What does 31 mean in Hebrew?

Part of the meaning of the number 31 comes from one of the Hebrew names for God. Gematria is a way of interpreting Scripture by substituting the letters of a Hebrew (or Greek) word by their equivalent numeric values and arriving at a total. One reference to God is El (see Deuteronomy 32:15, 17, Job 3:4, etc. in Hebrew), which is composed of the Hebrew letters Lamed and Aleph. Their numeric values are 30 and 1, respectively, for 31 total.

One of the most commonly occurring names in God's word is Moses. It appears in 31 King James translation books.

One of most frequently mentioned women in Scripture is Rebekah, the wife of the patriarch Isaac. Her name is recorded thirty-one times.

Appearances of the number thirty-one

In the King James Bible, the first chapter of Genesis, Jeremiah 4 and 5, as well as 1Chronicles 24 and 25, have 31 verses. There are forty-two chapters in Scripture that have this number of verses.

The books of Proverbs and 1Samuel number 31 chapters in the KJV.

Josiah (2Kings 22:1), considered one of the best kings of Judah after Israel split into two nations, began his reign at the age of eight and ruled for thirty-one years (from 640 to 609 B.C.).

The thirty-first patriarch in Jesus' lineage is Obed, the father of Jesse. Jesse would ultimately become the father of King David in 1040 B.C.

Josiah was 31 years old when his son Zedekiah was born (1Chronicles 3:15). Zedekiah would assume the throne over the Kingdom of Judah in 597 at the age of 21 (2Kings 24:18). He is important to Biblical history as he is the last human to rule over either Israel or Judah. His rule ended in 586 when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and burned the temple.

Number 31 and the Promised Land

Moses, before his death, aided the Israelites in conquering two kings east of the Jordan (Joshua 12:1 - 6). They were Amorite King Sihon and Og, king of Bashan. Og was especially noteworthy as he was the last of the Rephaim (giants). Scripture states his bed was 13 1/2 feet long (4.1 meters) by 6 feet (1.8 meters) wide (Deuteronomy 3:11)!

The children of Israel, under the leadership of Joshua, conquered 31 kings west of the Jordan River. These kings were defeated, and land confiscated, toward the goal of fully possessing the Land of Promise (Joshua 12:24).

More info on Biblical Meaning of 31

Surprisingly, there are no months in the Hebrew calendar that contain 31 days! Five of them always have twenty-nine days, two can have twenty-nine or thirty, and the rest always contain thirty. Compare this to our Gregorian-based calendar that always has seven months with thirty-one days.

Proverbs 31 is famous for being the "virtuous wife" chapter. It reveals the character traits and behaviors of a married woman who not only pleases God, but also blesses her family and is an asset to her neighbors. The chapter, written by a mother for her son Lemuel, is the only one penned by a female in the entire book!

In 31 A.D., the first year after Jesus' death and resurrection, the gospel is being preached in Jerusalem. The apostles, in this year, also begin the long task of compiling his teachings so that a record of what he said and did could be written down (Acts 5 and 6).

The book of Luke contains references to thirty-one Old Testament books, the second highest in the New Testament.

Series References
Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural
Design and Spiritual Significance

Quotes related to the
meaning of the number 31 taken from
Holy Bible Faithful Version (HBFV)

The number 31 symbolizes work, effort, capacity for improvement, struggle. You may have problems or some inner conflict in these moments of life and that is why you have to take the dream as a reminder of your true character.

Although you do not have much strength now, inside you there is a brave and courageous person.

The number 31 has a specific meaning in the Bible. The normal thing is before looking for the meaning of a dream in which a number appears you wake up and run to buy the lottery ticket in the hope that it is a premonitory dream.

You can do it, although the numbers in dreams are not visions, but you do not lose anything. More useful will be to attend to your interpretation, an interpretation that depends on the symbolism of the dreamed number.

If you dream of the number 31, you can begin to reflect on your fighting character. Maybe you see yourself without strength right now and that’s why you dream it, so you can recover it.

