We will adopt your baby Reddit

I've been kind of following the abortion debacle in the US, so I've got that context, and I saw the original picture of the couple holding up the sign with "please don't get an abortion, we will adopt your baby" on it.

But now I'm seeing "we will adopt your baby" captioned onto all sorts of weird things, like Count Olaf or Jedi ghosts: https://twitter.com/MarienneMaid/status/1541553398058692609?t=pcZjc_EHii1VkFcDRJ498Q&s=19

What's up with that? Why do people think this couple is evil? I might not agree with their political stance but they seem nice, if a bit naive and missing the point. Why have they become such a big deal?

Edit: Answers made it clear that there were actually lots of couples with 'we will adopt your baby' signs, so the 'original couple' I referred to was probably not the original.

Earlier today I drove past the usual group of "pro-life" protesters en route to lunch. Due to the pandemic I haven't driven by there much, but today I noticed one of signs with this post's title written on it.

I read the sign aloud to my husband and his brain went to them indoctrinating a flock of newborns to grow the movement. Hilarious an image as it may be,

That's not what happens in real life.

In real life, these fucks who waste 20 hours a week protesting will tell women with unwanted pregnancies anything to keep the fetus until it crowns, and expect the women to immediately fall in love with the spawn. And when some women who didn't want to be mothers wish to put them up for adoption, the same crowd will reprimand them until they cave. The pro-birthers get to keep their hands clean of any actual responsibility for their actions.

My friends who are looking to adopt an infant* are pro-choice. They would NEVER presume to tell a pregnant person that abortion is wrong. They’d never use emotional manipulation to get a baby.

*they had a very traumatic very early birth and death of their daughter - 24 weeks - and the mom was told she will never be able to carry to term and genetically all their children will have bad issues. If they don’t get a baby within the next couple years they’re going to do older child adoption.

They're acting like

No. Really, no. Get this through your head: They say wrong things on purpose, and they do not care about truth. This means that they don't care about the consequences of the wrong things they say.

When you allow yourself to fall into the "well then you MUST believe..." trap, what you're doing is granting that the fascist gives a single unadulturated fuck about truth of what they say, and they don't. You're granting that they believe the literally unbelievable things they say, but this needs to go completely out the window. A "belief" is a thing you think is true, but these people simply do not care about truth.

Let me repeat that one more time: They do not think the things that they say are true. They say these things purely to deflect criticism for their own actions, and to delay and prevent you from engaging in any actions they dislike. We have a word for this kind of statement, and that word is excuse, not "belief". You need to stop treating their excuses as if they were beliefs, and to recognize, at the first moment they make their dishonesty clear, that even pretending that they care about about truth enables and validates their lying.

I know that this all seems like an easy thing to say, but it's really hard to internalize, because you probably do care about truth and it's hard to understand the implications of not doing so. But you cannot engage with these people without recognizing their openly willful dishonesty, and the minute you start drawing conclusions from their lies you have completely forgotten that they don't think that way, and you instead just hand them another opportunity to say another wrong thing on purpose.

THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the super powerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about “The Seven,” and their formidable Vought backing. We are not affiliated with the show on Prime TV in any capacity.

THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the super powerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about “The Seven,” and their formidable Vought backing. We are not affiliated with the show on Prime TV in any capacity.