What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?


What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Or you can just eyeball and be imprecise. The pasta will turn out just fine.

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes are often sold by the pint, so you can just pick up two containers. Or simply measure out 4 cups, as Susan W suggested.

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

While this is the correct way to purchase cherry tomatoes, it is not the correct way to measure them. Cherry tomatoes are, indeed, sold in a pint. This pint, though, is a "dry" pint and will not measure 2 cups of tomatoes.

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Selling cherry tomatoes in pints must be an American thing. In most- if not all- European countries- only liquids are measured in pints. All types of tomatoes are sold by solid weight

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Since pints are volume and not weight measurements, just measure out two cups per pint. Cherry tomatoes differ in weight, so using a measuring cup is the way to go.

I was puzzled by the same thing myself, but weighing each package in the store was inconclusive. My grocery store is usually helpful in the extreme; in this case I went on line and was told the cherry tomatoes in my pint, were 5.40" in Height, 4.55" in Width and 2.30"Deep. 🙄I didn't measure them myself.

Over the course of several recipes and about a year. I weighed pints myself and found that a pint of cherry tomatoes was never less than 10 ounces nor more than 12 ounces. The average weight was 11.52 ounces over 12 pints. So four pints would be about 40 to 44 ounces. 🤔

If you are happy with the way the recipe comes out, I think you just keep doin' what you are doin'. If you use 32 ounces instead of 44 I doubt anyone will notice. 😊

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Cherry Tomatoes
© Denzil Green

  • 1 Substitutes
  • 2 Equivalents
  • 3 History Notes
  • 4 Language Notes
  • 5 Related entries

Cherry tomatoes are very small, sweet tomatoes, generally an inch (2.5 cm) or less in diameter. They usually grow in clusters on the tomato plants.

There are both yellow and red varieties.

They are used in salads, appetizer platters, on skewers for barbequing and on pizzas and flatbreads, etc. They are too expensive, and too fiddly, however, to use in mass quantities for making sauces, soups, etc.

Some of the most highly-rated varieties, such as Sweet Baby Girl, never reach market as they are too soft to stand up to shipping, and so are available only to the home gardener.


Baby Plum Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes, regular tomatoes chopped into ⅛ths


1 dry pint of cherry tomatoes, whole = 25 to 30 cherry tomatoes = 275g (10 oz)

1 cup sliced cherry tomatoes = 175 g (6 oz) sliced cherry tomatoes

History Notes

What are 2 pints of cherry tomatoes?

Cherry Tomatoes.
Positano, Italy. 2005
© Leclaire & Schenk

While we tend to think of large, red tomatoes as the norm, the first tomatoes to reach Europe were neither large, nor red. These have been developed through selective breeding.

The first tomatoes to reach Europeans, rather, would have been the size of Cherry Tomatoes.

The direct ancestor of our tomato, the “cerasiforme” variety, still grows in the wild in Central America, producing Cherry Tomato sized tomatoes on a vine.

Language Notes

“Cherry tomatoes” are called “cherry tomatoes” because of their shape and size, though they are somewhat larger than many cherry varieties.

Other names

French: Tomate cerise, Tomates miniatures

Dutch: Kerstomaat

Spanish: Tomate cherry

Portuguese: Tomatinho

This page first published: Jan 23, 2003 · Updated: Oct 4, 2020.

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What is a pint of tomatoes?

One dry pint is 25 to 30 whole cherry tomatoes or 275 grams.

How many cups are in a dry pint of cherry tomatoes?

Usually, when a recipe calls for a pint, it is referring to a liquid pint, but if a recipe does specifically call for a dry pint, 1 U.S. dry pint equals 18.6 US fluid ounces or 2.325 cups. What is this?

How many pounds is a pint of tomatoes?

Imperial system: 1 pint : 1.2528 pounds.

How much does 2 cherry tomatoes weigh?

The smaller tomato varieties (such as cherry, grape, and plum tomatoes) will usually weigh no more than 2 or 3 ounces (57 to 85 grams). ... How Much Does A Tomato Weigh?.