Watery discharge feels like i peed myself am i pregnant

Are you one of those saying “Watery discharge feels like I peed myself”?  No need to feel guilty my friend.  You’re about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before.

  • Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself
  • Causes of Watery Discharge
    • Watery Discharge & Ovulation
    • Can Pregnancy Cause Watery Discharge – Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself Pregnancy?
    • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Sexual Arousal and Watery discharge
  • When Should You Seek Help
  • Yellow/Greenish Discharge: Causes & Treatment
  • Greyish-White Discharge: Causes & Treatment
  • White Cheesy Discharge: Causes & Treatment
  • Brownish Discharge: Causes & Treatment
  • Excessive Watery Discharge
  • No Period Just Clear Watery Discharge
  •  Milky White Watery Discharge
  •         Watery Discharge And Itching
  • How to Prevent “Watery discharge feels like I peed myself”

Do you know that the watery discharge may not actually mean that you feel loose or need to tighten your vag*na? In addition to that, most discharges that women experience are often not from their vag*na because the vag*nal doesn’t have secretory glands.

In the actual sense of it, the so-called vag*nal secretions come from the fluids secreted from the glands in the cervix as well as the cells from the entrance to the vag*na.

That said, it’s important to understand that healthy discharge is usually odorless, clear, and colorless.  And, it’s usually not enough to warrant the use of a pad or cause any discomfort.

Causes of Watery Discharge

Watery discharge feels like i peed myself am i pregnant

There are many causes of watery vag*nal discharge.  It’s important to note that having a watery discharge can be protective. This is because the discharge helps to cleanse your vag*na and make it free from infection.

The acidic nature of the secretions can help to deter bacteria and also remove dead cell debris.  The hormonal change also plays a very vital role too as far as the watery discharge is concerned.

So, it’s not surprising that your clear, watery discharge can shoot up in your monthly cycle. Thanks to estrogen which helps you produce more vag*nal fluids.

Watery Discharge & Ovulation

Having more watery discharge could be a pointer that you have probably started ovulating. Watery discharge due to ovulation is often stretchy and clear. Sometimes, it appears like egg whites and maybe less watery than what you usually experience during your periods.

Can Pregnancy Cause Watery Discharge – Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself Pregnancy?

Research has shown that most women will see a rise in discharge during pregnancy. So, no need to panic because pregnancy could affect the volume of discharge.

Watery Discharge & Labour

No doubt, bacteria, and vag*nal infections could also complicate an ongoing pregnancy. So, it’s never out of place to contact your doctor immediately if you notice sudden abnormal watery discharge while you’re pregnant.

On the other hand, if you notice a rush of water in the last stage of your pregnancy, chances are that labor has started. This is usually a normal sign of labor. However, you could be experiencing premature labor if your water broke while you’re not yet due.  Prompt medical intervention can improve outcomes for you and the baby.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

As I mentioned previously, a watery discharge could be a harmless sign. However, in some cases, it could be a sign of infection.

Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or any other type of STI may present with STI too.  So, you need to call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • White, cheesy discharge
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Yellowish or greenish discharge
  • Abdominal pain
  • vu*va or vag*nal itchiness
  • Painful urination
  • fever

Your doctor may also need to order some laboratory tests and conduct some clinical examinations to be sure of the diagnosis.

Sexual Arousal and Watery discharge

You could experience watery discharge if you become sexually aroused. This happens because more blood flows to the vag*nal during arousal which can stimulate the discharge of sexual lubricating fluids. You may also experience higher amounts of vag*nal discharge after sexual activities.

When Should You Seek Help

In the United States, about 10 million women visit gynecologists yearly on account of watery vag*nal discharge. Rarely is clear, watery discharge a sign of a serious underlying condition.

Just as we have mentioned in the earlier paragraph above, STIs could cause abnormal changes in terms of color, odor, consistency, or volume of vag*nal discharge. So, when in doubt, make sure you see your  Primary Care physician or gynecologist.

The following signs of abnormal discharge should prompt a visit to your doctor:

  • Strong, fishy odor
  • Grey, yellow, green, or brownish color
  • White, cheesy, or chunky discharge

Yellow/Greenish Discharge: Causes & Treatment

Yellowish/greenish discharge is often caused by Trichomonas vag*nalis. Hence, the infection is called trichomoniasis.  Infection by this pathogen is via sexual means. This infection is also linked to poor personal hygiene.

The good news is that trichomoniasis can be treated medically with medications and vag*nal suppositories. You also need to present your male partner for treatment.

This is because while men do not show symptoms, they are carriers of the pathogens and could re-infect women even after the latter has been duly treated.

Greyish-White Discharge: Causes & Treatment

The greyish discharge could also be caused by two or more types of infection. This happens when there is the dominance of other microbes over lactobacilli which are supposed to be the dominating organism in the vag*nal flora.

The lactobacillus organism is actually the good, natural resident of the vag*na and helps to maintain the acidity of the vag*na which helps to keep bad microbes in check.

A major accompanying symptom is the strong, irritating smell of rotten fish which can follow the whitish or grayish discharge.

