Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

In Deity yoga, your thumb, which makes most manual tasks easier for us, represents the Divine. Your index finger represents your sense of Self; your middle, ring and little finger represent the three gunas, three fundamental energies and their representation within us. Middle finger represents sattva, ring finger represents rajas and little finger represents tamas. Together, they represent your conditioning (your experiences, beliefs and daily concerns).

Moving into the traditional Chin mudra, for example, has deep symbolic meaning. When you hold the fingers of your hand together, this symbolizes your identification with your conditioning. This is a normal human state, when we define who we are through our past experiences and the roles we play in our daily lives. The first stage is to separate your index finger (your sense of Self) from your conditioning. Symbolically, this means that you are breaking your identification with your daily ups and downs. The second stage of the mudra is to begin to move your index finger (representing your sense of Self) and your thumb (representing the Divine) toward each other. This reflects your movement toward the Divine and the movement of Divine toward you. In the final, third stage, your thumb and index finger connect, symbolizing your connection to the Divine. This reflects the process of “deification”, becoming one with the Divine. Once you arrive at this stage, you can hold Chin mudra and meditate on your chosen Deity and your connection to something greater than yourself.

Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

Another way of “deification” through gesture is to use nyasas, dynamic hand (or body) gestures that are meant to place the essence of the Divine into your body. Nyasa means to “place, put, install.” Every Deity has a manta, a sacred sound that represents its essence. When you chant the mantra for a specific Deity and touch different parts of your body, you are symbolically placing that mantra into your body, so that your body could become a seat for, or a temple of, your chosen Deity. Nyasas are practiced with deep absorption in both the meaning and feeling of mantra. They connect multiple layers of our systems, including the body, speech and mind for a more integrated experience.

Kara Nyasa, for example, picks up where Chin mudra leaves off. It uses the same symbolism of the fingers that we’ve discussed earlier, but the purpose of Kara Nyasa is to evoke the energy of the Divine (your chosen Deity) and then use that Divine force to purify each layer of your system. You begin Kara Nyasa by sliding the tip of your index finger along your thumb, from tip to base. This symbolizes the surrender to the Divine force, the deity of your choice.

Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

Once you surrender, the Deity can take over and clean out all the impurities within your sense of Self and all three gunas that are part of you. To purify, you slide your thumb along each finger, starting with the index finger, from base to tip, and then flick it at the end.

Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

Once the purification is complete, we distribute the resulting positive energy throughout the hands by sliding the left palm over the right hand, and right palm over the left hand. In some traditions this whole sequence is done simultaneously with both hands, and in some it is done with each hand individually.

Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

Kara Nyasa is usually done with a mantra that evokes an image of a different Deity for each finger, it is rather elaborate. You can also do it by choosing a mantra for one deity and repeating it as you do your gestures. For example, you can choose mantra OM DUM DURGAYE NAMAH to call on the image of Durga, the Divine Mother. Then Kara Nyasa would look and sound like this.

Next time we will take a look at Hrdaya Nyasa and how we can call on Divine power to help us understand, manifest, achieve, sustain, see and endure. Tune in!

If you find you have a certain sign or symptom that happens to be isolated to a certain segment or subdivision of your finger, this finger sign could have a meaning according to the art of finger reading (a sub-subject within palmistry and hand reading).

By signs or symptoms, we’re talking about things like:

  • a beauty spot or mark that arises on a finger segment
  • redness or swelling that’s isolated to a specific part of the finger
  • an injury that happened on a particular finger subdivision (bruise/ sprain / break / cut / other)
  • Stiffness, pain or sensitivity that’s isolated to a specific location on the finger

To find out what your finger sign could indicate, it’s helpful to look at the diagram below which shows what each finger segment (known as “phalange” in palmistry lingo) symbolizes. The table below goes into more detail about what signs on each finger segment could relate to.

