Prayer for a mother who lost her son

Gathered together on this page are several prayers for parents who have experienced the trauma of the death of their son or daughter. There is a comforting prayer for the loss of a child, a prayer for a mother who is in mourning, and a prayer for strength when grieving. May the God of all comfort embrace you in His eternal arms now as you pray and pour out your hearts to Him.

Prayer for loss of child

(a prayer of comfort for someone who has lost their son or daughter)

Abba Father,

We long to be with our dear beloved child, our hearts are heavy with deep sorrow and our breath is shallow. Please carry us, for we are overwhelmed by the pain of our grief. Words can not express the depth of our loss or the heartache we feel.

We know you are with our dear beloved son (daughter), your heart is overjoyed by him. His breath is new life in Heaven. Please come and nurture our precious one. Thank you for the hope of eternal life that he has now received.

Lord, you will keep him safe until we meet. We entrust him into your care now.


(a prayer for grieving from

The promise of comfort

Prayer for a mother who lost her son

Prayer for grieving mother who lost a child

Dear Father,

Your Spirit carries the softness of eternity. You are the fragrance of comfort, you are the enfolding lullaby. Please encircle my dear friend in her grief. Cocoon her within your arms of love, whisper heavenly truth into her soul and keep each fragment of her broken heart safe.

When we are in pieces your presence will keep us. So I lay her in your strong arms Jesus. Come carry her. Watch steadily over her day and night. May she come to know that her beloved child is safe with you. Not lost but found, known and cherished.


(a family prayer from

Prayer for strength when grieving

My heart is broken and my spirit mourns.
All I know is that Your grace is sufficient.
This day, this hour
Moment by moment
I choose to lean on You,
For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest.
I pour out my grief to You
And praise You that on one glorious day
When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered
We shall walk together again.

(a prayer for comfort from

A short uplifting prayer asking God for strength and hope when grieving the loss of a loved one:-

Prayer for a mother who lost her son

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.

(Washington Irving, 1783-1859)

Prayer for Strength and Guidance

(a prayer for those going through a difficult time)

O Lord,

I give you my worries and concerns and I ask for your guidance. You see it all, the outer circumstances, the inner turmoil. I know that you understand my life, that sometimes my heart weighs heavy with trouble. Right now I lay all these things before you. I breathe in, safe in the knowledge that I am held by grace. I breathe out, knowing that I am held secure in your arms. And I wait on you. For you are all truth, you are overflowing love, you are a beacon of hope and a fortress of faith.

Lord, I choose to be attentive to your voice. May I be alert to your Spirit’s guiding as I journey onwards with you.

I love you Father. Amen.

(a prayer for strength and guidance from

Prayer Of A Mother Who Lost Her Son

Heavenly Father, I kneel before You grieved in my spirit and with deep pain in my heart, due to the loss of my son, whom I loved so dearly and who has been taken from me so cruelly.

Father I know that he is in Your presence now, but I have been left with a gaping hole in my life that is hard to express and impossible to explain.. and yet I know that You grieved over the death of Your dearly beloved Son, Who gave His life as a ransom for others so that we might believe in Him and be given life everlasting – and in my heart I know that there is no-one who understand the loss of a son like You and there is no one who can comfort the heart of those that are grieving more than our heavenly Father – for  You are the God of all comforts, Who comforts us in all our afflictions and pain.

Lord I know that there are others also who are going through this same, deep sadness and loss of their sons too,  and I want to lift each and every one up to You and pray that You would comfort every mother and father who has had to go through the devastating loss of their son. 

Thank You that Your grace and pity is beyond our understanding and that Your peace can calm each aching heart and still the troubled mind of all who are grieving.. and we pray that in a wonderful way You would meet the needs of each one at this time of loss, and draw them into a closer walk with Yourself - this I ask in the name of  Your own, dearly beloved Son – Jesus Christ my Lord,


What do you say to a mother who lost her son?

What to Say to Someone Who's Suffered the Loss of a Child.
Tell them you're sorry for their loss. ... .
Let them know they aren't alone. ... .
Help them plan the funeral or memorial and explain what happens next. ... .
Let them know that they can talk to you whenever they need to. ... .
Remind them that no one is to blame for their loss..

How do you pray for someone who lost a son?

Give us now the assurance that though he/she has passed from our sight, he/she has not passed from your care. Draw near to us in our sadness, bring blessing out of grief, and help us in our tears and pain to know you standing alongside us and to experience your love and healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

What is a good Bible verse for someone who lost a child?

Bible Verses About Grieving The Loss Of A Child.
Revelation 21:4. 'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. ... .
Philippians 2:20. I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare..
Matthew 19:14. ... .
Matthew 18:14. ... .
John 14:27. ... .
Luke 18:15-17..

How do you pray for a grieving mother?

Holy Spirit, help these grieving mothers to fix their gaze upon heaven where the promise of eternal life awaits them. Give them a voice to share their story of Your goodness and faithfulness during this difficult time. Thank You for bringing peace that passes all understanding and healing broken hearts in Your timing.