What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

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What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

These are strange times we’re in. Due to the pandemic, many adults are working at home, and kids are home for (not just from) school.

My kids get their school work done in a shorter amount of time than they used to in their entire school day, which means they have more down time.

What to do in that time, especially when so many things are closed?

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

My 12-year-old daughter has been complaining of being bored more often, even though she has many interests including drawing and reading. She also had been pestering me to buy tickets to a concert she wants to see this summer. So I made her a deal! Make a list of 100 things for kids to do when bored to help her keep busy and to share on my blog, and I’ll get her the tickets!

She got the tickets! Unfortunately, the concert has now been cancelled, but I’ll be working out something else with her. Either way – she now has a list of many things to do, and can be proud of inspiring other kids as well!

Here’s her list! 

  1. Read a book.
  2. Watch cartoons.
  3. Watch a movie.
  4. Draw a picture.
  5. Play instruments.
  6. Have a family study group.
  7. Play with a pet.
  8. Put a puzzle together.
  9. Go for a walk.
  10. Bike around the neighborhood.
  11. Put together some legos.
  12. Play a board game.
  13. Play Minecraft or another multi-player video game with family.
  14. Listen to an audiobook.
  15. Paint.
  16. Sew clothes or plushies.
  17. Write a song or poem.
  18. Watch a concert or play online.
  19. Have video calls with friends or family.
  20. Write a story.
  21. Make a comic.
  22. Have a contest.
  23. Make a cartoon.
  24. Make a flipbook.
  25. Learn a new language.
  26. Learn about the human body.
  27. Study for a future job.
  28. Write a script for a movie or play.
  29. Put together or take apart a computer.
  30. Go shopping online.
  31. Have a fancy dinner at home.
  32. Start a funny YouTube channel.
  33. Do someone’s makeup.
  34. Fly a kite.
  35. Dress up as a favorite character.
  36. Have a karaoke night.
  37. Count to one thousand.
  38. Design your dream home.
  39. Learn about a culture.
  40. Write about your favorite story.
  41. Learn a new sport.
  42. Design a poster.
  43. Find the cause of rain.
  44. Create a diary or journal.
  45. Learn family history.
  46. Play in the rain.
  47. Name all the plants in your yard.
  48. Watch cartoons from different countries.
  49. Memorize all the states.
  50. Create a new shape.
  51. Make a doll house.
  52. Use an erasable marker and draw a tattoo.
  53. Count all your money.
  54. Design new shoes.
  55. Donate old items.
  56. Learn about your pet.
  57. Design a new toy.
  58. Make a puppet.
  59. Write about your day.
  60. Create a new word.
  61. Draw your family, friend or pet.
  62. Take a new food.
  63. Get ahead of your class.
  64. Wave to everyone in your neighborhood.
  65. Program a toy robot.
  66. Bake cookies.
  67. Help with meals.
  68. Get a haircut or style your hair at home.
  69. Learn how something is made.
  70. Go fishing.
  71. Study plants outside.
  72. Plant a garden.
  73. Make lemonade, apple juice, or orange juice.
  74. Create a cartoon character.
  75. Draw fan art.
  76. Get to know someone more on the phone.
  77. Learn how germs form.
  78. Organize your room.
  79. Pretend to have your future job.
  80. Learn an instrument.
  81. Donate to someone in need.
  82. Create a meme.
  83. Learn your favorite songs on an instrument.
  84. Finish watching a cartoon.
  85. Paint someone’s nails (or your own!).
  86. Change your hairstyle.
  87. Learn more math.
  88. Play a simulator game.
  89. Make something with playdough.
  90. List your favorite things.
  91. Wear your least favorite color for a day.
  92. Write a musical.
  93. Chew as much gum as you can.
  94. Read a different genre of books.
  95. Pick flowers.
  96. Help your parents with something.
  97. Take an online tour of something.
  98. Create a new candy.
  99. Have a photoshoot.
  100. Learn about your state.

What kinds of things would your kids add to this list?

Free Printable Version of this List!

Click here to view this list as a printable PDF!

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

For more fun for kids to do:

Make Homemade Playdough! This recipe has only 5 ingredients:

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

I have a ton you can print and enjoy for free including:

Frozen 2
Finding Dory
Incredibles 2
Christopher Robin
Ralph Breaks the Internet
The One and Only Ivan

Or make a leprechaun gnome paper craft! Free template and instructions are here:

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

Learn how to make a homemade hot cocoa bomb!

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

Make homemade banana bread!

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

Or check out any of these guides:

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

For winter fun:

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

Get outdoors more with the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge!

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

BONUS: Download my FREE Printable Summer Activity Planner for Kids! 

What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?
There are 8 pages of summer planning fun:

  • Summer Bucket List (32 ideas for summer fun!)
  • Summer Schedules with themes and ideas
  • “10 Things I Want to Do this Summer” Worksheet
  • 3 Coloring Pages

Print whatever pages you want! To get this FREE Printable Summer Activity Planner for Kids, be sure you’re signed up for my FREE weekly email! You’ll get the links to the FREE printables INSTANTLY, and you will be subscribed to my weekly email newsletter which so you can get MORE freebies, deals and fun! Your information will not be shared with anyone and you can unsubscribe anytime.

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What can a 11 year old do when bored at home?

What should an 11 year old do when there bored?

Boredom-busting ideas for active kids.
Play a sport outside..
Wash the car..
Go for a bike ride..
Do 'mindful movement' videos..
Play hide-and-seek..
Make a fort..
Have a dance party..
Make an obstacle course..

What Should 11 year olds do at home?

Fun learning activities for 11-year-olds.
Writing ideas. Encourage book blogging and taking part in readers' book sites, e.g. adding reviews to Amazon. ... .
Reading together. Keep your eyes open for book awards and read the shortlists together to decide which title you would choose and why. ... .
Maths games. ... .
Writing ideas..

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The Ultimate List of Fun Things for Tweens & Teens to Do When They're Bored - 200+ Ideas.
Read a book. ( ... .
Read a picture book to younger siblings. ... .
Listen to an audiobook..
Do an experiment with paper shapes..
Play with perspective..
Do paper chromatography..
Do t-shirt chromatography..
Build paper towers..

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30 things kids should know how to do by 12.
Cook for themselves. Not all the time! ... .
Do their own laundry. This one isn't just to help their parents. ... .
Use public transit. ... .
Get to and from school on their own..
Do a grocery run. ... .
Have non-electronic fun..
Watch over a younger child for brief stints. ... .
Maintain a calendar..