Play this song and see if your baby dances tiktok

What is the song that everybody dances to on TikTok?

Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) created by Dance Anthem | Popular songs on TikTok.

What's the Dancing Baby song?

The Dancing Baby is just a 3D rendering of a baby in a diaper, animated to do a little dance to the opening of the song "Hooked on a Feeling" by Swedish rock band Blue Swede (featured on the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack in 2014).

When was the Dancing Baby meme made?

The strange-yet-sassy "Dancing Baby" began spreading via forwarded email chains in 1996 before it appeared on major news networks around the US and cha-chaed its way into the TV show "Ally McBeal" to remind the titular character of her ticking biological clock.

When was the Dancing Baby GIF?

Also known as "baby cha-cha," the original dancing baby was a 3D rendered animation that became the first viral internet meme back in 1996.