What city is closest to Waco Texas?

The center of each city listed is within 62 miles of Waco, TX.

Scroll down the page to find a list of big cities if you're booking a flight between airports, or a list of smaller surrounding towns if you're doing a road trip.

Map of local cities around Waco, TX

Major cities near Waco, TX

This is a list of large cities closest to Waco, TX. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Waco, TX. You can also look for cities 4 hours from Waco, TX (or 3 hours or 2 hours or 1 hour) or just search in general for all of the cities close to Waco, TX.

More trip calculations

Local towns near Waco, TX

This is a list of smaller local towns that surround Waco, TX. If you're planning a road trip or exploring the local area, make sure you check out some of these places to get a feel for the surrounding community. You can also search for cities 100 miles from Waco, TX (or 50 miles or 30 miles).

Nearest cities

Travelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any airport, zip code, or tourist landmark. You'll get a map of the local cities, including the distance and information on each town. This can help in planning a trip or just learning more about a neighboring city so you can discover new places.

The closest cities, towns, suburbs/localities and places to Waco in Texas, United States of America are listed below in order of increasing distance.

Cities, Towns, Suburbs, Localities & Places Close to Waco
Beverly Hills 4.5 km / 2.8 miles Directions
Bellmead 6 km / 3.7 miles Directions
Lacy-Lakeview 7.8 km / 4.8 miles Directions
Robinson 11.1 km / 6.9 miles Directions
Woodway 12.3 km / 7.6 miles Directions
Hewitt 13.6 km / 8.5 miles Directions
Hallsburg 15.6 km / 9.7 miles Directions
Riesel 20.3 km / 12.6 miles Directions
Lorena 21.1 km / 13.1 miles Directions
Gholson 21.1 km / 13.1 miles Directions

The closest major cities to Waco in Texas, United States of America based on population are listed below in order of increasing distance.

Major Cities Close to Waco
Arlington 131.9 km / 81.9 miles Directions
Fort Worth 135.1 km / 83.9 miles Directions
Dallas 139.9 km / 86.9 miles Directions
Irving 144.3 km / 89.7 miles Directions
Austin 154.6 km / 96.1 miles Directions
Garland 157.6 km / 97.9 miles Directions
Plano 170.3 km / 105.8 miles Directions
Houston 260.5 km / 161.9 miles Directions
San Antonio 270.6 km / 168.1 miles Directions
Shreveport 335.1 km / 208.2 miles Directions
Corpus Christi 417.6 km / 259.5 miles Directions
Oklahoma City 439 km / 272.8 miles Directions
Lubbock 497.2 km / 309 miles Directions
Laredo 499.7 km / 310.5 miles Directions
Nuevo Laredo 508.1 km / 315.7 miles Directions
Tulsa 519.8 km / 323 miles Directions
Baton Rouge 582.9 km / 362.2 miles Directions
Reynosa 619.8 km / 385.1 miles Directions
Matamoros 633.5 km / 393.6 miles Directions
Wichita 681.9 km / 423.7 miles Directions
New Orleans 696.1 km / 432.6 miles Directions
Apodaca 707.5 km / 439.6 miles Directions
General Escobedo 713 km / 443 miles Directions
San Nicolas De Los Garza 714.7 km / 444.1 miles Directions
Guadalupe 720 km / 447.4 miles Directions

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