Mir fasi uddin - put your game face on

Introducing Mir Fasi Uddin

Explore My Work

Mir fasi uddin - put your game face on


In my career, I’ve had the great fortune to work on some truly inspiring projects, while meeting many influential and creative individuals along the way. I believe in working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. For more information about my experience, portfolio or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project, get in touch today or Scroll down.


Professional Experience

June 2016 - July 2016


3D Game Design, VR,Website Design.

September 2016 - October 2016

Game Testing Internship

Projects(Mobile Game)-Monkey God

February 2018 - December 2018

Game Designer

Projects(Mobile)-Kingsman The Secret Service Game,Football Game(Unrealeased)
-Contributed to every part of the game including from UI,Level Design as well as the testing phase.

January 2019 - May 2019

Intern(AR and VR)

Project 1- Augmented Reality Business Card (Usecase :- For Marketing Purpose)
Project 2- Virtual Tour of a Digiotai City (Usecase :- For Marketing Purpose)
Project 3- London Weather App
Project 4- Web AR Business Card.
Project 5- IOTAR Precision Farming(Digiotai’s Particle Photon project)

February 2018 - September 2019


Achievements from wooplr for running an online store.

November 2019 - Present

Creative Designer and Unity Developer

Projects - Archery Warriors

Mir fasi uddin - put your game face on

Projects/Show Reel


The Full Package
Abstract Thinking. Innovative Solutions.


I’ve been a professional in this industry since 2015 and have developed various skills in the process. Take advantage of this service to reach new heights and gain influence in your field. With extensive technical expertise and a knack for clear and creative ideas, I’m fully capable of bringing your design goals to fruition.
With a plethora of experience in this industry, I’ve had the chance to garner several creative and practical skills. This service is a compilation of these skills, and has given many clients the push they need to reach a new level through their project. Reach out today to learn more about this service and schedule a consultation.


I am able to provide this service thanks to years of gathering specialized experience. With a talent for conceptualizing and executing highly creative ideas, this service allows me to ensure no two projects are the same. Get in touch with me today to learn how this service can make a difference in your upcoming project.


Frequently utilized by my clients, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. Along with my unique professional perspective, this service has helped clients reach new heights and gain more significant influence through their projects. If you’d like to learn more about this service, simply get in touch.

"The things we know the best are the things we haven't been taught"

Luc de Clapiers

"The student has completed his assignments and projects with brilliance. His
responsibilities consisted of Design, Implementation & Verification of all the programs &
He has performed his assignments in a very excellent manner. His energy and passion towards this internship program and
learning was commendable and inspiring."

Ritesh Shah,Managing Director,Ark Technosolutions

"As a part of his tenure he worked on a number of successful pilots and we found him to be
extremely dedicated, sincere and technology aware in the field of ARVR and related technology
stacks.He has proven that Through hard work,follow though, and team work, he can accomplish
tasks in a courageous and timely manner."
He is well equipped to grow from challenges that he is presented with.

Swapnendu MukherjeeFounder & CEO DIGIOTAI Solutions Inc.

"His contributions to the company has been appreciated"

Nilesh Jahagirdar,Senior Vice President-Products,YESGNOME

"We are Honored to have worked with you as a CEO and a Wooplr store Owner"

Arjun Zacharia,CEO-wooplr

Mr. Uddin worked as an Augmented
Reality/Virtual Reality lead at Cognimity (An AppZonerz Company). During
this time, he was a member of my project team, and we worked together
Mr. Uddin always structured his work in a smart and well-thought-out manner,
meeting the highest quality standards. Mir Fasi Uddin has successfully
worked on a number of pilot projects such as a unique Bow and Arrow game,
AR Apps development and ideation on a next-gen
Gaming Concept development project, all managed through Unity Engine.

Saikat Sarkar, Founder Director, and Chief Executive Officer, Cognimity(An AppZonerz Company)

"ThePopularApps certificate is an appreciation towards outstanding apps and game development skills. This Certificate provides demonstrable excellence and experience in the world of Creativity Design and Usability."

ThePopularApps Official

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