Merry Go Round of Life Piano

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  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    A song by Joe Hisaishi

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    Verified by LegendEditor

About This Music Sheet

Merry Go Round of Life is a song by Joe Hisaishi. Use your computer keyboard to play Merry Go Round of Life music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:03, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Merry Go Round of Life is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Joe Hisaishi

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    [ih][js]x | uadhl | ypsgJ | Tafjz
    [qeru] f f f f d f j f dd | [eyo] d d d d s d h d s a s
    pa[wtis] s s s s | pa[qrus] s s s a s | pa[0eys] s s s s h | s [9wtd] 0ey
    [4 q e r u] f f f f d f j [5f] [0d]d q w y
    [150ey] d d d d s d h [8d] [es] [ya] [os]
    pa[9eios] s s s [ys] | pa[0yuos] s s s [ta] s
    pa [qtYos] s s s [is] h gD [wtyid]

    Level: 7


    One Summer’s Day (Spirited Away)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    6 0 e 0 4 8 q 8 5 9 w 9 8 w t w 6 0 e 0 4 8 q 8 5 9 w 9 8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[pfI2] [pfI6][pfI]9 [pfI6] [pif4] [j8] [qjd]fd[s8] [d5] 9 [wpid] [pid9][pid][pid5] [a9] [wo]s[d9]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[sfI2] [sfI6][sfI]9 [sfI6] [wifa5]|[jd]fdsp[s8] w [uts] [wo] [u6] 0 e 0 [e4]tu8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 w 9 [t8]yuow [uto] [yw]t[t6]yuo0 [utoe] [y0]t[t4]yuo8 [utqo] [y8]t[yre5] 9 w 9 [wth80]osd[wth80]dso[wtqh9]osd[wtqh9]dso[wth0]osd[wth0]dso[tqh9]os[td80]hd[ws97]o[wth80]o[wts80]d[wth80]d[wts80]o[wtqh9]o[wtsq9]d[wtqh9]d[wtsq9]o[wth0]o[wts0]d[wth0]d[wts0]o[tqh9]os[td80]hd[ws97]o[tqlie]sgh[tqlie]hgs[wtliE]sgh[wtliE]hgs[tlie]sgh[tlie]hgs[wliE]sg[qihe]lh[wtg0]s[tqlie]s[tqige]h[tqlie]h[tqige]s[wtliE]s[wtigE]h[wtliE]h[wtigE]s[tlie]s[tige]h[tlie]h[tige]s[wliE]sg[qihe]lh[wtg0]s[h1]o[s5]d[h9]d[s0]o[h2]o[s9]d[qh]d[ws]o[h3]o[s0]d[wh]d[ts]o[qh4]os[d30]hd[s92]o[h1]o[s5]d[h9]d[s0]o[h2]o[s9]d[qh]d[ws]o[h3]o[s0]d[wh]d[ts]o[qh4]os[d30]hd[s92]o[oha5] [oha][oha][wr9] [oha] [ph4] [pf][sp][tqe] fg[oha3] [oha][oha][yr0] [oha] [sph6] [pf][sp][te0] sd[pfI32] [pfI][pfI][teQ] [pfI] [pif4] j [qjed8]fds [od5]|[qpied9] [pid][pid][pid5] a [wro9]sdf[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[sfI2] [sfI6][sfI]9 [sfI6] [wifa5]|[jd]fdsp[s8] w [ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [uf4] 8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]s[ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [s4]fj8 [qe]r[t8]y[u5]i[y9] [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]s[ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [uf4] 8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]st|[tpi4] [uto3] [tie2] [ywut81]

