What does juliana wetmore look like today

Baby born without a face, then doctors say something much more scarier. A tiny girl from Jacksonville, Florida, can teach us a thing or two about how to be beautiful. According… 

What does juliana wetmore look like today

Baby born without a face, then doctors say something much more scarier. A tiny girl from Jacksonville, Florida, can teach us a thing or two about how to be beautiful. According to her mother, Juliana Wetmore, age eleven, attends school, engages in conversation, and participates in extracurricular activities with their peers. Defying all Chances Despite...

Baby born without a face, then doctors say something much more scarier. A tiny girl from Jacksonville, Florida, can teach us a thing or two about how to be beautiful. According to her mother, Juliana Wetmore, age eleven, attends school, engages in conversation, and participates in extracurricular activities with their peers. Defying all Chances Despite...

Juliana Wetmore is known as “the girl without a face.” One of the worse documented case of a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins Syndrome and it causes, Juliana was born with severe deformations of face due to missing bones.

Four months before birth, doctors had noticed deformities but weren’t able to specifically pinpoint what’s wrong. When born, Juliana was like none other child and it was hard for everyone to understand what had happened.

Her mother, Tami was shocked. “Where is she? Where’s her face?” She’s said to have uttered according to a report in USA Today.

What does juliana wetmore look like today
Youtube screenshot of Juliana with her mother Tami. 

Her face was nothing like normal but her body was very healthy. The baby’s face had missing bones and faced difficulties to breathe. Doctors thought she wouldn’t survive but Juliana proved them wrong.

Five days after birth, her parents Tami and Thom Wetmore were able to hold their little bundle of joy and immediately fell in love with her. Soon doctors realized the baby is nearly deaf due to missing bones. Her brain however functioned normally and she could see from right eye.

What does juliana wetmore look like today

She continued to fight on for six years through operations. She went to a school for deaf, learned sign language and excelled in her school. Her family however wanted to understand how she is emotionally. Then one day they read something online which changed their girl’s life forever.

What does juliana wetmore look like today

They read about a girl called Danica, of the same age as Juliana. She lived in Ukraine and suffered the same disorder as their daughter, but milder. She too had a tough life and lived in an orphanage and was given for adoption. No one ever visited her and as she was older enough, she would have to live in streets.

What does juliana wetmore look like today

Tami and Thom visited Ukraine, met Danica and immediately decided to adopt Danica. “Let’s do it. Let’s get our daughter and fly home,” Mommabuzz, reports them saying.

What does juliana wetmore look like today

Juliana is 12 years old now and has undergone 45 operations. Enter the Wetmores. The family read about the girl online. They read about the desperate need she has to find adoptive parents. The Wetmores plan a visit to the Ukraine where they visit Danica. This one visit was all it took. The parents looked at one another and knew… ”Let’s do it. Let’s get our daughter and fly home.” They ended up adopting Danica!

What does juliana wetmore look like today

Juliana is now 12-years-old, and has had 45 operations. But she now also has Danica who by experience is able to understand her challenges.

What does juliana wetmore look like today

This family’s courage is amazing and is truly an inspiration.

Share this wonderful story of love and hope with those you love.

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Danica Wetmore lived in a Ukrainian orphanage until she was 6, and never had any visitors or inquiries. But Thom and Tami Wetmore knew they wanted to adopt her as soon as they saw her, USA Today reports. Danica was born with Treacher-Collins syndrome, a disease that caused her to be born deaf and without a considerable number of bones in her face.

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The Wetmores' daughter, Juliana, was also born with Treacher-Collins, and her case was more severe than Danica's. The Wetmores say Juliana's courage is what inspired them to adopt Danica. "Pure love," Tami says about her daughter's outlook. "She loves everybody. She doesn't judge anybody. She doesn't see anybody as different."

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The girls, now both 12 years old, are typical preteens. Juliana enjoys watching movies and playing on the computer, while Danica is incredibly artistic. 

"It's just amazing how your daughter that you look at as just a normal, everyday child that looks a little bit different has changed so many lives," says Thom. "Because you realize it's OK to be who you are."

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Cosmo Frank I am a human male that enjoys consuming meals consisting of all five food groups and fulfilling every level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.