Skin turns red easily when touched Reddit

I used to have this problem as well. What’s your current routine? I never went to a dermatologist to get diagnosed, but I have a feeling I have rosacea. It still happens but very rarely now (if I take a long hot shower, eat spicy food, am stressed, etc.). My old skincare routine was making it worst as well (lots of fragrance and essential oil, no proper moisturizer) I actually switched to using cetaphil and cerave using a basic routine (cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen). To this day I keep that basic routine and I only try one active at once (right now I’m using tretinoin) but I recommend if you’re in actives getting off them for a while (1-2 months) before adding them back in. Azaleic acid is known to help, but I’ve never used it as well. On r/rosacea horse paste is popular, but again I’ve never used it. And dr dray recommends rosacare as well, you can get it at cvs! Either way streamline your routine. And I know this sounds dumb but having a healthy lifestyle helps (diet and exercise) but also figuring out your triggers is really important. For me my triggers are heat, stress, spicy foods, and hot beverages! Very common triggers for rosacea!

In short periods of pressure your restricting blood flow causing your skin to turn pale/white. Once pressure is relieved you get a rush of blood flow making the area look flush/red. This is called reactive hyperaemia.

First Aid here. We always do a pressure pinch after a limb is put in a sling to make sure the sling isn't too tight, or that there's a more serious issue we haven't detected.

Sling on and pinch end of a finger to push blood out, it should be white and return to normal skin colour in a second or two. If it doesn't, then the sling is too constrictive or there's bigger problems.

If you are speaking about the immediate reaction of skin redness after slapping your arm: that is due to the release of histamine - which dilates blood vessels under the skin and gives you that red color.

If you are talking about bruises, that is a different (cooler) process. Bruises are made when there is trauma to a blood vessel which allows blood to leak out of vessels and into skin tissue.

So now you have a bunch of blood just beneath the skin which gives it that red color. This blood needs to be cleaned up and broken down. Normally the body is able to break down RBC and Hgb into products like biliverdin and bilirubin. Biliverdin is green and will give a bruise a green color while bilirubin is more yellow and gives a bruise a yellow color.

This makes sense as a bruise typically starts out Red, then becomes more green, and yellow, before disappearing.

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Posted by8 years ago


Skin turns red easily when touched Reddit

Such as sitting in shorts with your legs crossed, you'll have a red, calf-shaped imprint in your thigh.

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Skin turns red easily when touched Reddit

level 1

· 8 yr. agoMicrobiology | Immunology | Pathology

Inflammation from shear stress. If you scratch your arm right now you can see the process unfold in real time.

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Skin turns red easily when touched Reddit

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I know this isn't a medical subreddit but I thought I'd ask you guys if something similar has happened to your babies.

My 14 month old's skin turns red to the touch. Like if he drinks out of a cup and presses it to his face, it will be red for a little while and then go back to normal. He is not fair skinned. His skin has always done this to some extent, like I would notice finger marks on his back from being held. It just seems like it's getting a bit worse lately and has me worried. It doesn't itch or show any raised skin or anything like that, and he has no other symptoms.

I do have a doctor appointment for him tomorrow but thought I could maybe get some anecdotal experiences. Thanks!

Is it because when you itch a specific area, your body increases the blood flow in that area? Or is it because we tend to scratch so much that the dead skin cells peel away, revealing the fleshy skin underneath?

Edit: also, when you rub your eyes, why do they get red?