What do rat snakes look like in Florida?


Other common names

Gray Rat Snake, Oak Snake, White Oak Snake

Basic description

Most adult Gray Ratsnakes are about 42-72 inches (106-183 cm) in total length. Adults are light gray with darker gray blotches down the back. The belly is sandy-gray with dark square blotches. Juveniles are similar in appearance to adults.

What do rat snakes look like in Florida?

Gray Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith.

What do rat snakes look like in Florida?

Gray Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith.

What do rat snakes look like in Florida?

Gray Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith.

Range in Florida

In Florida, Gray Ratsnakes occur in the Panhandle west of the Apalachicola River. However, they do readily interbreed with Eastern Ratsnakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) in the area.

Assessment of risk to people and pets

Non-venomous. Gray Ratsnakes are not dangerous to people or pets, but they will readily bite to defend themselves. These snakes are not aggressive and avoid direct contact with people and pets. Virtually all bites occur when the snakes are intentionally molested.

Comparison with other species

Eastern Ratsnake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) Non-venomous Eastern Ratsnakes in the Panhandle look like Gray Ratsnakes as both juveniles and adults. However, adults in peninsular Florida might be yellow to gray with four dark longitudinal stripes, sometimes retaining the juvenile’s dark dorsal blotches.

What do rat snakes look like in Florida?
Eastern Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Noah Mueller.
Gray Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith.

Red Cornsnake (Pantherophis guttatus) Non-venomousJuvenile Red Cornsnakes are brownish-red with a black and white checkerboard patterned belly.

What do rat snakes look like in Florida?
Juvenile Red Cornsnake. Photo courtesy of Todd Pierson.
Gray Ratsnake. Photo courtesy of Luke Smith.

Share your observations

You can help scientists better understand the biology and distribution of this species by sharing your observations. Send photos or videos of interesting observations, along with associated information, by emailing the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum for documentation in the Museum’s Herpetology Master Database. You can also post your observations on iNaturalist.

Additional helpful information

Do you have snakes around your house? Learn how to safely co-exist with snakes.

Still have questions about snakes or identifications? Feel free to email the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum with your questions or feedback on this profile.

Banner photo courtesy of Luke Smith. Please credit any photographers on the page and see our copyright policy.

How can you identify rat snake?

Rat Snake (Dhaman) is a commonly seen snake which is famous for its fast crawling speed and much larger size than most of the widely distributed species found in India. Very long body with dark color patterns on the whole dorsal surface are its general identification features.

Do Florida rat snakes bite?

Ratsnakes will bite if provoked, but they are not venomous. Eastern ratsnakes are quite common in many backyards as long as ample cover and food is available. They are very beneficial, consuming not only rodents but also ticks found on the rodents, decreasing populations of these pests.

What kind of rat snakes are in Florida?

There are only two species of rat snake native to Florida, but they are so variable in color and pattern you'd think there were many more. The red rat or “corn” snake is the only large, red-orange snake likely to be encountered in developed areas of Florida.

Are rat snakes aggressive?

Black rat snakes are eager to avoid contact with humans and are not naturally aggressive, but people who encounter them and are not knowledgeable about them tend to be frightened nonetheless because of their large size.