What causes swollen eyes in the morning

Ugh! Your eyes didn't look this awful when you went to sleep last night. But this morning, they appear so puffy and swollen. How did your eyes change so much since you put your head down on your pillow?

Rest assured, it usually isn't a reason to worry about. Once you learn the culprit behind why your eyes look so puffy, find out how to get rid of puffy eyes.

Note: Eye swelling usually goes away on its own in a day. If the puffiness is still around after 24 to 48 hours, contact your health care or eye care professional to make sure something else isn't going on.

Read on to find out what's causing all this swelling.

You had a poor night's sleep.
A bad night's slumber can cause your eyes to look swollen when you wake up in the morning. That's especially the case when you're stressed. Why? Your body releases the hormone cortisol, which changes your body's salt balance. Because your salt balance is out of whack, you may retain water in the eye area, leading to swelling of tissues around your eyes.

You have a thyroid condition.
Puffy eyes may be a side effect of some types of hyperthyroidism—an overactive thyroid. You may get a thickening of the fat around your eyes, which causes puffiness.

You're suffering from edema.
If your eyes are puffier when you wake up in the morning, it may be due to fluid retention, called edema. (Fluid may be more likely to get trapped in your lower eyelid as you get older.) Once you wake up and start blinking, you may notice that your eyes start to look less puffy.

You hiked up the heat.
When you crank up the temperature in your house, your eyes can become more sensitive and drier. That's because heat can dry out your eyeball's mucous membranes. That makes the tissue in your eyes thicken and get more irritated. And that leads to puffiness.

You're not thoroughly rinsing your face and hair.
Face cleansers (especially ones with salicylic acid, glycolic acid or retinol), shampoos and conditioners can get trapped in the folds of your eyelids. Further irritation can be caused by eye makeup removers, eye shadows and mascara, which boast fragrances and preservatives. You rub your eyes to get rid of the irritation. That rubbing creates inflammation. And that leads to leaky blood vessels. The fluid that seeps out gets to the nearby tissues, creating puffiness.

You're suffering from seasonal allergies.
When you have allergies, your eyes are contacting airborne allergens. When those allergens hit your eyes, they dissolve in your tears and contact the lining of the eye. They react with antibodies that are tied to the cells in your eyes. That causes your body to release histamine (a chemical your immune system makes) into your system. Sometimes, when histamine releases into the skin, it can cause a hive-like reaction, especially around the eyes.

You've been crying.
When you cry, your eyes are working hard to make tears. Since the eye glands must work overtime to make tears, they're creating tear fluid that's waterier and less salty. So, the differences in salt concentration between these tears and the surrounding tissues causes some swelling of the eyelid.

You're dealing with that time of the month.
Blame it on being a woman. Just like how you bloat all over when you have your period, your eyes can do the same. Eye swelling caused by your period typically goes away after a few days.

You drank too much.
Did you overdo it at happy hour? Your eyes bear the impact of even small changes in your diet. So, if you drink too much alcohol, your body can get dehydrated—the same goes for your eyes.

You're aging.
Unfortunately, aging is a cause of puffy eyes. Over time, the tissue in your eyelids can weaken. That can cause fat to fall in your upper eyelid and come to rest in your lower eyelid.

Swollen eyelid causes and how to treat a swollen eyelid

What causes swollen eyes in the morning

What is a swollen eyelid?

A swollen eyelid develops due to fluid buildup or inflammation in the connective tissue around the eye. Swollen eyes may or may not be painful, and the condition can affect both the upper and lower eyelids. Swollen eyelids are treatable at home for the most common causes.

Swelling of the eyelids can range from minor to severe and can have many underlying causes. In some cases, swollen eyelids may be a sign of a more serious health problem that could cause vision loss.

A doctor or family physician can identify the cause of your swollen eyelid if home remedies do not work.

What causes a swollen eyelid?

Many conditions can cause a swollen eyelid, including:

What causes swollen eyes in the morning

A swollen eyelid may be a symptom of allergies or a sign of a serious eye infection.

  • Eye infections

  • Styes (red, painful lumps on the eyelid)

  • Crying

  • Eye injuries, like getting hit near your eye

  • Insect bites

  • Allergies

  • Eyelid dryness or flaking

  • Cysts

  • Blepharitis (inflammation near the base of the eyelashes)

  • Chalazia (healed internal styes that leave a lump on the eyelid)

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Contact lens wear

  • Cellulitis, including orbital or periorbital cellulitis

  • Graves' disease (overproduction of hormones from the thyroid into the body)

  • Fluid retention, usually resulting in puffy eyes

  • Ocular herpes

Understand the cause of your swollen eyes to ensure you get the proper treatment.

READ MORE: Causes of a swollen eyelid

Is your (or your child's) eyelid swollen?
Swelling in or around the eyes can be uncomfortable, unattractive and unsettling. Especially when the swelling is sudden or ongoing.

If you're unsure what's causing your eyelid to swell, contact an eye doctor now. They can help you discern the issue and advise you on appropriate treatment.

How do I treat a swollen eyelid?

Home remedies can treat minor bouts of swollen eyelids. Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this will only aggravate your condition.

Try these home treatments for mild cases of swollen eyelids.

  • If you have eye discharge along with your swollen eyelid, use a saline solution to rinse your eyes.

  • Apply a cold, wet compress to your eyes to help reduce the fluid buildup. Cold tea bags can also help with swollen eyelids.

  • If wearing contact lenses, take your contacts out for a few hours.

  • If you have allergies, use eye drops or a topical cream containing antihistamines.