Treatment: You need to see your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

White Cheesy Discharge: Causes & Treatment

The whitish discharge could occur as a result of infection with the fungi called Candida Albicans. This infection is commonly called vag*nal candidiasis or thrush.

The healthy vag*na provides a wet, warm environment, which can encourage the growth of fungi such as Albicans and other microbes.

Discharge in candidiasis is often whitish, and cheesy but has no odor except mixed with infections from other microbes.

If you experience a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, you may also experience an intense vag*na itching as well.  With intense itching comes pain which may make you present to the doctor earlier.

Fungal infections such as vag*nal candidiasis are common in people who frequently use antibiotics, have low immunity or engage in activities such as smoking which weakens the immune system, or conditions such as diabetes, use drugs such as ster*ids or other immunosuppressive agents for too long.

Treatment: Your doctor will often prescribe ant-fungal drugs to get rid of the causative agent: candida or at least limit their growth.

Brownish Discharge: Causes & Treatment

If you experience brownish discharge, immediately after your menstrual period, chances are that this may be normal. However, light to dark brown discharge, especially with a foul smell, may be seen in certain conditions such as bacterial and fungal infections, polyps, or even in more sinister conditions such as cervical or uterine cancers.

Remnants of uterine tissues could also be expelled from the uterus as brownish discharge. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible for further evaluation.

Treatment: You need to see your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Excessive Watery Discharge

The excessive watery discharge could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Consult your doctor for further evaluation and treatment if necessary.

No Period Just Clear Watery Discharge

It’s possible that you’re ovulating at this period. Ovulatory discharge is often clear & stretchy. The discharge is meant to help enhance the mobility of sperm up your cervix in order to ensure fertilization when you ovulate or release eggs.

So, you may want to check for signs of clear, stretchy discharge to be sure that you’re ovulating and that; your most fertile period has begun.

 Milky White Watery Discharge

This could be a sign of vag*nal candidiasis. The whitish discharge could occur as a result of infection with the fungi called Candida Albicans. This infection is commonly called candidiasis.

The healthy vag*na provides a wet, warm environment, which can encourage the growth of fungi such as Albicans and other microbes.

As previously mentioned, discharge in candidiasis is often whitish, and cheesy but has no odor except mixed with infections from other microbes.

If you experience a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, you may also experience an intense vag*na itching as well.  With intense itching comes pain which may make you present to the doctor earlier.

Fungal infections such as vag*nal candidiasis are common in people who frequently use antibiotics, have low immunity or engage in activities such as smoking which weakens the immune system, or conditions such as diabetes, use drugs such as ster*ids or other immunosuppressive agents for too long.

        Watery Discharge And Itching

Watery discharge and itching is often a sign of probable infection.  Your doctor may need to perform some tests to be able to specifically say what’s wrong.

How to Prevent “Watery discharge feels like I peed myself”

It’s important to advise that you stay completely off douching. Douching involves the use of any cosmetic product such as cream, lotion, shampoo, and soap on your vag*na. This can interfere with the normal vag*na flora.

In addition, to prevent “Watery discharge feels like I peed myself”, make sure you wear tight, cotton underwear and avoid anything synthetic. Also, ensure that your underwear is ironed and changed often, once or twice daily. Resist the urge to use tampons too. You also need to avoid visiting the sea or pool too often.

And most importantly, ensure that you see your gynecologist in case you have a watery discharge.


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). STDs during pregnancy – CDC fact sheet [Fact sheet]. (2016).
  • Diseases characterized by vag*nal discharge. (2011).
  • Gomez-Lobo V. (2017). Assessment of vag*nal discharge.
  • I’ve never had my period, so what’s this discharge? (2013).
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. (2017). vag*nal atrophy: Overview.
  • Spence D, et al. (2007). vag*nal discharge. DOI:
  • Tobah YB. (2016). What ovulation signs can I look out for if I’m hoping to conceive?
  • vag*nal discharge. (2015).
  • vag*nal discharge. (2017).

Watery discharge feels like i peed myself am i pregnant

This post was written by Dr. Adeniyi Adesanya, a qualified & passionate medical doctor who loves to educate people about healthy living and lifestyle. Adeniyi is the owner and publisher of the Human Health Hub website.

Why is my discharge watery and feel like pee?

Watery vaginal discharge is typically normal and can be due to natural hormonal fluctuations that occur during reproductive processes in a woman's body, like ovulation and pregnancy, or during sexual arousal or menopause.

Why does my discharge feel like I wet myself?

Hormonal imbalance: Hormonal imbalance occurs when the endocrine system produces too little or too much of a particular hormone in your bloodstream. Whether caused by stress, diet, or a health issue like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hormonal imbalance can result in side effects like watery vaginal discharge.

What does a gush of watery discharge mean?

Pale-yellow or clear fluid leaking from the vagina can be a sign of preterm rupture of membranes (PROM). When your water breaks, it may feel like a slow trickle of fluid from your vagina or a sudden gush of fluid. If you think you're experiencing PROM, make sure to get medical assistance as soon as possible.

What does watery discharge look like in early pregnancy?

It is similar to everyday discharge, meaning that it is thin, clear or milky white, and smells only mildly or not at all. However, pregnancy can cause the amount of discharge to increase.