Moving to a new city alone in your 50s

Today, more women in their 50s are living alone than ever before, and according to the Office of National Statistics, solo living is more common among older women than men. Far from being a negative experience though, living alone in later life can be incredibly enriching and liberating – and can even be beneficial to your health.

Here are some of the great benefits of living alone...

1. You'll gain an independent routine (which is great for your health!)

Being able to do exactly what you want, when you want - without being restricted by someone else - is a big luxury. You can come and go as you please, visit places you've always wanted to see, or simply have a relaxing night in with a long soak in the bath and no interruptions. What's more, being completely in control of how you spend your time, means you can create a routine that works for you - and research suggests that those with structured schedules have a better quality of life and could stave off mental health problems.

Woman in bath

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2. Single people are healthier than their married counterparts

One Loughborough University study found that single people are far more active than their married counterparts. Without a significant other to laze around with, they're less likely to skip that yoga class or Saturday morning run. Commissioned by the Department of Health, the poll found married couples were less likely to take 150 minutes of exercise a week.

Woman doing yoga by the sea at sunset

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3. You can develop your own hobbies and interests

Having your own space allows you to indulge in and develop your own interests, be they hobbies you want to try and turn into a business or new skills you want to learn. Without somebody else's needs to worry about, you can be completely selfish and book on to that expensive cookery course you've always wanted to do, finally learn French or dedicate more time to your pottery. Why not turn a space in your house into a craft workshop, studio or exercise room?

Small garden - woman potting plants

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4. Single people often enjoy better friendships

Living alone by no means has to mean you're lonely. In fact, often exiting a relationship enables friendships to really blossom. Now is the time to re-establish links with old friends and reach out to new ones. Living alone means you can invite people for weekend visits, stay out late having dinner or take the opportunity to stay with others in interesting places.

Two women compare work out times

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5. You'll have a greater sense of freedom

Feeling free to do what you want is one of the great joys of being single. You can finally have things exactly the way you want them: decorate your home to suit your tastes, cook meals you enjoy and watch what you like. But freedom also gives you the power to change, why not start a new career or move to a different city? It's never too late to pursue a dream!

young woman arms outstretched at sunset

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6. ... And a better relationship with yourself

Often when we're in demanding relationships, we spend all our time pandering to the needs of others and little time really listening to our own needs. Being alone can be incredibly restorative for your mental health and wellbeing as you have the time to focus on your own needs. Spending every waking hour with someone else can ultimately mean you lose sight of your own sense of self and personality.

woman path

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7. It will help you be more creative

It can be difficult to think creatively if you are never alone. Solitude enables you to think deeply and is crucial for introspective, creative thoughts to come into fruition. Being alone is often a prerequisite for those sparky ideas you might otherwise never have had.

Older woman relaxing in hammock

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8. You could even get better at your job

Without a significant other, you'll be more likely to really work on your career, without worrying that you're neglecting anybody. Without a relationship to distract you, you might find more meaning in your work and feel more passionately about pursuing your career.

Woman speaking on phone  in home office - just her feet and legs shown

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9. You actually might be less lonely

It might sound odd, but single people could actually turn out to be far less lonely than those in relationships. This is because, as a general rule, singles tend to have wider social circles and support systems – as opposed to those in relationships who often have only one person they feel they can confide in and rely on.

Two women hiking on a hill towards sunset

Photo: Getty

10. You'll sleep more soundly

Being able to spread out across the whole bed, with nobody's snoring to keep you up at night, or someone else's alarm waking you up in the morning: being single could seriously benefit your sleeping pattern. Getting eight hours kip a night has myriad health benefits too! Hooray!

Older woman opening curtains in morning sun

Rob MelnychukGetty Images

How do you adjust to live in a new city alone?

How to Move to a New City Alone.
Get out and meet people. ... .
Go do lots of cool things! ... .
Live with awesome roommates. ... .
Get a gym membership. ... .
Try to forget about your old home. ... .
Be prepared to get a little sad and be happy about it! ... .
Meet your new neighbors. ... .
Create a home as soon as possible..

How do I start my life over at 50?

How to start over in life at 50.
Give yourself time to grieve. You might not have expected to be here. ... .
Start journaling. ... .
Try meditating. ... .
Do something. ... .
Put yourself out there. ... .
Keep moving. ... .
Declutter. ... .
Review your finances..

How long does it take to adjust to a new city?

It is a good idea to plan a year to 18 months for this major life transition. This does not mean that you will be feeling lost for the entire 18 months, but it's good to give yourself the expectation that it may take that long before your new place truly feels like home.

How do you start a new life in a new city with no money?

How to Move with No Money.
1 Relocate to a town with a low cost of living..
2 Apply for a driveaway company..
3 Move to a place with a relocation initiative..
4 Borrow a friend's car..
5 Move with a friend..
6 Lease a sublet..
7 Couch surf at someone else's place..
8 Stay at a hostel temporarily..