Kansas city to salt lake city road trip

I'd suggest you wait to decide on a route until just before your trip. Weather will be the primary consideration. All other things being equal, I'd favor the US-6 to I-70 route as by far the most scenic.

Regarding historical sites, Georgetown, Colorado is just 3-4 miles west of the junction of US-6 and I-70, was the first capitol of Colorado, has a well restored Victorian area, and is gorgeous in the Christmas season.

Just a little further east on I-70, off the Lookout Mountain exit, you'll find Buffalo Bill's grave site and a small museum dedicated to him. The museum is not as extensive as the one in Cody but is still interesting.

Kansas City

overcast clouds    37°F

Feels like 30.67
Wind speed 8.1 mph
Pressure 1022 hPa

Saint Joseph

mist    36°F

Feels like 27.5
Wind speed 11.5 mph
Pressure 1022 hPa

Rock Port

few clouds    33°F

Feels like 24.66
Wind speed 10.1 mph
Pressure 1020 hPa


scattered clouds    35°F

Feels like 27.32
Wind speed 9.2 mph
Pressure 1023 hPa


overcast clouds    35°F

Feels like 28.02
Wind speed 9.2 mph
Pressure 1021 hPa

Grand Island

snow    34°F

Feels like 29.32
Wind speed 4.6 mph
Pressure 1020 hPa


clear sky    39°F

Feels like 38.86
Wind speed 0 mph
Pressure 1020 hPa


broken clouds    42°F

Feels like 36.64
Wind speed 9.4 mph
Pressure 1017 hPa

North Platte

clear sky    44°F

Feels like 39.63
Wind speed 7 mph
Pressure 1017 hPa


broken clouds    47°F

Feels like 40.23
Wind speed 20.1 mph
Pressure 1013 hPa


clear sky    44°F

Feels like 35.96
Wind speed 21.9 mph
Pressure 1012 hPa

Pine Bluffs

scattered clouds    29°F

Feels like 20.35
Wind speed 9.4 mph
Pressure 1019 hPa


clear sky    41°F

Feels like 35.8
Wind speed 9.2 mph
Pressure 1014 hPa


clear sky    36°F

Feels like 23.34
Wind speed 28.8 mph
Pressure 1013 hPa


scattered clouds    20°F

Feels like 9.45
Wind speed 8.4 mph
Pressure 1027 hPa


clear sky    25°F

Feels like 12.74
Wind speed 13.8 mph
Pressure 1017 hPa

Rock Springs

overcast clouds    17°F

Feels like 9.99
Wind speed 4.6 mph
Pressure 1015 hPa


overcast clouds    8°F

Feels like 8.17
Wind speed 2 mph
Pressure 1030 hPa

Salt Lake City

broken clouds    38°F

Feels like 28.87
Wind speed 18.4 mph
Pressure 1018 hPa


Elevation (m)05001,0001,5002,0002,5003,000

Max elevation: 2637 m / 8652 ft
Min elevation: 231 m / 759 ft
Elevation change: 2406 m / 7894 ft

Max grade: 4.1%
Min grade: -9.9%
Steepness score: 77 + 995 + 2320 + 34 = 3427

Difficulty% GradeEasiest<5%Easy5-10%Moderate10-15%Difficult15-20%Very Difficult>20%

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest. You can use DriveDistance.com to find out how far is it to drive from Kansas City to Salt Lake City with full directions.

More trip calculations

Driving time from Kansas City, MO to Salt Lake City, UT

How long is the drive from Kansas City, MO to Salt Lake City, UT? The total driving time is 15 hours, 46 minutes.

Your trip begins in Kansas City, Missouri. It ends in Salt Lake City, Utah.

If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Kansas City, MO to Salt Lake City, UT.

You can also calculate the cost to drive from Kansas City, MO to Salt Lake City, UT based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

Since this is a long drive, you might want to stop halfway and stay overnight in a hotel. You can find the city that is halfway between Kansas City, MO and Salt Lake City, UT.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Kansas City, MO to Salt Lake City, UT.

Driving time calculator

Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much longer it might take to drive the distance instead of flying. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

What is halfway between Salt Lake City and Kansas City?

Halfway between Kansas City, MO and Salt Lake City, UT The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Gordons Mobile Plaza, Nebraska. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 69162. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 41° 6' 48" N and 102° 59' 12" W.

How many hours is it from Kansas City to Utah?

The total driving time is 15 hours, 44 minutes. Your trip begins in Kansas City, Kansas. It ends in Salt Lake City, Utah.

How many days do you need to visit Salt Lake City?

Whether you've come to Salt Lake City to visit or are just flying into town to use it as a base, two days in Salt Lake City makes a perfect itinerary that will give you the highlights of the town.

What cities are 8 hours from Kansas City?

Cities 8 hours from Kansas City.
7 hr 58 min: Tunica, MS..
7 hr 58 min: Grand Prairie, TX..
7 hr 57 min: Dallas, TX..
7 hr 55 min: Sidney, NE..
7 hr 51 min: Garland, TX..
7 hr 50 min: Fort Worth, TX..
7 hr 44 min: Carrollton, TX..
7 hr 43 min: Frisco, TX..