    Level: 7

    Length: 02:24


    Summer (Kikujiro)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD] [sp] [dP]
    [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP] [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp]
    [oP] [sp] [pI] [uo] [yI] 2 6 9
    Q [yeI] y o P [Y1] o P
    d [ywYE] [odYP] [ysI92] [PI] p [P5] [ywYE]
    w [ywYE] o P d [hP8] [wtoY] [hP]
    [hP4] [tige] D [i^] p d g [yqeE]
    q [yqeE] p d g [P0] d j
    [yoE] [hdP] [gSP6] [wfTSE] g [p9] d h
    [yqe] g [pf8] [yqe] d [ysi^] [qePE] s
    [d6] [ws0] o [p9] [wte] y o p
    [yteY9] [pI] [sp] [oP] [pI] [yeQ9] [sp] [oP]
    [pI] [oY] [yI] [tY] [ye] 5 [ywE] [ywE]
    2 [ywE] [ywE] 5 [ywE] [ywE] [y2] [yoeQ]
    [eYQPI] [odP1] [ywYE] [ywdYE] [s2] [tYQPI] [tpYQI] [P5]
    [ywiE] [ywiE] [o5] [ywiPE] [ywidE] [hP1] [toYE] [tohYPE]
    [hP4] [tigeY] [tieYD] [pgd^] [yie] [yie] [p4] [yied]
    [yige] [jdP3] [ypE] [yohdPE] [gSP6] [ofTSE] [igTE] [phd92]
    [yoe] [yige] [pf81] [ute] [yted] [ysi^] [yqPE] [ysqe]
    [d6] [wuts] [wuto] [p92] [ytoe] [ytoe] [y92] [toe]
    [tePI] [odP1] [wYE] [wodYPE] [s2] [yPIE] [ypeI] [P5]
    [yiE] [yiE] [tqoW] P [q^W] d [[email protected]] [yoE]
    [yohPE] [[email protected]] [tjie] [tige] D [g2] [tie] [tie]
    [p5] [yoidE] [yoigE] [jdP3] [ypiE] [yoihdPE] 6 [igTSE]
    f [oTED] f [phd2] [ytoe] [ytige] 1 [yife]
    d [yieS] d [id^P] [ysiE] d [ysiE] P
    [p6] [ueT] a [ueTS] [d2] [yeI] [yeI] 6
    [yeI] [yeI] 2 [yeI] [yeI] 6 [yeI] [yedI]
    [sD4] [oYE] [odYPE] [sp4] [toPE] [tpie] [o^P] [tspYE]
    [yidPE] [yi^] [yiE] [yiE] [sD4] [oYE] [odYPE] [sp4]
    [toeP] [tspeY] [d^P] [yiE] [yiE] ^ [yiE] [yidE]
    [d9] f d [yieS] [yied] [g6] [yife] [yied]
    [S0] [ueT] [ufeT] [p6] [ueT] [upeT] [jg9] [yie]
    [yjige] [jg6] [yihfe] [yiged] [hf0] [ueT] [ueT] 6
    [ueT] [ueT] [dG2] [teY] [ytedG] [dG2] [uthfe] [ytjeG]
    [hJ5] [yicE] x Z [zyiE] L l [J5]
    [yiJE] j H [yihE] G g [sf1] [utE]
    [tsofE] [sf1] [tigdE] [uthfE] [jg4] [uthe] G g
    [utfe] D d [s4] [tohe] [tige] [fa7] [urQD]
    [rfYQ] [h3] [rigW] [urfW] [pd6] [wueTS] [wuedT] [f6]
    [wuT] [wujT] [slhD1] [wtY] [ywtJ] [j1] [wtY] [whYE]
    [G2] j [yseI] d s [yePI] 2 [PE]
    s P [tp] 2 [oe] p o [IE]
    y [oe] P [Y1] o P d [wYE]
    [woYE] P d [ysI2] [yPIE] [ypeI] [P5] [yiE]
    [yiE] [tqoW] P [q^W] d [[email protected]] [yoE] [yohdPE]
    [[email protected]] [tjie] [tige] D [g2] [tige] f [tige]
    h [j5] g [yidE] p [yidE] g [jg3]
    [yoiE] [yoihE] 6 [igTE] f [oTED] f [hf2]
    [ytoe] [ytige] 1 [yife] d [yieS] d [d^P]
    [yifE] g [yihE] j [h6] [uheT] g [uheT]
    2 [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d S [z6]
    L k [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d S
