The power of letting go book summary

If you learn to let go, you will learn to live.

When you let go, you live intuitively with a great deal more ease and flow because you are no longer attached to things being a certain way, to being a certain person or always being right. What a relief. The irony is that when you feel stuck in any part of your life - career, relationships, purpose, health or money - it becomes increasingly hard to let go - you cling on for dear life just at the moment you need to take a leap of faith.

In THE POWER OF LETTING GO, John Purkiss combines both the why and the how to let go, with excellent practices that help convert the spark of hope and desire into action.

There are four stages to letting go:

Be Present and Enjoy Each Moment

Let Go of the Thoughts that Keep You Stuck

Let Go of the Pain that Runs Your Life

Surrender and Tune into Something Far More Intelligent than Your Brain

How many pages is the power of letting go?

Product Details.

How do I learn the art of letting go?

9 steps to mastering the art of letting go.
Be your own saving grace. The person who hurt you can't be the one who saves you. ... .
Practice acceptance. ... .
Have patience and faith. ... .
Be your biggest fan. ... .
Forgive. ... .
Acknowledge your feelings. ... .
Focus on the present. ... .
Don't wait for an apology..

Is the art of letting go a good book?

This book is absolutely the best book I've ever read on letting go of someone! The way it's written is easy to follow and thought provoking even for someone like myself who was in extreme denial. It forces you to see the situation as it really is and not what you desperately want it to be.