Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

Is 1/4 less than 1/2? Is 1/4 smaller than 1/2? These are the same questions with one answer.

To get the answer, we first convert each fraction into decimal numbers. We do this by dividing the numerator by the denominator for each fraction as illustrated below:

1/4 = 0.25
1/2 = 0.5

Then, we compare the two decimal numbers to get the answer.
0.25 is less than 0.5.

Therefore, 1/4 is less than 1/2 and the answer to the question "Is 1/4 less than 1/2?" is yes.

Which means that this equation is also true: 1/4 < 1/2

Note: When comparing fractions such as 1/4 and 1/2, you could also convert the fractions (if necessary) so they have the same denominator and then compare which numerator is smaller.

Compare Fractions
Compare another set of fractions here.

Is 1/4 less than 1/3?
Here is the next set of fractions we compared.

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Ever want to bake a few cookies without making an entire recipe? Dividing measurements isn't as always as easy as cutting 1 cup in half. Sometimes a recipe calls for 1/3 cup or even worse...1 egg. There are a couple ways to divide measurements that will make dividing a recipe much easier and will let you bake your cake and eat it too.

Break It Down

A lot measurements in recipes are easy to divide and breakdown, especially when just dividing a recipe in half. Half of 1 cup is 1/2 cup, half of 1/2 cup is 1/4 cup, and half of 2/3 cups = 1/3 cup.

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Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

Others aren't as simple. Take 3/4 cup for example. To divide it in half, it's helpful to break it down. Half of 3/4 cup would be 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons, or 6 tablespoons. Half of 1/3 cup is even trickier. 1/3 cup equals 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon so, half of 1/3 cup would be 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons.

Breaking everything down into tablespoons and teaspoons makes dividing measurements a little easier and helpful to know what cup measurements are made of.

  • 1 cup = 16 tablespoons
  • 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons
  • 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons
  • 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon
  • 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons

Weigh It

Break out your kitchen scale and your calculator because the easiest way to divide a recipe in half is to weigh it then divide. This is especially helpful when you want to divide a recipe in half with a recipe that calls for an odd number of eggs.

Knowing how much ingredients weigh will allow you to divide them much more easily and much more accurately! When it comes to baking, kitchen scales are extremely useful and will give you more consistent success in the kitchen. They're also relatively inexpensive. Here are how much common ingredients weigh in grams.

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour = 125 grams
  • 1 cup brown sugar = 220 grams
  • 1 cup granulated sugar = 200 grams
  • 1 cup powdered sugar = 115 grams
  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder = 90 grams
  • 1 large egg (without shell) = roughly 50 grams (eggs can vary by a few grams)

Makinze is currently Food Editor for Delish, where she develops recipes, creates and hosts recipe videos and is our current baking queen.. Reigning from Oklahoma, she's also our go-to for all things regarding Midwestern cuisine. She's also our expert pie crimper. 

This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

1 Cup

"1 Cup" is equal to 8 fluid ounces in US Standard Volume. It is a measure used in cooking.

A Metric Cup is slightly different: it is 250 milliliters (which is about 8.5 fluid ounces).

(at 8 oz per cup)
(at 16 Tbs per cup)
(at 250 ml per cup)
¼ cup 2 oz 4 Tbs 63 ml
1/3 cup About 2¾ oz About 5 Tbs 83 ml
½ cup 4 oz 8 Tbs 125 ml
2/3 cup About 5¼ oz About 11 Tbs 167 ml
¾ cup 6 oz 12 Tbs 188 ml
1 cup 8 oz 16 Tbs 250 ml
1 ¼ cup 10 oz 20 Tbs 313 ml
1 ½ cup 12 oz 24 Tbs 375 ml
1 ¾ cup 14 oz 28 Tbs 438 ml
2 cups 16 oz 32 Tbs 500 ml
4 cups 32 oz 64 Tbs 1000 ml (1 liter)
8 cups 64 oz 128 Tbs 2000 ml (2 liters)

(In italics: not exact)

Measuring Cups

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

Measuring cups are used to measure liquids, or powders like flour or sugar.

As we fill up the measuring cup, we need to look at which number it is filled to.

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

Here we have 2/3 cup (two-thirds of a cup) of milk.

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

And they can also measure milliliters (ml):

Here we have 150 ml.

It doesn't say "150" ... it says "50" ... but it is half-way between 100 and 200 so we can figure out it is 150 ml.

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

There are also special ones designed to hold an exact amount, such as these 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup measures.

Is 1 4 less than half a cup?

They can also hold more than "1 Cup" of liquid.

This measuring cup holds up to 4 cups of liquid. If the liquid goes all the way to the 3, then there are 3 cups of liquid. Between the numbers we find fractions of a cup. 

2 cups of a liquid is the same thing as 1 pint.  So this measuring cup also holds 2 pints (4 cups equals 2 pints).

1917, 1918

What is the equivalent of 1/4 TO cup?

Volume Equivalents (liquid)*
2 tablespoons
1/8 cup
1 fluid ounce
4 tablespoons
1/4 cup
2 fluid ounces
5 1/3 tablespoons
1/3 cup
2.7 fluid ounces
8 tablespoons
1/2 cup
4 fluid ounces
Cooking Equivalents and Measures - Science of Food - › food › measurementsnull

What's another way to measure 1/4 cup?

Measurement Equivalents and Abbreviations.
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon..
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup..
5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup..
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup..
1 cup = 1/2 pint..
2 cups = 1 pint..
4 cups (2 pints) = 1 quart..
4 quarts = 1 gallon..

What's half of 1 4 in cups?

1. Half of ¼ cup is equivalent to 2 tbsp.

What is half of a 1/4 cup in cooking?

Half of 1/4 cup = 2 tbsp.