What can I say instead of I love You?

Wondering how to tell someone you love them in English? Sometimes we just have to blurt it out: “I love you!”, but other times you might be able to do a bit of preparation. If you are looking for different ways to say “I love you”, here are some phrases you can use to make that person feel really special.


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Classic ways to say “I love you”

Sweet, simple and easy to remember. The classic, “I love you”, “I love you too” is sometimes all we need to say and hear. Remember that we can also say “I love you” to family members and friends too – it’s not just for the lovers in our lives.

I’m in love with you

This phrase is a bit more intense than the simple, “I love you”. “I’m in love with you” can only be said in a romantic way – so don’t mistakenly say this to your great aunt Mildred. 

You’re the love of my life

This is a serious declaration, so only say this if you’re really sure that it’s true. Telling someone, “You’re the love of my life” implies that you want to be with them forever and there’ll never be anyone else. 

Different ways to say “I love you” in English

I love you to the moon and back

What’s more romantic than gazing at the moon? Maybe telling your partner, “I love you to the moon and back.” The phrase is quite famous for being in the children’s book “Guess how much I love you?” but it’s used for romantic as well as non-romantic love now.

I’m crazy about you

This is quite a modern and different way to say “I love you”. And it doesn’t always mean “I love you”, it could just be that you really, really like someone. So if you’re using this phrase, it’s a good idea to clarify with ‘I’m crazy about you, I love you so much,’ or something similar.

I’m head over heels for you

“I’m head over heels for you” means I’m totally and utterly in love with you and I can’t think about anything or anyone else.

You’re my other half.

This is a sweet way to tell someone you love them so much that they complete you. (Side note: “You complete me” is also a way to tell someone you love them.) Brits often use the phrase “my other half” when they’re referring to their husband or wife, e.g. “My other half’s at the bar, getting the beers in.”

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Songs to say “I love you” in English

There are also other ways to say “I love you”: Using a song or saying a line from a song can be a very romantic way. Here are some lines that you could use to declare your love. Bonus points if you sing the song yourself. 

I will always love you

Is there a more overblown romantic song than this one? Whether you go for the original Dolly Parton or Whitney Houston’s Bodyguard version, your someone special will definitely feel your love. 

I can’t help falling in love with you

Conjure up a little Las Vegas-style love with Elvis Presley’s “Can’t help falling in love with you“. The song is about falling in love with someone quickly, so this is a good line to use when you haven’t known someone long but you know you love them.

You are my sunshine

A very sweet way to say “I love you” is by telling that special someone, “You are my sunshine”. It’s been covered by a lot of different artists so you can pick your poison, so to speak. This song is also often sung by parents to their children as a nursery rhyme.

You’re amazing just the way you are

Bruno Mars’ “Just the way you are” is the perfect song to tell someone you love them for exactly who they are. It was written for a girl but that doesn’t stop you from telling your gentleman friend that you wouldn’t change a thing about them.

Now you have at least 10 different ways to tell someone “I love you”. So there’s no excuse; get out there and start declaring your love! 

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Laura is a freelance writer and was an ESL teacher for eight years. She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. She’s definitely better at the first one. She loves travelling and that’s the other major topic that she writes on. Laura likes pilates and cycling, but when she’s feeling lazy she can be found curled up watching Netflix. She’s currently learning Polish, and her battle with that mystifying language has given her huge empathy for anyone struggling to learn English. Find out more about her work in her portfolio.

Language is ever-changing, and the ways we use words to express ourselves are constantly evolving. So, it’s no surprise that the phrase “I love you” has become somewhat overused and clichéd in recent years. If you’re looking for alternative ways to say “I love you,” this list is for you!

Here are 30 things to say instead of “I love you”:

Romantic things to say instead of “I Love You”

Are you a romantic? If so, these things to say instead of “I love you” are sure to speak to your heart:

1. I’m grateful for you

Gratitude is always a good feeling, and expressing it to your partner will make them feel appreciated.

2. You’re my reason to smile

This is a compliment every person likes to hear. After all, who doesn’t want to be the reason someone else is happy?

3. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me

This is a common phrase, but it’s still a great way to say “I love you.”

4. I’m so lucky to be with you

This is a nice way of saying that you feel grateful to be in a relationship with your partner.

5. I fall more in love with you every day

Only say this if it’s truly how you feel! If you’ve been with your partner for a while and find that your love for them is only getting stronger, let them know with this phrase.

6. There’s no one else I’d rather be with

This phrase communicates both love and commitment.

7. I want to spend the rest of my life with you

Do I hear the wedding bells? This is a serious declaration of love and commitment. If you’re ready for a lifetime with your partner, let them know with this phrase.

8. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us together

What a sweet way to say that you’re excited to see what the future has in store for your relationship.

9. Seeing you happy is all I need

That’s a wonderful thing to say and a great way of expressing how much you care about your partner’s happiness. It shows that you are fully invested in their joy and contentment and that their wellbeing is important to you.

10. I would do anything for you

This is a phrase often used in love songs, but it’s still a beautiful way to say “I love you.” It communicates that you’re willing to go the extra mile for your partner and that they mean a lot to you.