    [z2] L k [yjeI] h G [yfeI] d
    S [d6] [yeI] [yeI] [dP] [sD] [dP] [sD]
    [dP] [sD] [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP] [sp] [dP]
    [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp] [oP] [sp] [pI] [uo]
    [yI] [s2] 6 8 9 ( Q e
    t y Y I s [sD] [gd] [sD]
    [gd] [sD] [gd] [da] [sD] [da] [sD] [da]
    [sD] [aO] [sp] [aO] [sp] [aO] [sp] [daOH]
    [iO] [oY] [yi] [oY] [iO] [aO] [iO] [oY]
    [yi] [oY] [iO] [gaO] [pD] [dO] [ia5] 9
    q w W y r t y i
    o O g o s D [wthYW] h
    [ywrig] D d [toYD] s D h [slihOD]
    [lD] [ysliOED] [dJ] [sH] [yohdPJE] y o P
    [d6] s [P9] p P [s5] P [p4]
    o I [[email protected]] o [o2] i t [y5]
    [yto] [yto] [yro5] [toYW4] o [ywri5] Y y
    [wYE8] t Y o [tsqY4] [sY] [sq^YE] [yP]
    [tO] [[email protected]] d h J [zspoD] l [spdJIG]
    j J [olgdP] J [jigdP] h G [ohdYP]
    g D [yspdI] f G [wp5] a d
    h d [Y4] o P D 8 q
    w [dYE] [sY4] [yP] [tp] [y^P] q [sYE]
    t [yid] [yi^] q E t [tiE] q
    [PD4] 8 q [tYE] [od] [sY4] [yP] [sY]
    [id^] q E t E q ^ q
    E t E q [d2] [yi] S [uT]
    d [yi] [g2] [pi] f [uo] d [yi]
    [S6] e W e [fE] e [p6] e
    E e [wp] 0 [g2] [yi] [ye] g
    [yi] [g2] [ye] f [uo] d [ye] [f6]
    e E t E e [g6] f D
    d S s a P p [dG2] [teY]
    [ytedG] [dG2] [uthfe] [ytjeG] [hJ5] [yicE] x Z
    [zyiE] L l [J5] [yiJE] j H [yihE]
    G g [sf1] [utE] [tsofE] [sf1] [tigdE] [uthfE]
    [jg4] [uthe] G g [utfe] D d [s4]
    [tohe] [tige] [f7] [urQD] [rfYQ] [h3] [rigW] [urfW]
    [d6] [wueTS] [wuedT] [pofS6] [wuT] [wujT] [slhD1] [wtY]
    [ywtJ] [j1] [wtY] [whYE] [G2] j [yseI] d
    s [yePI] 2 [PE] s P [tp] 2
    [oe] p o [IE] 2 Y I Y
    y [Y(] [WO] [ra] 3 [u3] 3 3
    3 3 p 3 3 3 3 s
    3 3 3 [f2] [utpie] [utpife] [d3] [ysiWO]
    [yiaWO] [s6] [utoe] [utoe] [p6] [utsoe] [utofe] [j2]
    [ytpi] [ytpji] [j5] [yroih] [yroig] [h1] [uro] [uro]
    [a5] [urof] [uroh] [k$] [uta] [utpj] [h7] [tpYG]
    [tohY] [j3] [urp] [uroh] [G2] [yrI] [yurf] [d1]
    [wuts] [wurd] [f7] [yedI] [ypeI] [a3] [yurp] [yurp]
    [uf30] [yrpj] [ysrlO] [xf2] [xtife] [xtife] [zd3] [zutdO]
    [ka] [zurdO] [ka] [l6] k [utoj] f [utso]
    a [wutp] s [wE8] f [sjf4] [utp] [sjf]
    [utp] [sjf] [j4] [yrok] [yroh] g [h3] [yrof]
    d [yrof] h [fa6] d [utspo] a [utpof]
    h [k$] [utoa] [utpoj] 7 [tohY] G [tpgY]
    G [j3] [yurp] [yuroh] 2 [uroG] f [uroD]
    f [x1] [zuto] x [zuto] l [k7] [rYI]
    L [rZYI] [H3] k x [rW0] [rW0] 7
    [rW0] [rW0] 3 [rW0] [rW0] 7 [IGC] [xuf]
    [ZYD] [xuf] [sp6] [oa3] [pI7] 8 [aY7] [pT]
    [YI] 7 [f3] H k [rW0] [rW0] 3
    [rW0] [rW0] [urW0] Y u O [tpe0] s
    [raW0] P a D [tfe0] G [urWH] G
    H k [rlYQ] Z [xurW] [r730] u O

