What does nti mean in school

  • What does NTI Stand For in Organizations, Education Schools etc. ?

    For NTI we have found 197 definitions.

  • What does NTI mean? We know 197 definitions for NTI abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible NTI meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

NTI Stands For:

All acronyms (197)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (11)Common Government & Military (15)Medicine & Science (15)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (17)
***** NTI National Teachers Institute
**** NTI Not Turned in
**** NTI National Training Initiative
*** NTI National Transit Institute
** NTI Northern Technologies International Corporation
Amex symbols
* NTI NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) Technical Institute
* NTI National Technical Institute
* NTI National Trauma Institute
* NTI NeighborWorks Training Institute

How many NTI days do Ky schools get?

Beshear signs bill to give individual schools 10 NTI days. FRANKFORT, Ky. (WKYT) - Kentucky schools now have even more flexibility to deal with a COVID-19 outbreak.

What is NTI process?

NTI process is a method for obtaining a negative-tone reversal pattern by developing with an organic solvent. NTI process allows a good lithography performance at specific patterns such as narrow trenches and contact holes because of the high optical contrast with bright mask.