Cute things to say instead of “I love you”

If the romantic phrases are too cheesy for you, try one of these cute things to say instead:

1. I love being with you

This is a great way of saying that you love the time you spend with your partner and that being around them brings you happiness.

2. You’re my home

Home is where the heart is, and this phrase communicates that your partner is where you feel most comfortable and at ease.

3. You’re my favorite person in the world

It’s always nice to hear that we’re someone’s favorite. This phrase is a great way of saying “I love you” in a sweet and simple way.

4. I’m so proud of you

Tell your partner how proud you are of them and their accomplishments. They’ll feel good knowing that you’re cheering them on and that you believe in them.

5. I care about you

Sometimes, the simplest things are the most impactful. This phrase communicates that you care about your partner and that they’re important to you.

6. You’re my best friend

When you’re in a relationship with your best friend, it’s the best of both worlds. Let them know how much they mean to you with this phrase.

7. I’m happy when I’m with you

There’s no greater feeling than knowing that we make someone else happy. If being with your partner brings you joy, let them know with this phrase.

8. You’re so cute when you _

Fill in the blank with whatever it is that your partner does that you find adorable. Maybe they get a little embarrassed when they’re caught being sentimental, or perhaps they have an endearing way of eating their food. Whatever it is, let them know that you think it’s cute!

9. You are beautiful/handsome

This is a classic compliment, but it’s one that will never go out of style. Plus, it’s always nice to hear!

10. You always make me laugh

Humor is an important part of any relationship. If your partner is the one who always makes you laugh, let them know with this phrase. It’ll make them feel good knowing that they can brighten up your day.

Looking for cute things to say to your girlfriend? Check out these 28 things to say to your girlfriend!

Funny things to say instead of “I love you”

If you’re a couple who loves to laugh, consider using one of these funny things to say instead of “I love you.”

1. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly

Mmmh, PB&J. This classic comfort food is a great way to say “I love you.”

2. We go together like coffee and donuts

Now, this is a pairing that we can get behind! If you and your partner are the perfect match, let them know with this phrase.

3. We’re two peas in a pod

Don’t like peas? You can also say, “We’re two nuts in a shell” or “We’re two strawberries in a field.”

4. You’re the cheese to my macaroni.

If you’re a vegan couple, you can say, “You’re the avocado to my toast.”

5. We belong together like milk and cookies

This is a great way of saying that you and your partner are meant to be together. Plus, it’s sure to put a smile on their face.

6. I love you more than sleep

Wow, that’s a big compliment. I mean, who doesn’t love sleep?

7. If you knew how much I think about you, I would be very embarrassed

Good thing your partner will never know!

8. You’re the only person I want to annoy for the rest of my life

Hey, even the most annoying habits can be endearing when we love someone.

9. Out of all the people in the world, I’m glad you’re the one I’m stuck with

What a sweet way of saying that you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.

10. I’m amazed by the things you don’t find embarrassing about me

Sometimes, the things that we find embarrassing about ourselves are the things that our partners find most adorable.

If you want more inspiration for things to say, check out these 14 secret ways to say I love you in a text!

Whether you want to be sweet, funny, or romantic, there are plenty of things to say instead of “I love you”. So, the next time you’re feeling extra affectionate, try out one of these phrases. We guarantee your partner will appreciate it!

Secrets to a healthy relationship: Books every couple should read

It's no secret that a healthy relationship is key in a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship. This list of books about healthy relationships will help you learn how to communicate better, resolve conflict, and deepen your connection. From classic self-help books to more modern reads, these titles will give you the tools you need to build a strong and healthy relationship.

  1. Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
  2. Love in Every Season: Understanding the Four Stages of Every Healthy Relationship
  3. Love More, Fight Less: Communication Skills Every Couple Needs: A Relationship Workbook for Couples
  4. Infidelity Recovery Workbook for Couples: Tools and Exercises to Rebuild Your Relationship
  5. Healthy Me, Healthy Us: Your Relationships Are Only as Strong as You Are

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Relationship Expert

Amy Clark

Amy Clark is a freelance writer who writes about relationships, marriage, and family. She has been happily married for over ten years and loves her husband and three kids. Before …

What can I use instead of I love you?

Either way, here are a few ways to say “I love you” to your bae to help you express your feelings..
I love you..
I love so much..
I love you a lot..
I love you too..
I love you forever..
I love you unconditionally..
I love you to the moon and back..
I love you with all my heart..

What are 5 ways to say I love you?

Classic ways to say “I love you”.
I love you. Sweet, simple and easy to remember. ... .
I'm in love with you. This phrase is a bit more intense than the simple, “I love you”. ... .
You're the love of my life. ... .
I love you to the moon and back. ... .
I'm crazy about you. ... .
I'm head over heels for you. ... .
You're my other half. ... .
I will always love you..

How do you say I love you in a deep way?

You have me. You have my eyes—and I promise to keep them focused on you only. You have my smile and the way the corners turn up whenever you walk into the room. You have my happiness. You have my promise.