    Level: 8

    Length: 06:00


    Merry Go Round Of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    [e2] 6 [utqe]| |[urW2]||[yrW] y| |[ywr1] 5 8 0 w 0 y r [Q$]ey8 0|[te]||er[70$]qet|t [te(] r e [w73] Q r|[tiW92]||u [u2]psf6 [p9] [a0] [sq] eaq [p0] [f2] 9 q W [rd]| |1 5 [a9] [s0] [wd] raw [o0] [d$] 8 0 Q [se]| |7 $ [p7] [a0] [seQ(] a p [o3] Iy[ywraQ]|[yrW30]|Wtiq[e2]tu6 [p9] [a0] [sq] ea p [fO2] 9 q W [rd]| |1 5 [a9] [s0] [wd] raw [o0] [u$]pd8 0 Q [se] Q t e 7|a [yse(] [aT] p [to] I [ri30]|[tW9] u s||O [P6]a|[wr8]||p [ra] s [f6]|[ywE0]|T S d f [h2] [j6] [qg] 6 1 6 q [p6] [h7] [j7] [g9] q e q [f9] [qd] [g1] [h5] [f9] 0 w 0 r [wo] [g6] [h3] [f6] 8 0 8 [ed] [s0] [i2]pf[d6] [qd] 6 1 [p6] [qa] [s6] [h7] [g7] [g9] q e [qd] [f9] [qg] [p3]dj7 0 e [rpjd] [OH] [pj] [yrkiaW] w|u|p|a|[use6] [d0] [uta] [o0] [u5] [o0] r [yup] 4 [e8] [yq] [p8] [wurp5] [u9] [wp] [a9] [se6] [d0] [ta] [o0] [u5] [o0] r [yup] 4 8 [yqe] [t8] [o3] [o7] [wp] [a7] [si92] a p [yro30]|p u [ytqe84]| |5[wur9]|r|[e6] 3 7 8|w||6 3 7 8 0 w||[up6]ash

    Level: 6

    Length: 02:03


    Sujini´s Theme (The Legend Four Gods)

    Joe Hisaishi


  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    [I3] 7 0 Q w r w Q 3 7 0 Q [wI] rowpQ [I3] 7 0 Q w r w [rQ] [T3] 7 0 Q w r w Q [I3] 7 0 Q w r w Q 2 6 0 Q [wI] rowpQ [u1] 5 0 Q w r w [oQ]I[o1] 5 0 w t w [r2]|[IG3] 7 0 Q w r w Q 3 7 0 Q [wIG] r[oh]w[pj]Q [IG3] 7 0 Q w r w [raQ] [TS3] 7 0 Q w r w Q [uf1] 5 8 9 0 w 0 9 [IG9] Q w r [woh] r [wpj] Q [ka4] 8 q e t i t [sle] [ka5] 9 w r [yoh] r| [I3]aG7 0 Q w r w Q 3 7 0 Q [waIG] r[soh]w[pjd]Q [aIG3] 7 0 Q w r w Q [SL3] 7 0 Q [wSL] r [wpj] Q [oh8] w y u o y u 8 [IG7] Q r T [yIG] T [yrd] Q [TS5] 9 w [yrd][TS][ra] w 9|[TS6] 0 e y T e [IG0] 6 [IG3] 5 7 0 Q 0 7 5 1 5 8 0 [QG] 0h8j5 [G6] 6 8 0 Q 0 8 6 [h5] 5 7 0 Q 0 [j7] $ [k3] 7 0 w Q 0 7 5 1 5 8 0 [wk] 0l8z5 [k6] 6 8 0 [QL] 0 8 6 [z5] 5 7 0 w 0 7|[p4]x 8 q e [tp] iatse [a5] 9 w r [uo]| |[so64] 8 q e [ts] idtfe [d^] 4 9 q E q 9 ^ [usof1] 5 8 0 w 0 8|[I0] [ro] [up] a f G h k hkx

    Level: 6

    Length: 01:50


    Dirtmouth (Hollow Knight)

    Christopher Larkin

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

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    Level: 6

    Length: 02:38


    House of Gold

    Twenty One Pilots

  • Merry Go Round of Life Piano

    G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f Y [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HTu] G [jTu] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] f G f H [GrY] f [GTu] G G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] f [jWr] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] G k [HrY] G [GTu] G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] [Wr] a S D [feT] S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [HTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Wr] [Wr] a S D [GwT] f S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [GTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Tu] S a G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HWr] G [jTu] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] a [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O [IWr] [jWr] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] r [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O I [Wr] [GWr] H H G f S

    What piano level is merry go round of life?

    This is an intermediate (level 4-5) piano arrangement of "The Merry-Go-Round of Life," the opening theme from the anime film "Howl's Moving Castle." This arrangement is in the original key, however the piece has been shortened to be accessible to intermediate pianists.

    Is Merry Go Round of Life hard to play on piano?

    Technically it's a pretty straightforward piece, moderately easy to play. There are some jumps in the left hand, but that's about it. Just go slowly and you should be allright.

    What Abrsm grade is merry go round of life?

    ABRSM Piano 2023-2024 Grade 5 A11 Gade Boys' Merry-Go-Round Op. 36 No. 2 Sheet Music - YouTube.

    How fast is merry go round of life?

    The tempo of Merry Go Round of Life is 150bpm (beats per minute). This means that the tempo of the song is Allegro. Allegro means “quick and lively.” That's definitely how I would describe this song! A great way to practice the tempo of the piece is with a metronome.