can complicate or simplify this general process. If an assailant is close by, you may not be able to fully use your support hand to draw the concealed carry weapon. You may also be wearing additional layers that complicate the process. An appendix carry position, however, can be much easier and faster to draw from within close quarters or when you're wearing a jacket.

Follow these tips for how to conceal carry with an appendix carry method:

  • Choose relatively high-waisted pants that allow for a wide range of comfortable motion, including sitting and kneeling down, without the gun jabbing your stomach.
  • Skinnier wearers may want to orient their gun more vertically, more toward the center of their body, and higher along their waist to avoid discomfort.
  • Experiment with different holsters and carry belts so you can find the right option for your body type, wardrobe, and preferences.

Additional tips for general conceal carry safety:

  • If you're considering a pocket carry method, use a holster specifically designed for pocket carrying. Don't just carry a gun loose in your pocket, especially if you're storing other items.
  • Visible holster clips along the waistband of your pants may be considered 'open carry' depending on the environment and situation. If your state only allows concealed carry options or you only have a conceal carry license, this could be a problem. Some options could be wearing pants and a belt that are the same color as the holster clips or wearing additional garments or accessories that block the clips from sight.
  • No matter which holster and conceal carry method you choose, be sure to practice drawing your weapon. Being able to draw your gun quickly, comfortably, and having your hand in the right position takes time, and you may need extra practice to change your habits if you're shifting to an entirely new style of carrying.

Stay Prepared With the Right Techniques — And the Right Holster

Different holsters and positions allow you to fully conceal your gun while walking around in public. Test different approaches and invest in holsters that are comfortable and provide the easy access you need. At ComfortTac, we specialize in providing comfortable concealed carry holsters with IWB options and more.

What is the most common concealed carry position?

IWB is probably the most common concealed carry choice. Because it's inside your waistband, you can get holsters that allow for you to tuck in your shirt which hides the weapon even more. Placing the holster and weapon inside your waistband lets you carry at pretty much any position around your waist.

What is the best method for concealed carry?

Best Concealed Carry Method: Inside the Waistband ( IWB ) Concealed Carry Holsters. No surprise here. Inside the waistband holsters are the standard for concealed carry with good reason. They conceal well and with a good range of pistols.

What is a tuck holster?

A “tuckable” is a holster designed to be worn inside the waistband of your pants. A clip that fastens the holster to a belt allows a shirt to be tucked over the pistol and between the attaching clip and the holster. This allows the gun and holster, except for the belt clip, to be covered by a tucked-in shirt.