What can you get from fishing with luck of the Sea 3?

Maximum level


Primary items
Secondary items


Enchantment weight


Luck of the Sea is an enchantment to a fishing rod that increases luck while fishing.


With the default loot tables, this enchantment increases the chance of "treasure" catches (by about 2% per level), while greatly lowering the chance of "junk" catches (by about 2% per level) and slightly lowering the chance of fish catches (by about 0.15% per level).

Probabilities with default loot tables:

Category Chance in category
Unenchanted Luck of the Sea
Fish 85% 84.8% 84.7% 84.5%
Treasure 5% 7.1% 9.2% 11.3%
Junk 10% 8.1% 6.1% 4.2%

If commands are used to increase the enchantment level beyond 84, the biting animation still happens. However, no item will be caught when reeled in.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Luck of the Sea luck_of_the_sea enchantment.minecraft.luck_of_the_sea

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Luck of the Sea luck_of_the_sea 23 enchantment.lootBonusFishing



Java Edition
1.7.213w36aAdded the Luck of the Sea enchantment, alongside Lure, which can be applied to fishing rods.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.1build 1Added the Luck of the Sea enchantment.
Legacy Console Edition
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 31.0.1Added the Luck of the Sea enchantment alongside Lure.


Issues relating to "Luck of the Sea" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Minecraft-tutos > Minecraft Enchantments Guide > Luck Of The Sea – Minecraft Enchantment

Luck Of The Sea is an enchantment in Minecraft for a fishing rod that increases your chances of catching valuable items such as saddles, tags, enchanted books, enchanted fishing rods and enchanted bows.

The maximum level for the Luck Of The Sea enchantment is level 3. This means that you can enchant a fishing rod with up to Sea Luck III. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment.

What can you get from fishing with luck of the Sea 3?
Luck Of The Sea Minecraft

You can add the Luck Of The Sea enchantment to any fishing rod using a table, anvil or game control. Then use the enchanted fishing rod and see how fast you catch fish!

How to Use the Luck Of The Sea Enchantment ?

With the default Looting tables, this Minecraft enchantment increases the chance of catching “treasure” (by about 2% per level), while greatly decreasing the chance of catching “junk” and slightly reducing the chance of catching fish.

Aqua Affinity Bane of Arthropods Blast Protection
Channeling Cleaving Curse of Binding
Curse of Vanishing Depth Strider Efficiency
Feather Falling Fire Aspect Fire Protection
Flame Fortune Frost Walker
Impaling Infinity Knockback
Looting Loyalty Luck of the Sea
Lure Mending Multishot
Piercing Power Projectile Protection
Protection Punch Quick Charge
Respiration Riptide Sharpness
Silk Touch Smite Soul Speed
Sweeping Edge Thorns Unbreaking
List of all Minecraft enchantments

What are the chances of getting Luck OF THE Sea 3 from fishing?

Luck of the Sea III. Fish (84.5%) Treasure (11.3%).
Fish (85%).
Treasure (5%).
Junk (10%).

Can you get mending from fishing with Luck of the Sea 3?

Keep in mind that fishing up a mending book is very rare. With Luck of the Sea III, the chances of getting junk/treasure/fish are roughly: Junk: 4.1% Treasure: 11.3%

What is the rarest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?

Raw Cod is the most common fish and can be caught 60% of the time, Raw Salmon appears 25% of the time, Pufferfish 13%, and Tropical Fish is the rarest at 2%.

What are the chances of getting an enchanted book with Luck of the Sea 3?

Acording to the wiki the odds of catching an enchanted book is 1.6% with luck of the sea III.