Pain in pinky finger spiritual meaning

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FingerTop Segment

(Air characteristics that are to do with the Mind and thinking)

Middle Segment

(Fire characteristics that are to do with practical “doing” things)

Bottom Segment

(Earth characteristics that are to do with physical, material things)

ThumbWillpower, Control, Motivation, StubbornnessLogicFocusIndex Finger
(aka Jupiter finger)Spirituality

- connection with higher self, inner guidance & intuition

- personal beliefs

- thoughts on spirituality

Ambition & Assertiveness in working towards success: taking initiative & going after what you want



Leadership.  Authority, & personal power (vs letting others control you)



In palmistry term, this is the “Gemini segment”. Gemini energies include: mood changes from moment to moment, intelligence, low tolerance for time-wasters.In palmistry term, this is the “Taurus segment”. Taurus energies include loyalty, patience, groundedness, routine, security, tediousness & boredomIn palmistry term, this is the “Aries segment” and is ruled by Mars energy which includes energies of aggression & angerMiddle Finger

(aka Saturn finger)

KnowledgeOrganization: structure & tidinessIdealism eg about ecology, the Environment and the world around usIn palmistry terms, this is the “Capricorn segment”. Traits of the Capricorn sign include  learning from experience,

hardworkingness, perfectionism, rigidity, coldness, pessimism, inhibition, prudence, cautiousness, lack of spontaneity, miserliness

In palmistry terms, this is the “Aquarius segment”. Aquarian traits include: independence, rebelliousness, being tied down, unpredictability, inventiveness, creativityIn palmistry terms, this is the “Piscess segment”. Pisces traits include: idealism, peacefulness, dreamer, compassion, working for idealistic causes,Ring Finger

(aka Apollo finger or Sun finger)


eg doing things & expressing themselves in unusual, unique ways. It also relates to protectiveness & how you react when push comes to shove, under pressure, in crises.

Artistry & Creativity eg inventiveness, self-expression in artistic waysPerforming & Entertaining eg how much you enjoy being the centre of attention & putting yourself out there publicly (self-promoting peacock vs private, hiding nature)In palmistry terms, this is the “Cancer segment”. Traits of the cancer sign include protectiveness, parental tendencies, kindness, sympathy, inferiority, motivation from loveIn palmistry terms this is the “Leo segment” which is said to relate to individuality and also to healing energies. Leo energies relate to generosity, flamboyance, passion, demonstrativeness, caringnessIn palmistry terms this is the “Virgo segment”. Virgo energies relate to perfectionism, difficulty in expressing emotions, organization and methodicalness.Little Finger

(aka Mercury finger)

Communication with people in social, romantic or business situations  (eg shyness & problems communicating vs an excellent, articulate communicator)Problem Solving eg in writing, Business & FinanceHonesty & Adaptability

eg getting on well with new technology, adjusting to new places, being adaptable to new ideas and theories

In palmistry terms this is the “Libra segment”. Libra traits include: sensitivity when it comes to judgement, problem-solving, falling in love, charm, diplomatic ability, dithering between balance and imbalanceIn palmistry terms this is the “Scorpio segment”. Scorpio traits include: deep thinking, problem-solving, secretiveness, investigating.In palmistry terms this is the “Sagittarius segment”. Sagittarius traits include: optimism, adaptability, flexibility, travel, commitment, freedom, open-mindedness, curiosity, trust levels, frankness and honesty




- Palmistry Classes with Palmist Robin Lown at the College of Psychic Studies

- Frank Clifford. 2002. Palmistry 4 Today (book) (Link on; Link on

- Jonathan (Jonny) Waxman. Spiritual Secrets website. Link:

What does the pinky finger mean spiritually?

The pinky represents ending and the ability to finish what you started and end what is not serving you anymore. Connected to the planet Mercury. ♕ Ring finger: To show a symbol of love, freedom, and trust.

What do the fingers represent spiritually?

Your index finger represents your sense of Self; your middle, ring and little finger represent the three gunas, three fundamental energies and their representation within us. Middle finger represents sattva, ring finger represents rajas and little finger represents tamas.

What is the pinky finger connected to?

The thumb represents the brain, the index finger represents the liver/gall bladder. The middle finger represents heart, the ring finger represents hormones and the little finger or pinky represents digestion.

Which finger is the heart chakra?

In Tantric anatomy, the thumb is associated with the solar plexus-chakra, index finger with heart-chakra, middle finger with throat-chakra, ring finger with root-chakra, and little finger with sacral chakra.