So wake up and get going, because the number 31 comes to your dreams to fill you with energy and vitality, so that you are more productive at work, so that you recover the enthusiasm and desire and, in short, to be more happy.

This is how you can take advantage of your dreams with numbers.

Meaning and Symbolism

Do you want to know what is the meaning of the number 31? The number can have different meanings depending on where they are viewed from.

For example, this number usually represents the end of a cycle, since it is related to the end of the month and, especially, to the end of the year (December 31), marking the end of a year of our life and the beginning of new one.

As for the numerology of the number 31 we must observe the two numbers for which it is composed.

On the one hand, we have the number 3, which represents the sensitivity and expression of genius of people.

This means that he is a person who needs to connect with his deepest emotions, highlighting the most sensitive side of the person. It is also usually related to creativity, dynamism and the fulfillment of objectives.

On the other hand, we have the number 1, the number that balances the creativity given by the number 3, in addition to highlighting the independence, self-sufficiency, originality and confidence that you have in yourself, It is also a number that highlights the strength and ambition, being a number that is related to beating others and being the best at what we do.

In this way we can say that the meaning of 31 in numerology is that the people who rule under this number are sensitive, but they are also very strong.

They are people who are connected to those people who give meaning to their lives and are also people who are willing to fight for everything they want to achieve, without letting obstacles prevent them from moving forward.

The number 31 can represent some negative aspects of our life, since it can be used to represent everything that we should avoid or avoid in our lives in order to follow our path. It can also represent challenges that we have to overcome before we can reach our goal.

People who are under the negative aspects of 31 will have to work hard to overcome their obstacles. It is likely that to achieve this they have to use their originality and creativity, because if they do not use what they are best at, they will not get it.

Number 31 in Love

Knowing what the number 31 means and what is its negative aspect is important for people who are guided or who are connected to the number, since in this way they can know better what the aspects in which they should strive are and those with the that you must be careful.

These people are often surrounded by unforeseen situations, in addition to that is also often surrounded by many beliefs to be the date close to the Day of the Dead, All Saints Day or Halloween, so many people believe that this number is connected to other forces.

One of the main advantages enjoyed by all those people who identify themselves with the number 31 is that they are very strong.

The 31 is a number that encourages strength and leadership, so you are usually very good entrepreneurs, always wanting to have something of their own and do it their own way instead of following the directions of other people.

Facts about Number 31

It’s not every month that has the 31st day in the calendar, so that’s why we have the Blonde of the 31st that serves to symbolize how lucky the number is.

This is even one of the best numbers to be wagered on the Mega-Sena (or not).

The proof that the number 31 really is of luck is that the 31st day of each month (those who have 31 days) are always the last, and is therefore the day of the month closest to the salary.

The 31 is a number that Zagallo does not like. In the year 1998, the French Cup for the first time had 32 teams, that is, Brazil and 31 more. In the final, 30 teams had already been eliminated.

Only 31 remained (France) and 32 (Brazil). The rest of the story everyone already knows. That’s why Zagallo hates this number.


It does not matter if they know that the path they will follow is going uphill, people who identify with this number are ready to give everything and get to the end of the road, even if it costs all their strength and energy.

Also, people who are influenced by this number are hard workers and fighters. They are people who enjoy the competition and know what to do to overcome their rivals or competitors.

What does 31 mean in Hebrew?


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What is the Hebrew meaning of 31?

The narrative of Numbers 31 specifically is one out of many in the Hebrew Bible seeking to establish the Israelites as the chosen people of the god Yahweh, who blessed them with victory in battle, health and prosperity, as long as they were faithful to his commands.

What does the Bible say about the number 31?

Bible Gateway Numbers 31 :: NIV. "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites. After that, you will be gathered to your people." So Moses said to the people, "Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites and to carry out the LORD's vengeance on them.

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31 is also the 4th lucky prime and the 11th supersingular prime. 31 is a centered triangular number, the first prime centered pentagonal number and a centered decagonal number. 31 is the eighth happy number.

What number means God?

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