  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops may help with discomfort from swollen eyelids caused by allergies or minor infections like viral pink eye. 

  • Lay down or sleep with your head elevated to reduce fluid buildup.

SEE RELATED: How to treat a swollen eyelid & Home remedies for swollen eyelids

Symptoms of swollen eyes

Swelling of the eyelids is a symptom of an underlying cause, such as allergy or infection. You may have some of these other symptoms along with swollen eyelids:

  • Eye irritation, such as an itchy or scratchy sensation.

  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia).

  • Excess tear production, resulting in watering eyes.

  • Obstructed vision (depending on the extent of the swelling).

  • Redness of the eyelid.

  • Redness of the white part of the eye.

  • Eye discharge.

  • Eyelid dryness or flaking.

  • Soreness, particularly involving an infection.

Here is a closer look at some of the most common symptoms of swollen eyelids:

Itchy eyes

Your swollen eyelids may be the result of allergies. Most of the time, allergies cause itchy eyes.  Pollen, dust and animal dander cause the release of histamines in the tissues around the eyes. The histamine results in itching, redness and swelling around your eyes.

Light sensitivity

Your eyelids may swell as a reaction to photophobia, a sensitivity to light. Sunlight, fluorescent light and incandescent light can cause discomfort and a need to squint or close your eyes. Headaches may also occur with light sensitivity.

Watery eyes

Watery eyes can cause swollen eyes. Chronic irritation from dry eye syndrome can result in an overproduction of the watery component of tears. If the glands in the upper eyelid overproduce this liquid, it can cause swollen eyelids.

Red eyes

Your swollen eyelids may be a result of redness in your eyes. Red or bloodshot eyes are very common and have many causes. Red eyes are usually a symptom of other eye conditions that can range from benign to serious.

Eye discharge

Eye discharge, or "sleep" in your eyes, could be causing the swelling of your eyelids. Eye discharge is the mucus, oil, skin cells and other debris that collects in the corner of your eye in your sleep. It can be wet and sticky or dry and crusty, depending on how much of the liquid in the discharge has evaporated.

Dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome can cause a range of issues, including swollen eyelids. Chronic lack of lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye causes dry eye syndrome. Side effects of dry eyes range from subtle eye irritation to significant swelling of the eye.

Eye pain

Eye pain may be coupled with blurred vision, bloodshot eyes, sensitivity to light and swollen eyelids. Eye pain is a catch-all phrase to describe discomfort on, in, behind or around the eye.

4 tips for preventing swollen eyes

  1. Get tested for allergies. If swollen eyelids from allergies are a regular occurrence, knowing what you're allergic to can help you avoid specific allergens or reduce your exposure to them.

  2. Pick beauty products that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free to help avoid allergy flare-ups. Do a patch test on the inside of your wrist before using the makeup on your face to prevent an allergic reaction near your eyes.

  3. When using eye drops, look for preservative-free eye drops. Preservatives in regular eye drops slow down bacterial growth, but some people may be allergic to these preservatives.

  4. If you wear contact lenses, you can curb your risk of eyelid swelling by practicing proper hygiene. Always wash your hands before inserting or taking out contacts. Frequent replacement of your contact lenses and contact lens case are also part of proper hygiene.


Q: Can you get swollen eyelids from COVID?

A: It is possible, but unlikely, to get swollen eyelids as a symptom of COVID-19. However, a COVID-19 diagnosis does not mean that you will necessarily experience eyelid swelling. It’s also possible that your swollen eyelids are caused by another condition, such as allergies or blepharitis. 

Q: What can cause you to wake up with swollen eyelids every morning?

A: The most common reasons you may wake up with swollen eyelids every morning are eye allergies, sleeping in your makeup and fluid retention: 

  • Contact with allergens — such as dust and pet dander — can cause your eyelids to appear puffy in the morning. 

  • Sleeping in eye makeup can cause skin irritation called contact dermatitis, which may lead to swollen eyelids. 

  • Lying flat on your back or face down as you sleep can cause fluids to pool and settle around the cheeks and eyes. This can make eyelids appear puffy or swollen when you wake.

Q: What causes dry swollen eyelids?

A: Dry swollen eyelids can be caused by eyelid dermatitis, a non-contagious skin condition that affects the eyelids. Blepharitis, inflammation of the eyelids, may also cause them to be dry and swollen. If you experience dry swollen eyelids consistently, you should see an eye doctor.

Q: What is the difference between puffy and swollen eyes?

A: The term "puffy eyes" doesn't mean the same thing as "swollen eyelids." The two terms refer to different conditions.

Swollen eyelids, or swelling around the eyes, is an inflammatory response to allergies, infection or injury. Eyelid swelling can happen with just one eye or both eyes. 

Eye puffiness is usually related to lack of sleep, age-related sagging of tissue and general water retention. If you have puffy eyes, it will typically affect both eyes.

When to see a doctor about a swollen eyelid

Be sure to visit your doctor for an eye exam if you experience any of the following issues along with your swollen eyelids:

  • Symptoms persist for more than 48 hours.

  • Eyelid swelling doesn't go away with home remedies.

  • Vision starts to change or get worse.

  • Black dots, or “floaters,” appear in your vision.

  • Discomfort intensifies or does not go away.

  • Lump starts to appear within the swelling.

  • Eye movement becomes difficult.

A physician or eye doctor will give you a medical diagnosis and the most effective treatment. A referral to an ophthalmologist may be needed if the cause of the swollen eyelid is severe enough. 

Notes and References

Page published on Monday, March 4, 2019

Page updated on Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Medically reviewed on Thursday, July 22, 2021