IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover joystick setup

On 10/30/2020 at 8:27 PM, Sokol1 said:

This ID "ping-pong" is Window "prank".

And the attempt to solve this changing joystick name from

Joy1, Joy2  (example) "_VKB-Sim_Gladiator_-B56E1E95"

don't solve the issue,  just make things more complicated, e.g. for replace names with Notepad, avoiding map all again.

Great Battles will do the same thing if you are running TARGET for your Thrust Master controllers.  You have to start Target before you start the game or the game will see new controllers instead of the "Combined" controllers.  Mine are as seen below in configId,quid,model below.  When I notice things get amiss ( when I go to settings and Joy 1, 2, 3 have changed) I check that folder in the game install and it has changed, so I delete everything in the "Data/Input/devices.txt" file and turn on TARGET, and start the game and it generates a new "devices.txt" profile inside the Input folder.  And as for switching USB plugs in the motherboard, it will mess things up.  I just move my set up into my new game room, and I have each of my USB plugs labeled as to which plug they go in and it still messed up.  Windows updates, game updates, updating controller firmware will all play havoc on the system sometimes.  So when I set up my Yaw/L&R Toe Brakes I should see Joy 0 x axis', for those three, and Joy 1 x/y axis for Pitch/Roll and Joy 3 x axis for Throttle axis.  If anything else shows up while assigning axis your Input/device file is messed up.  Delete it, and restart the game, set your axis again and you should be doin barrel rolls in no time.

C'est la vie with IL2...................






